Wednesday, December 31, 2008
nt funny..
N its SERIOUSLY, NOT.FUNNY esp when you are watching some ghost show and alone at home.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
My happy song..
My happy song for the moment is one that i'd kept hearing for the past few months yet have no idea what's the title till the BKK trip. N thanks to penguin Bob, i even have the MP3.
'I'm Yours' is my happy song because every time i hear it i feel happy. Simple as that.
It wakes me up as i walk thru the city link to my office. It comfort me as i walk home frm the train station every evening. Just somehow, its catchy light hearted tune caught my ears and it is, for the time being, myhappysong.
Just the other day, i was still thinking that it would make a very pleasing song for a wedding and who knows, that following sunday at the wedding i went to, they use it for their montage. Which in my case, makes an already relax and sweet wedding even sweeter.
Thou i have whats the lyrics in this song means and even after googling it and reading and re-reading it several times, i still have no idea what the whole song means, i still like it, veryverymuch.
Anyway, here goes.. My happy song
But I won't hesitate no more,
Well open up your mind and see like me
So, i won't hesitate no more,
Scooch on over closer, dear
I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
But I won't hesitate no more, no more
Well open up your mind and see like me
so please don't, please don't, please don't,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
go check out e picts in facebook
she got 4As, 1B and 1D.. n she was really happy. n i'm really happy for her too!!! But the happiest part is, she took e initative to sms me her results.
Felt a sense of achievement.
With the current economy, friends started asking me on wat i wld do if i get retrenched. Part of me hope tt it wld happen to me, part of me worried bout the money. I just hope tt if i were to get retrenched, at least e package is good enough to last me for 3 mths and i can find tuitions now. Been signing up with online tuition agency these few days as money is really tight.. Need to start saving for the taiwan trip in apr.
Some friends ask me to consider NIE. I was like, 'NO! ermm.. no... hmmm... no?? ermm.. lets see ba?' I like to teach but aft hearing all those stories i do not want to get involve. N furthemore, if they do not offer me the position last apr, what wld makes them offer me the position i want this yr? I know my 10 yrs + friend wld say 'dun be crazy lar.. dun go nie..' haa.. am i rite? my dad too.. but somehow, no matter wat, I just keep toying w e idea of teaching. sigh.. dun noe arr.. we shall see how ba..
btw, airasia got discount if fly frm jan to mar lei.. wanna go phuket to dive?? haha... i miss thailand..
i'm waiting for Marley n Me to come out. Suppose to be on e 7th or 8th of Jan. Wonder if there will be any sneaks before tt.. can wait for 2009 to come.. woohoo!!! Dun make me wait for too long!
Basic photography classes had ended. Waiting for advance to start next yr. Had learn quite a lot. Its just putting wat i'd learned to use the hardest part. So, hope tt i wld practise more n apply more. hee.. I like photography..
Maybe shld pass on some skills to moomoo n CL first before our 09 Grad trip to taiwan else there wont be any picts of me.. haaa..
Think i want to learn some photoshop skills too.. so exciting..
Guess that wld be all for now.. haa.. Merry x'mas everyone. Its e time to hibernate at home!!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Happy 3 yrs old!!
In 2 more days, i wld be going to BKK. wohoo!! Cant wait for this trip to arrive!
well.. its going to be the end of a year and the start of another soon. In mine terms, its just.another.year gone and just.another.year coming.
The only constant is change.
May tis remaining yr be one of forgiveness and forgetting. What needs to be forgive, be forgotten. What done cannot be undone. The only thing we can do is to forget and move on. What needs to be put down shld be put down. Dun carry it on for another yr. Enough is enough. Lets all embrace the only constant in life.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
i.e cutting my nails while standing in the toilet.. ~_~! in record time..
n while doing so, i realised its time for me to go for my 1st (yes, FIRST) pedicure..
so, i'd decided to come up with a list of things for me to do in 2009.
1/ Pedicure
2/.... hmm.... hmm.... i really cant think of anything tt i want to do... (thats nt a resolution..)
Anyway.. will keep this list updated.. hhahaah...
I bought a 10m long cable to solve my internet-less problem. So, now i can go online anytime i want again!! yeah...
**Private (nt so) msg to my FAV HSEMATE..**
Dearest Fav Hsemate,
u BETTER contact me ASAP once u seee this!!! Else i'm going to demote u frm being my FAV hsemate ok!!!
I lost ur SG number when my BQLG hp died on me in aug leii...
Thanks n Regards,
Ur FAV hsemate.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wireless Internet
So as to minimise the use of cables and enable everyone to go online anywhere that is within the range.
Guess what i was told today?
The modem was paid by that fucking bastard so he told my dad to ask me to buy another modem because 2 users will slow down the connectivity.
And guess who is paying for the monthly Starhub bill where our SCV does not have drama or cartoon network and whatsoever and only have the Sports channel? Ya, my dad.
Seriously, wtf!
Want to make another guess how much home allowance he is giving my dad every month? ZERO!!
And you want to know how old he is? A fucking 3 yrs older than me.
Seriously, WTF!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Darcy's 3rd vet visit.
The next morning i woke up to find a few more on his back and hence bought Darcy to the vet. Another $100 flew away. No complains thou as i'm prepared mentally (not financially) for the costs. Infact, i'm grateful that theres no need for operations else we will be talking about Ks instead of hundreds..
I checked with Jia, my melb uni mate who is doing vet science and will be coming back soon (woohoo!!) and was told that it is some fungus infection due to the humid weather in Singapore. Darcy wld need antibiotics hence i NEED to bring him to the vet. I was actually thinking of self-medication but.. oh well. I rather spend small money now den big money and get back a bag full of regrets in the future.
The vet did some skin test for mites leaving Darcy with a bald red patch on his chest. (xin tia arr..). Luckily its just fungus and not mites (my dad wld kill Darcy if its mites or fleas). At least i can blame my dad for not mopping the floor last week and my mum for buying the 'other-ppl-say-good' human brand shampoo for Darcy. I'm partly to blame for using it on Darcy -_-
Darcy was given some antibiotics, antiseptic lotion and cream to apply. Need to watch him closely for the next two weeks and hope that it wont worsen. Now, i dun even dare to comb his fur too hard incase i hurt his infected area.
I took cab to and fro the clinic with Mr CK(thanks for going w me!) and surprisingly the taxi uncles were pretty nice about me carrying a pup in a bag and never complain about the flying fur or watsoever anyone can complain about. Next time, i wont need to keep asking ppl to ferry me about whenever i need to bring Darcy to the vet. I can just take the cab and pray hard that they are dog loving people! (Think i need to do more good deeds first ba..)
It sucks when my dad said 'you handle it yourself' and walked away when i told him that i need to bring Darcy to the vet. It sucks knowing that the owner of the family car told my dad to not drive Darcy as his fur is everywhere. And it sucks not being able to find someone who can drive me to the vet. I know its no one obligation, but still, it sucks. And yes, i felt alone at times like these. And all i can do is to hope that i wont have a hard time getting a cab. And hope that Darcy will behave in the cab and would not puke, pee or poo. Luckily he was a good boy yesterday.
I read from forum that oatmeal is good hence i went to buy a tin of instant oatmeal with the intention of rubbing it on his skin when bathing him this sunday. Wondering if i shld add in a few drops of Tea Tree oil too..
Hope he will recover soon.
At least hes still as playful and greedy as usual so i'm still not tt worried despite the fact that one of the medicine will cause drowsiness, hes still running around like a 'xiao gao' but sleeping more than usual..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Life as it is..
So, today, i will change my bedsheets, do a facial scrub, a cleansing and mosituring mask and condition my hair. Because simply, it is TODAY.
What have you put off doing? Wanna do it TODAY?
I'd started my basic course for about 1mth and had went for one field trip. Can say that i'm having some good time with my 450D. Theres weekly homework to hand in for this course and normally its 2-3 picts on wat we had learn the previous lessons. But i always ended up being distracted and started shooting Darcy. I just wanna capture how he sit, how he yawn, how he ignore me, how he smile and grin at this stage of life. Boy is he growing fast.
It seems like just yesterday where he first jump off the sofa and kinda sprin his front leg. Today, he can easily jump up and down the sofa. Without even having to run and leap. Now he just do a little push with his hindleg and hes up on the sofa bitting wherever possible. There is no longer any safe place that is out of reach for him.
He's just growing so fast. But he's still sleeping like a roast pig. Hope he will always do so.
Now, i'm just waiting for Mr Peng to finish his exam and help me take some portraits of Darcy and me.. (Openly hinting**)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Like father like dog..
I overfed Darcy today. Giving him an hard boiled egg and much much kibbles. Den my mum woke up and feed him some bread as shes having her breakfast. Den it was my dad's turn.
At 4pm, i started cooking for him. Boiling pumkin, chicken liver and steam brown rice.
Now, he has a big tummy and is sleeping again. sigh.. i shld watch wat i'm feeding him else he become like my dad...
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Just another another day..
He do so by biting me. If i just push him away, he will come back and bite some more. Den i will start smacking his mouth and he will continue biting, even aiming for the hand that is wacking him. Den when i increase my strength and screaming NO with every wack i place on him he will den stop, stand back, look up and bark at me. (I think its only a matter of time my next block neighbours call SPCA). When Darcy bark at me, i will yell NO and point my finger at him which will make him bark even louder and when i stand up and raise my hand to hit him den he will pretend to run away only to do a round and come back to bite my hand.
By that time, i wld be screaming 'OUT' (its also a matter of time the NP are called for late disturbance to the neighbour) and pointing to the balcony or out of my door den he will stand there and look at me. I will walk to the balcony or out of my room and he will normally follow but stop at the middle of the smaller living room. With more 'OUT's he will sit down put his head on his paws and look up at me. Arrggg.... What am i suppose to do now? With that look, he sure win. I will nag nag at him den when he's bored of acting pathetic he will stand up, turn his back at me and walk away.. Vomit blood ar...
Looks like my dad's effort of bringing him front of GYNN, praying that Darcy will be blessed with well mannered is wasted. sigh..
In 6mths time, i wld be in TW, along with a couple of beloves.. This will be our grad trip you know. Thou it is 10yrs too late. But well, late better than never.. so yeah!! 6 more mths to TW and 1mth 1wk to BKK. woohoo...
Hope this November flies with love, joy and happiness!!
Ya.. i'm kinda high frm chasing aft Darcy.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
hmm... Something to look forward to..
Finally the air ticks to Taiwan for next April have been settled. It was even more exciting than at the market. We even resort to having a conference call with 4 persons participating. Haa..
Now its left to planning. I have a few close friends who had been to Twd recently so shall be getting some info from them. Just that most times, they just like to say 'Did you go to here here and here?' AFT we got back from the trip. Then when asking them on where to go BEFORE the trip they will say 'aiya, you just anyhow walk lor, i also dun noe what to tell you.' Trust me, you wont be the only one saying.. Cause 80% of the times, this happened to me.. N u will really want to strangle that person sitting in front of you.. serious.
My dad's youngest sis when heard that i'd bought Darcy, kept expecting my dad to bring Darcy over to her place everytime he went over but my dad didnt. So she told him to bring Darcy over when i go on holiday.
Today my mum told me that her youngest's brother's oldest daughter loves dog so she told her that when i go on holiday, she will let her keep him while i'm away.
I have a couple of friends who won't mind looking aft Darcy for me when i'm away (i think).
Just that, i reckon, when i'm really away, i dun think there will be anyone who will want to help me look after him. Just a thought.
Anyway, went for my last Mentoring session for the year (forever) yesterday. All the brown monkeys were let out from the zoo (as quoted by Mr Ang on the mentees dyed hair). Felt a bit 'bu se de' but its time to move on. I hope i will not stop here but will instead continue to look for other social services which i can participate in. A bro asked me to join him in his club which aims to help the eldery participates in community service. I dont know. I'm still thinking about it. I was actually looking for a club which assist autistic ppl but no luck so far. So shall see how. Furthermore, i'm planning to have tuition classes next yr. Dun noe if i will be able to make it. 4 classes the max for me. Need to start advertising le. Help me pls..
Friday, October 24, 2008
On Darcy.. Our 1mth anniversary.
It was kinda love at first sight but not with Darcy, its with another sheltie. The first sheltie i know of. He/She was 8mths old and i was surprise when the shop owner told me that they are HDB approved. FINALLY, i'd always love big dogs esp golden retriever (its still my wish to have one) and buying a toy dog is just my no-choice choice. So when i was finally exposed to a medium size dog in singapore, i kinda find my direction in the type of dogs i wld want to keep.
Furthermore, having someone chanting beside me to get a big size dog is not helping those Maltese, Pomeranian much. They are too small.
So finally at one pet shop in Pasir Ris farm, i found what i'd been looking for. Its just that.. sometimes you dun get what you want..
I wanted a 'no need to repeat what i said' pet but i got one who can only remember commands like 'sit' and 'up' when food is infront of him.
I wanted a gentlemanly dog who will always walk beside me but instead i got one who likes to cross my path walking from my left to my right and he loves to walk infront of me. And when i accidentally trip on him, he thought i'm playing with him and starts to nip my toes.
I wanted a cool boy but i got a cheeky fellow. Who after being here for 2wks, started to show his teeth/fangs when he smile. When he first got here, all he could do was to smile gently, but now, he grins for free.
I wanted someone who can sense my mood, be with me when i feel sad but instead i got someone who determines my moods, making my blood boil most of the time and bringing out the screamer(whose limited vocab is 'bad boy' and 'NO') in me.
I always wanted a dog to cuddle and hug but i got a dog who bites and scratches me at any chance he has. (I read in forum that sheltie are very gentle creatures, except when they were puppies. I hope this is true for my Darcy too..)
I never thought that my dog would lessen the strain btw my mum and i. Because of Darcy, i started communicating with my mum.
I never thought that my dog can help my dad keeps an eye on me. Now, everyday, my dad knows where i'm going and what time i will be back (not that he cares) because i call home everyday to check if Darcy has been fed.
I never thought that having a dog can be so frustrating yet so funny. All he needs to do is to be himself and it would be enough.
I never thought that just one week after having him, i would care so much for him. Thinking of his shit, what colour it is, the texture and quantity. My parents and i common topic would be to discuss when, where and how Darcy's shit is. Thats a new found topic which i'd never thought possible.
I never thought that i wld go into ALL pet shops that are in front of me to find toys and treats to buy for Darcy. There seems to be an never ending list of items that Darcy would need.
I just hope that Darcy would grow up to be a happy and healthy adult with a long lifespan. I hope that i will never give Darcy away be it whatever reason. I want him by my side for as long as he can.
For that to come true, i know i have to be very hardworking. In grooming, feeding and playing with him.
Pray that i wld never say that i'd give him up.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My birthday pressie frm e fantastic 4.. hee.. (before i forget again)

Brought Darcy for his 3rd vaccin on sun at MP and he took the jab like a man. Or maybe he's too dense and was thinking of other stuffs to notice that he will be getting a jab. The vet was quite pro and swift (i feel) in giving darcy the needle. It was over and done with in less than 2 seconds. All Darcy did was give a twitch as the back of his neck was poked and the fluid injected into him. He had the eyes big big, 'wats happening' look and when its all over, he went back to sniffing around and even made fun of the vet by pressing the num lock key on her keyboard without anyone noticing. We went home aft tt and this time he didnt puke in the car like he did last time.
He was very lethagic for the whole day as advised by the vet but by the next morning he was back to his usual. Running anywhere and everywhere IN A FLASH. I think he was trying to make up for lost time. He gobble down all his food with no sighs of loss in appetite, not even the day before. Hes just a hungry dog anyday, everyday. And yes, he continued biting me AGAIN.
Brought Darcy out on tues as my dad went to drive my mum back so we went to 'blow wind'. That lousy dog when put down on the ground refuse to move and just sat down, looking up at me as if saying 'i still have jelly legs frm the car ride. what more do you want now?' In the end i have to carry him around and we found a bench near the road and sat down there where he lay close beside me, his head moving to the sound of the vehicles on the road and even when its only other ppl just walking over. Sigh. Den on the car ride back, he was again the perfect dog, resting on my lap lifting his heads to just look at me asking 'Are we there yet?' Giving me licks on my hand now and then. Den when going up the multi storey carpark, he cld take it no more and he puke once again onto the ESPRIT towel which we had just washed and dried. Sigh.. My mom need to wash it again.. =P
After i put him down in our balcony, he still had the gazed looked but within 5seconds, he's THE KING OF THE WORLD again. (or so he thinks). He started sniffing around, running around and yes,he takes to biting me AGAIN!! And being the naughty rascal he is.
Darcy had gain my parents trust by peeing and pooing in his tray everytime (but he'd been suspected to be peeing on the rugs) but at least he poo in his tray everytime even when there is noone around. So, my parents let him out of the cage and allow him the freedom to roam all corners of our flat except for the bedrooms when noone is at home. He does not bark at 6am in the morning now. But he went to lick my mum's arm and bite my dad toes yesterday morning when they were still sleeping. They didnt close their room door you see. My mum was even telling me that she wants to let Darcy sleep in their room so that he has better access to the toilet. (This is so obvious that she's trying to make Darcy HER dog!) But after the 'morning call' Darcy gave them yesterday, they close their room door last nite. But me being me, i opened their door this mornign when i was going to work. (My mum was still sleeping you see..=D) I wonder what Darcy will do today.
Haha... The other night, i was sitting on the sofa ignoring him after he kept biting me and no matter how much/hard i hit he still thinks that i'm playing with him. Darcy started running in circle from our small living room to the big and then to small then to big and all of a sudden, i saw him dashing towards my direction and before i know it, he had leap and almost landed on my face but because i sat up in shock he bang onto the backrest of the sofa. I got the shock of my life. All these while, sitting on the sofa is the safest as he was unable to jump this high but i was so wrong. He started biting me in any area possible and i stood up leaving him all alone on the sofa. Now he's trapped because, hes afraid of height. He didnt know how to get down. So he started going in circles in the small space he has like a mad dog. Sigh.. what have i gotten for myself???
Ever since i told my friends of the name i'd gotten for Darcy, the reply i got was all 'haha.. what kind of name is this for a dog?' They started to name him themselves. Common one was Dusty, Rusty (my colleagues), baria(pyh), throw west(tyl), bobby(dad, frm where one). Surprisingly enough, my JC n Uni mates all said its so me to name him Darcy as they all know who Mr Darcy is. Dun think Jane Austen will be too happy at me thou.
But the names that i called Darcy most often is
1. Boy-boy
2. Bad-boy
3. Darcy
4. Siao gao
5. Good boy
So i think, he shld be having an identity crisis now.
Had been reading in forums participated by pet owners recently and i realised that actually blood in stools ican actually be fatal. And i took so long in bringing him to the vet. I sure hope that Darcy will not hold it against me thou. His stool are more firm now and will stay on the tray instead of falling into the tray. So, i hope that this is a good sign.
Need to register him for a license, get him checked for heartworm and sterlised him next.
It had been medically proven that dogs when sterlised are able to live longer and healthier. This i have to agree cause all emperors die young and the eunuchs are called 'gong gong = long life'. hehe.. (tis suppose to be a cold joke!!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008
2 days more and Darcy will be 3 mths old.. haa
Looking down from where i'm sitting to see Darcy sleeping beside me.
Truth to be said, i feel rich. Really rich. With all the little things i have.
And yes, i'm happy. Truely happy.
US yet missing the 2 old guys but really thankful to them for coming.(though i know i'm nt the main reason why they were here! =) )

My first birthday with my 25th Birthday's Present.
Monday, September 29, 2008
6th day at home..
He's actually a DEVIL in disguise. oh no!!!
This dog is damn smart. He knows what irritates you so after you had given him a scolding, he wld purposely go poo and pee anywhere but his tray. He KNOWS where he's suppose to poo and pee at but after a scolding, he will POO and PEE at anywhere thats not his tray!!! arggg.... N he thinks that my fingers and toes are edible!! He will leap at them.. n bite them!!
Oh no!! I'd gotten a devil who acts like an angel in the first few days!! sigh....
P.S He's 62.5cm long from nose to tail today.
5th day at home..
I woke up this morning to discover blood in his faeces. I was so so worried, so i smsed my dog friend lcm and asked him. He said to call the petshop owner to check so i called Don. He said it might be because of Darcy's diarrhea for the past few days which was a result of stress, which i totally agree cause yest aft lcm + pyh left aft a nite visit where Darcy was scolded n terrorised by lcm, he had diarrhea immediately after i put him back in the cage.. aww.. Poor Darcy.. But on the other hand, he deserves it.. for peeing n pooing anywhere he seems fit.. ANyway, Don asked me to check his stool for the next 2-3 days and if there is more blood i shld bring him to the vet.
Luckily for now, the last few output was alrite. I'm wondering if he was stressed out by the rubbish truck tt comes every morning at seven. Where he will become paronoid and run around trying to find someone. sigh.. hes such a scarry cat yet so playful.. n is a biter.. hhahaa
I went to buy milk suitable for dogs and cats today, it costs about $5 for a pac. I wonder if i need to refridge it after i open. It states that giving dogs and cats some milk is good for their diarrhea as too much dry food is hard to digest. Another sales assistance promoting Science Diet was suggesting that i mix half can food to half dry food or to soak the dry food in water so that it will be softer. sigh.. shld see how for the next couple of days.
I bathed Darcy this afternoon. Hes such a brave boy. He didnt whine at all nor bark. Just quietly stood there on his hind legs while his front paws rest on my left arm. I was left with one right hand to do the rest of the things. He seems to enjoy water a lot as he likes going to the toilet a lot. But i caught him licking water from the toilet floor which shows how lazy he is from going to his water bottle in the balcony. But he's still so cute..
He's just so cute..
Sunday, September 28, 2008
4th day at home..
aw.. if only everyday can be spend like this..
P.S: Darcy is a nice name ok. Go here to read more on him!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
3rd day at home..
I was rather angry as Darcy was having liquid stools. He had not drank much water for the last two days and as heard from mum he had had diarrhea for the whole day. I asked her what had she been feeding him and she said dog biscuit in the morning and boiled chicken in the evening. Then why is poor Darcy having watery stool.
He had dragonfruit yesterday thou but it had been shited out yesterday as i saw seeds in his shit. Damn.. Hope he will be better tmr. I told my mum to stop giving him any other food other then dog food. Let him get used to it first before feeding him with all kinda junks.
So worried. =(
Thursday, September 25, 2008
2nd day at home
Turned out, she really get along quite well with my boy boy. After all, they are just 3 days and 25yrs apart. haha..
Came back and my boy boy dun recognise me again. But it only took him a few seconds to realised that its me. His fav human. haha..
My parents fed him boiled chicken and dragonfruit today. And i thought that i was suppose to be the only one who will spoiled him.
Have decided on his name. Initially was thinking of onite and whinny which was the two names i wanted to call my dogs 2 yrs ago and since my boy started whinning today and i bought him in sept, both names suits him. But along came Mr Darcy and ya, Darcy will be good for him. Like the human who was jealous of him and also crazy over majong, she started calling him 'da xi' which sounds like throwing west in majong. But, my dog is DARCY. DAR-CI. Dar for short. haha... His chinese name should be De-Xi. So, will be Darcy Wong De Xi. Nice rite. Haha..
Oh, btw, Darcy is a Shetland sheepdog. Suppose to be the 6th brightest dog as shown in the webbie. Haha.. He sure is smart. I just hope that he will grow up to be a happy dog. =)
Anyway, i will be home sun to wed, so those interested or needs a cutie to brighten your day, just give me a call n drop by to visit him if you want. He might melts you for all you know..
I bought a bone and the teeth cleaning thing for him to chew on. My parents commented that i shld have gotten a ball instead for it to play. I shall go find one tmr then..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Shld i call it Mr Darcy??
We were told that hes the naughty one among the two but also the brighter one. The other one is tamer. But the other one doesnt seem to like me as much and i even caught him rolling his eyes at me. Hence this is the one.
My boy was born on 14th July 08, needs one more vaccine and is needing a leash, collar, bowl and lots of toys.
Was msning w gh on dogs' names and he suggested naming him after my idol. I dun really have any serious one and the only one i cld think of was Mr Dacy as in the Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. That Darcy appears to be snobbish and arogrant and incredibly hansome. In truth, hes a gentlement, steady and well behaved as ultimately hansome. So i'm thinking of naming my boy Mr Darcy. When i like him lots i will call him darling or dar dar. On days he is not being hes best i will scold him DARREN!! hahaha...
He was walking in circles in my small living room about half hour after his meal. He kept looking at the cage but he didnt dare to take the small step down to the balcony. In the end, he finally cldnt hold it anymore and pee in the living room. I quickly carried him to his cage and place him on his pee+poo tray and pointed to the tray and said in a stern voice 'bad boy'. He looked real sorry for himself. I went back to clean up the mess and came back to check on him afterwards to discover a whole chunk of gold on the tray. So guai!!! Hes indeed tray-trained. haha...
After which he whined a bit when i left him in the cage. Gosh.. I hope he will be fine tonite. The last i checked on him, he was on the verge of sleeping and he looks at me with those sleepy eyes.. aww...
Den when my mum scolded me for not sleeping, he woke up.. haii.. Hope he's first night will be good..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Oct resolutions..
So as to pay off my previous debt..
Damn the credit cards.. ~_~
Monday, September 22, 2008
Aft so many tuition sessions, i finally did it..
I made my tutee cry last sat. I took out a piece of tissue and told her its the last one. I gave a loud sigh and said, 'Why are you crying when i haven even scold you?' I waited for her to wipe her tears away and continue with the lesson.
I didnt ask her to stop crying. I didnt ask her whats wrong. I didnt tell her that everything is alright. I didnt say a lot of things tt i shld have said. Instead i was cool to the point of being cold after she told me her results. She flunked, badly. Shes sitting for her O's and truth to be told, shes not ready.
I know she didnt dare to tell her mum as she knew that her mum wld scold her. But she choose to tell me. Instead of consoling her, i gave a loud sigh and said 'I really do not know what to do with you.' We went thru her exam paper and somewhere at probability her tears started to drop.
I guess its the silent treatment that made her realise the seriousness of the current situation. I just hope that in this remaining one mth she will go back to the time where i first started teaching her. When she cared more about maths than where i'm going afterwards. Where she take pride in her work and main aim is to score. I just wish that she will not have any regrets when the O's results are out. I wish that next year when she called to tell me her results, i can picture her jumping up and down and not be hiding in one corner crying away.
Hope she will not choose to give up but be more motivated..
What can i do now?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Things tt made me happy..
My Skagen watch. Though this is not the one i fall head over heels with, but the more i look at it, the more i fall for it. Haa.. My friends do noe me best..
Last but not the least.. This nv fails to bring a smile to my face..
Saturday, September 20, 2008
yt is feeling domestic this sept..
Now tt its mid sept, i kept having ideas on how to cook what. I'd been reading recipes online and had kinda gotten the touch on what i want to cook.
I went to buy lamb chop (finally) which cost me $12 for jus 1 piece (filthy ex) and pork chop just now. Both are being marinated in the fridge this very minute. The lamb will be my first so i used the normal seasoning of rosemary, pepper etc etc. (Must remember to salt it tmr, just before cooking as adding salt to the marination will draw the moisture out if) Wonder how will it taste like. Hope its not too tough.. haa.. But i will be the only one eating it so not nice also must say nice lar.. Then from the web, i found a way of marinating pork using lime/lemon carbonate soda. This will be the first time i use this kinda liquid marination. Really have no idea how all these will turn out.
Just hope tt xy will not be reading this before tmr else i doubt tt she will come to be my taster. Haha.. My another taster manage to run away before its too late to an addidas sale so i'm only left w one. Not including my parents cause i feel tt their taste buds are not functioning well enough. haha..
But nt to worry, i'd got more mouths to feed in 2 wks time where i will be making beer battered fish n mash potatoes.. haaaaa... I'm like so nice to find the eve of the p.h to cook for them so that they can have e whole p.h to recover from whatever mishap that is to happen. haa.. thanx me quick!!!
Monday, September 08, 2008
3 times
The first two had brought out friends i didnt noe existed. Giving me all the encouragements when i needed them most. People i thought who will be just a mere passer-by in life pop up here and there to remind me of their existence. Not forgetting those who are alway here, by my side. A big thank you for being with me when i needed you most.
Like i mentioned several times in previous posts, 'when nothing seems to goes right, just hang in there. Oneday it will all go right'. With each passing day, things seem more east bound. The pain mellow down like a bottled of aged wine, where it seems more smooth and easy down the throat.
I'm finding peace with myself and i'm preparing for the third one to come.
I can never say i'm ready for the third because they like to come out of nowhere and give you the shock of your life. But at least now, i know i'm not alone.
In the meanwhile, i'm putting one foot infront of the other. Its just going to be another day. I'm walking towards another day as well as i'm walking away from
This is life, and life is good. They take some but at the same time, they give some. And sometimes even more.
I'd actually learn and gain a lot this time round.
Thank you!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Guess wat??
woohoo!!! haha... i cant wait for thurs to come.. ahahah
Happy Birthday Chocolate Lover!!
It wasnt just the rain that makes me went last friday. You were part of the reason too!! N that 'best photo of the nite' take it as my birthday present to u lar.. hope that many many yrs down the road, when u look at the pict u wld still remember the fun we had!!!
All the best and may all your wishes come true!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hope that the long persistent wait was worth it.
Today, i also went for a much needed swim. Nothing much, just 5 laps. Half of my goal but better than nothing. N aft tt, i went to have a hearty lunch w my parents n 'mistaken sister'. I was dead tired by the time i reach home and had a nap frm 6 to 7. It had been months since i was able to nap. Hence it feels good. Feels like taking another day off tmr. Haa.. But i shall not waste my leave like this.
Went Batam on sunday. It was my first trip there that i can remember and my 2nd trip there by right. Batam was alright. so-so. Think i wld prefer to stay overnight in a nice resort and have the 'sunset dinner' or maybe i will just go to Bintan.
Saturday, i went to catch the fireworks festival. I reached Esplanade at 5.30pm hence i went to Library@Esplanade to waste sometime only to feel a live performance put up by the staff there. It was an introduction on medley performance and it was really nice. They sang really well and the band was good too.
After which, went for dinner and went to find a place at 8pm. We found a decent enough spot , take our positions and waited. The anticipation before the first burst of light made me tremble slightly. It has been a while. At slightly over 9pm, the fireworks started. Most time i was snapping away. Since i wasnt using my tripod as its not tall enough i shoot without one. Most turn out to be shaky but there were a couple that i was satisfied with. Cant wait for next year Fireworks Festival to come.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dreams may come true when u look pathetic enough...
My eyes fall on a copy of Courts discount booklet and as i was looking at those 'wall TVs', i let out a LOUD sigh and said 'when will i be able to have one in my room?' all the while looking sad and longing at the pictures. It was actually more of my own thoughts spoken out loud than asking my dad for one.
Dad said 'I also want one, when will i have one then?'
I said 'You wait long also wont have lor.'
Dad didnt argue back this time round like he did many many times ago nor did he complain on ill treatment by his flesh and blood. Instead he asked me to turn on the TV.
Come Sept IT fair, we might both have our wishes come true!! woohoooo.....
The 2 things on my mind
Am i wrong to choose another?
Is he best for me?
Afterall these years i'd turn back to him, maybe he's really THE ONE after all.
All these questions and emotions pop out repeatedly everytime i think of him.
What if the other one is not as good as deem to be?
What if others said is not true afterall, i do not need a change, i'm better with the old one. I should stick to him as i'm more comfortable with him.
But i choose to stand firm. I choose to move on. To put the past behind me. I NEED TO MOVE ON. I cant keep hanging in the past when everyone is changing.
Come Monday and i will be welcoming my Sony Ericson W980.
Farewell to my Nokia 8250. (yes, i'm using it since my BQLG died on me mths back.)
I'll be low-tech ger no more.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
An email that make me smile..
Its still making me smile.
yeah.. life is good..
i msned him.
Somehow, he *melts* me again.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Im a planner..
I like to be in control. I like to get the things i plan for. I like the planning stage and surprisingly enough, the part where i finally got it is not the part i enjoys the most.
I obtain immense delight when coming up with a plan, going about the plan, working on the plan. I enjoyed these most. When i finally got what i plan to, i will be delighted but sad at the same time that i'd come to the end of my PLAN. Because that is the end of the journey.
I do not look like a planner. Ppl wld be surprise to know that im a P L A N N E R. Because im a libra. N libra is famous for being indecisive hence they hates making decision. As a result, they wont want to make plans for anything. But im a Libra who likes to plan. I likes to be organised. I like to know when i will be doing what.
Maybe, its the idea of knowing i have something to look forward to that keeps me afloat in this meaningless life im living. Else, w/o all these plans, i think i wld have given up..
So, to remind myself to breath, i make plans for my future. Here goes..
1/ to get my hp
2/ to get my dog by end of sept (im seriously serious)
3/ revamp my room
Saturday, August 09, 2008
My 400th post.. wOw..
This yr, i will be. I hope i get to do what i want to do and not get played out.
43th Birthday. Somehow, to me, its always the 20-something. I was kinda stuck there, in that period. Where life is easy and free. N National Day meant hanging out flags, watching performance, school holidays and watching parade on TV.
Now, National Day is just another day. A day to avoid going to CityHall. A day to hang out with friends.
Life, it has never been the same.
The only constant is change.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
It came true..
I was sipping my 'mei jiu', unwinding from a long and stressful day, with Grey's playing on my labtop, the aircon gently humming, slowly savouring my Red Rock Deli Honey Soy Chicken Potato Chips and 2 Milkyways.
oh yeah.. tts hw life shld be.
Simple and nice... The way i like it...
Monday, August 04, 2008
I was attached for 20mins..
The uncle was pretty hostile and my hp was low on batt. The only thing i cld think of was to appear friendly. Because, i believe, you wont harm your friends, or so i thought.
I started chatting with him about the nite safari, the animal show, the tram ride, the animals, that there arent much ppl left in the zoo(so tt he wld feel pleased tt at least he had a passenger) den somehow, one way or other, it became my age, my status etc.
I was worried that he wld want to play a matchmaker role so somehow, along the way, i told him i'm attached. He asked me when am i getting married. I said its still not stable. He said 'u can get married already'. I said it still depends. He said 'so you are just waiting for ur bf to propose la'. I said 'see how la.' Den he said 'can la, you are old enough to get married.' I was like -_-!!
Soon, i'm where i needed to be. I thanked him for the ride pay the fare and resume my original status.
What a ride.. hahahahahahahaha...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Its THURSDAY already!!
Its already Thursday!! Maybe the Perth Trip really do me good. I'm still feeling good! haha.. Or maybe its due to other factors... who knows..
But physically, i'm so tired!! I didnt noe meeting w insurance agents can be so tiring! Arggg!! I cant wait to get it over and done with. haaha....
The more i hear, the more i feel like buying.. sian ahh..
Now tt 7 mths have gone since i made my new yr resols.. I guess i'm almost halfway to meeting them.. haaa.. Think the other half is the hard part...
I started my diet plan with eating yong tau foo with no noodles nor rice and den change to eating sliced fish soup because ytf increase by 50cents overnight!!! Now, if i were to further decrease my food intake, i think i wld be eating air!! I really really need to start exercising if i need to lose e other half. Else, give me another heartache ba.. But honestly, i rather not have it.
I cant wait to get a wkend off, so tt i can start on any 1 of the 3 korean drama tt i'd bought close to 3 wks ago. I can picture myself, sitting on my comfy bed, watching from my labtop, with the aircon on, my one and only pack of red rock deli Honey Soy Chicken chips in my hand. wahh... Thats my fantasy!!
Looking at my organiser, i think i need to wait till sept to make my fantasy comes true!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Another wk gone just like tt..
It was another 'hetic' wk for me (in a good way), i was only home for dinner on wed. Gosh... This is tiring...
Went drinking on turs nite w uni mate again! Ha.. Brewerks this time. Dun really like their beer. Still prefer Erdinger... yummy.. It is nice chilling out just like tt..
Went for free SEAFOOD dinner w PO n CL. PO treated us. So fantastic of her!! But nt tt fantastic aftwards.. haii.. SHe left e 2 CLs. We were so heartbroken.. =( 2 lonely souls on a Friday nite. N because she left half a glass of unfinish sea breeze, i helped her finished it. I think too much to eat n too much to drink is not too good. It makes me sleepy only. Sorry CL. For making it into such a short nite. Blame it on PO kay.. ahahaha....
Sat was filled w mentoring, tuition n rotting..n finally a long awaited movie!! Caught 'The Dark Knight' at CWP and indeed its good. I was sitting upright for the last 3/4 of the show. This was how good it was. Thanks to FM933 for e 2.5hrs warning but it honestly doesnt felt like 2.5 hrs.. At first i thought The Dark Knight was refering to Joker only to realise that it was referring to Batman. haa..
Today, went for tuition and i took e lift at the wrong block. i know i'm suppose to go to blk xx4, but when i reach xx2, i walk to the lift, den went up. Walked to the flat to find tt a christian family had moved it.. haha.. I went down, walk to blkxx4, took the lift up, walked to my student's flat and found her there. Sigh.. why must they build all HDB flats alike?? So confusing..
Den i went for my next tuition at Farfaraway. This is a new tutee and his wings are getting harder by the day. But i was firm too.
Me: this is hw from ur txbk
tutee: can we do 10 yr series instead?
Me: *think for a while* Why?
tutee: Cause its easier..
Me: *faint* NO! Txbk is good cause its more challenging.
Den i start insisting tt he do all his work n blah blah blah..
Yeah!! He didnt say anything else. haha.. i'm the tortouring tution teacher (TTT)!! hahah
Came home aft tt and i clean up my room, slightly. I cant imagine the stuff tt had accumulated in the last 1.5 yrs. When i reno my room last yr, i threw away a lot of things and store e rest in the other room. But today i realised tt there are many many more things to put away. How come?? I dun like cause i have no space to put all the stuff and i really feel like throwing those gift exchange's gifts away. eikkss...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My wkend..
My one wk course finish early for the day and we all went to Durty Nelly for a drink under the invitation of our big boss. Who can reject him? Or shld i say, who dares to reject his offer?
Aft which at 8plus, we left for Broiler at St James. It was my first time there and i truely enjoy it more than at Dragonfly. Dun ask me why, maybe because one of the singer is really cute, and the gay one is extremly funny and somehow, we manage to sabo one colleague on stage. The music was good too. Because the singer is cute ma..
There, they ordered 2 bottles of johnny walker then 2 towers of beer and finally a shot of Tequilla for everyone. I only had a vodka lime, a johnny walker+ mixer, 1.5glass of beer+ johnny walker and a Tequilla shot. Thats all i cld take and i left shortly after the shot. CMI ah..
I kinda lost consicous on the cabride home and i remember that i was dreaming that i was talking to my new found colleagues and suddenly i said out loud a word which i cant remember now. With that i woke up and glance at the taxi driver. Luckily he didnt turn back to look at me.
Once i reach my place which surprisingly i woke up when he was about to reach, i tap on the passenger seat indicating him to stop, got out of the cab, walked to the grass patch and puke. I went back to the cab, pick up my bag which had fallen onto the floor, took out my wallet, den went back to puke. Walk back to the cab, paid him $30, said 'i'm sorry' he said 'its ok. it happens' i said 'BUT it doesnt happen to me!!' Then close the door and walk on. Den puke again. That was so unglam!!! I managed to reach home, PUKE, wash my feet(my habit), strip and sleep.
I woke up at 5lus the next morning with an extreme ache on my shoulders, i drunk some water and went back to sleep. Waking before 8am, bath and went to mentoring. Aft mentoring, i rush home, change and went to my first church wedding, my colleague's. It was touching at time and the tear was on the brim of dropping and my guy colleague will start saying something silly. It was funny but really kill the 'atmosphere'. haha.. My colleague looks real pretty that day. But non of us brought our camera. So, shall wait for their photo to come out now. Aft the reception(which have real good egg-mayo sandwiches), i rush back for tuition at wdl. Finally at 7pm, i was able to call it a day. I was so tired and my mind wasnt functioning fast enough and as a result, i took a cab home which cost me $8. Sigh. Kinda regretted it.
Had dinner den slacking infront of the TV and then CL called for a teh tarik. Who can resist a teh tarik w CL? Even ppl at Vivocity wld rush back to have teh tarik w CLs lor.. hahaha... Den it was the long awaited chitchat session at the kopitiam till 11pm den we finally went back and i was able to call it a day. Honestly, i have no idea what happened aft i got home yesterday. I only know tt i woke up at 10am this morning. It had been so long that i were able to sleep without waking till 10am. I think it must have been months as previously, i wld wake up at 7plus or 8plus den went back to sleep again.
I was woken by Mr Peng, he had a too good to be resisted lobang hence i woke up, shower and joined him in less than 20mins. We went to Bukit Panjang Plaza to buy the 'fridge' den he drove me back and to my first tuiton of the day at wdl.
My poor girl was sick so i insited tt we have 1 hr for today instead, hence leaving me with extra time to be spend at Compass Point which resulted in my spending $170 on clothes. Its the last day of GSS, so... anyhow lar.. Den aft my second tuition at Serangoon, i took a bus to meet my Purchasing Officer at amk. who knows, i took the wrong bus, instead of a 15mins ride i ended up with an over 1hr ride to Marine Parade den back to Serangoon and to amk. So blur!!
Finally met up with PO, went for dinner den went shopping as we were feeling full and i spend another $120. Now, i have new clothing!! haha.. and an empty wallet. But well, pay's coming. haha...
Was looking at my expenses spreadsheet and i realised tt i'd not been shopping for almost 6wks. (Not counting the part in Perth) Thats a long while!!! No wonder i was like tt today! haha..
Aft i reach home, i took a shower, conditioned my hair, had a body and face scrub, did a cleansing facial followed by a moisturising facial and tts me now! Nothing beats a good pampering on urself! haha.. Now, i'm ready for tmr. I hope!!
But anyway, it was a great wkend! yeah!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
i really really like these picts lots...
There are times when my smiles are forced and stiff and its extremly obvious that i wasnt having a good time.
These picts below show hw happy i am to see the photographer as well as the mood i was in when the photos was taken. Relaxed, with joy in my heart.
Thats the way hw my life shld be like.. n urs too!

Monday, July 14, 2008
thinkg -ve thoughts again
Wld u kick urself for not expressing ur feelings when u have a chance?
Wld ur heart break again and nv heal ever?
Wld u be able to take the news, smile and send ur blessings?
What wld i do?
Can i be selfish and wish that this will nv happen to me?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The trip was good, no complains bout it. But nothing is sweeter than home.
There, i was able to breath in crisp cold air, drink my latte n Affogato, smile at cute guys without being *shy*, glaze at the blue skies white clouds, wear my AUD$50 arty farty hat which i bought 2 yrs ago n i like so very much without attractg stares frm public and yes, only if u were there too, it wld be perfect.
I didnt buy much stuff back this time round. Other than my fav chips n chocs, my mum's fruit n coffee maker, a dress, a bag and a jacket, i didnt buy any much much. Cause, going to aussie is like returning home, the things in Perth are kinda similar to Melb and i dun see any point in getting them because at the end of the day, when you turn them upside down, u will see an imprint 'Made in China' which is, whats the pt rite? Enough said, these are simply excuses. I just didnt buy back any souviners. Dun expect anything frm me other than e picts in facebk.
Bought a bottle of French red frm DFO n those interested, u can come n have a glass! =D
Going to sleep. nite
Friday, July 11, 2008
7th day in Perth
We went to Rottnest Island on Wed with no intention of staying overnite but end up doing so as not doing so wld mean staying there for 4hrs only. Somehow one way or other, we ended up taking a 1130 ferry(aud50) insead of a 1000 ferry and the return tick we got was at 430pm instead of 6pm. So when eve's friend Garry finally reach the island(he bought e ferry tick frm the other coy hence resulting in us taking diff ferry) he suggested staying over nite. We went to find accomo aft renting bikes(aud$26) for a day, and got a room in Rottnest Lodge(aud$60 each) den call the ferry coy to change out return tick which luckily we were able to do at no other costs. Then we finally began our excursion around the island but it was already 3plus aft lunch.
We cycle for a while, went back to the 'mall' for dinner then went for a moonlight ride around the island(against my wishes!! haha) It was so freaking cold with the wind blowing, we dun have bicycle lights, there are no st lights around the island, the only light that enable us to see was from the cresent hangin up there apparently laughing at us. I was lazy and didnt want to explore the place hence i asked them to ride back w me then they can go on on their own which they agree. ahh.. kids!!! They have unlimited energy.
I went back, took a hot water shower and emerged myself under the blanket and watched 'Travel n Living' n 'miami ink' n 'LA ink' on tv while they were gone. Really felt like an old woman. But this was what i wanted to do.
Next morning went for breakfast at the lodge(FREE) and it was real good. Haha.. Felt like kopping some of their crossiants for lunch but think it was quite hard. Then we went for a ride around the island. Ahh... I just wanna explore the island slowly slowly but they are like madman rushing everywhere.. CMI ahh... They keep saying no time, must faster. I was thinking, wats the pt? Rushing everywhere and not seeing anything. I cldnt be bother and took my time wheeling my bike, stopping now n then to take some picts and cld see they wasnt too happy bout it. But this is MY HOLIDAY and not a biking excursion around the island. So, like tt lor. I kept asking them to go ahead and ignore me, i will follow up, somehow. But well....
In the end, we finally got back to civilisation, waited for the ferry with my Afogato from DOME (they are everywhere but no STARBUCK nor COFFEE BEAN can be seen), back to Frementle port. Had the chilie mussels, fish&chips and oysters(yummy)! It started raining aft our late lunch and we took a bus to GardenCity for shopping as this is the only place that open till 9pm on Thursday. The only late nite shopping avai in Perth. Went there only to realise that i'm left w just a hundred dollars!! Oh no!!!
But we still continuning shopping, window shopping. Finally went back at about 8.30pm, reach eve's place at 10pm, and slept before 12pm. Too tired to wait.
Think my c.c will be put to good use later on. Going to Frementle Art n Craft Mkt later. Need to find a money changer first!!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
3rd day..
Went out for both yest n today n had been eatg lots..
Brunch at Subi mkt, viet noodles, den walked around for a while only to discover tt most shops are closed in this area, den went to city and shopped for a while before heading to Harbourtown which is a factory outlet for brands like Nike, Addidas, Valleygirl, CottonOn, etc etc. Surprisingly, i didnt buy anything there. Den we went back to Perth City to have dinner w evie's friends. At a korean resturant. yummy.. i was able to have my kim chi stew and bbq pork and some others. Her friends are funny and kept psycoing her to go drinking w them. But i was there and too back for them.. Den, they started asking when will i be leaving.. -_-!! So bu hui zuo ren.. ahaha..
I was freezing cold yest as i went out in berms and just a light jacket. It was so so so cold at nite!! N they still walk around bringing us to the clock tower to 'blow wind' wahh.. i wanted to squat down n cry liao... By the time we reach her place, i wash my feet, face n brush my teeth and was hidding under e covers in less than 15mins... I was still cold...
We had breakfast at home and den went to subi city for a takeaway coffee frm dome(a bit tupid but well..) den board the bus to UWA. We spent like 3hrs in UWA because i kept retaking photos as either it was over/under exposed or we had lost our way.. haaha... Finally we got out, took a bus to Frementle mkt for fish n chips n chillied mussles.. yummy...
Aft dinner, we went back to city by train and went to the only store tt is still open at 6.45pm, being Woolworths. The supermkt. I bought my chips n chocs and not forgetting my fav olives.. yummm...
The picts r taking so long to upload.. sian ah... i decided to cancel them.. nite..
Sunday, July 06, 2008
First day in Perth
Just came out of the shower n i'm COLD w frozen fingers... I didnt expect it to be so cold here.. eikks.. it seems to be even colder than Melb... n i'd only brought 1 pair of jeans, 2 berms n 1 shorts... How am i going to last for e next 7 days?? hahaa... FROZEN!
The flight yest was delayed for about 30mins(i didnt bring my watch n my hp was off already) i guess, and i finally reached Perth at 5.30pm and it was already dark => WINTER!
While checking in yest, i asked for emergency exit row but it was all taken up so i asked for an emptier section. Results: i got the whole row(3 seats) to myself... woot!!! The row infront and the rows behind are all empty. Haa... I felt isolated till some other passengers went to take up e rows for themselves.
Since i had 3 seats to myself, of course i wld lift the seat arms and make myself comfy by fully utilising the whole row. Results: A good nap on e plane. Haha...
Took a cab to Evie's place (AUD$41.. wahh.. chop head lor) and she was home luckily. haa... den went to the city for dinner at a HK cafe.. I had baked Portuguse Pork Chop on rice. Haa.. Its not too bad. Better than sing's. I'm not mad bbut i really miss the asian food in aussie. Maybe today we shld be having viet or korean.. But will be going to subi mkt later.. Then to Perth City again..
Bringing my bf out today... haha.. Hope can buy 'clothes' for him...
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Perthy Baby...
See u guys in 1 wk time..
May time crawl like a snail..... hahaa...
I'll still have access to emails so anything, just email me lar...
Friday, July 04, 2008
wooot... Holiday mood wor...
Dinner w unimate: $20
Hoegarden on thurs nite: PRICELESS!!!
Hahaa... Damn shoick...
Its been so so long since i had a drink. yummy... If only i can have one everyday.. hahaa...
And when i drink, shit starts coming out..
Moments to remember..
Part 1 (after half bottle)
unifriend: They say this female tennis player looks like a gorilla and play like a man. Its said that she's married. Her poor husband..
me: Why lei? Cause shes hairy??
unifriend: *stunned* No, cause shes heavy.
Part 2 (after 3/4 bottle)
me: do u think i shld perm my hair?
unifriend: ekks.. dun want la, perm hair will only make you look older and it doesnt suit you.
me: but my friends said that i look more feminine w perm hair
unifriend: you look quite feminine already lar. u dun look manly.
me: REALLY? Is it cause i'm not hairy (I said it loud enough for the 2 guys sitting at e next table to hear and turn over to look at me at the SAME time)
This is pure classic moments to remember.. haaa... But ppl who know me well enough and who had drank w me will know tt these are common things tt i do.. ALL THE TIME..
Theses are the days...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This wk...
You'll feel some lack of appetite; nausea and muscular cramps might accompany this phenomenon; verify to see if you're not suffering from a severe deficit in sodium chloride. This astral climate is apt to bring you a decisive amorous friendship, a happy, serene, and relaxed affective ambience; thus there'll be smiles on your lips and joys in your heart. But long-standing lovers should beware of midlife crisis: a young and charming person could make you lose your head!
Haa.. the first sentence is scary... But i'm sure that i'm not short of salt because i LOVE salty stuff... And, i eat salt. haha...
I sure want to have smiles on my lips and joys in my heart.
Young and charming? Hmm... haahaa....
On a Libra water pig: These Pigs are sophisticated (ermm..), beautiful individuals (ermm ermmm???) who make great companions (huh? haha...). They are easygoing (sure not??) and lovable (hahahahaha....), but a bit indecisive (BULLEYE).
I finally was able to have a wkend nap today. Thought it was for a short 2hrs only but better than nothing. Think i'm really in need of rest. The doct says this for the 2 times he saw me. 'Have LOTS of rest and drink more fluids'. This may be his 'kou tou chan' for all i know.
I came home at bout 8pm just now and aft crossing the road frm my busstop, i saw this tall, skinny, indian guy who looked like hes in his early twenties walking slowly in his direction. Den i saw him kept turing back and looking at me and then he changed his path and he started walking faster towards my direction. I was so freak out. Seriously. I dun noe why, i'm not racist (i hope so) but they just scare me so. In the end, i saw a couple walking into the lift at my block and i run the last 15m to get into that lift. I dun noe why, but i was seriously freak out. I hate this kind of feelings. Seriously.
I'd a rather disturbing dream last nite. I dream that i was scolding tyl. Very harshly. And i kept going on and on and on and i was real angry. I wasnt screaming nor just nagging. I was really scolding and i cld feel the anger emiting. It felt so real. And when i woke up, i remebered asking myself if wat i did was real or just a dream. It felt so so real. Damn. I just hope it doesnt happen in realife.
Did you notice the color of blue the skies was today? It was so beautiful and cheerful. Esp at 10am. If only you were there...