Monday, September 22, 2008

Aft so many tuition sessions, i finally did it..

Its not a honourable thing.

I made my tutee cry last sat. I took out a piece of tissue and told her its the last one. I gave a loud sigh and said, 'Why are you crying when i haven even scold you?' I waited for her to wipe her tears away and continue with the lesson.

I didnt ask her to stop crying. I didnt ask her whats wrong. I didnt tell her that everything is alright. I didnt say a lot of things tt i shld have said. Instead i was cool to the point of being cold after she told me her results. She flunked, badly. Shes sitting for her O's and truth to be told, shes not ready.

I know she didnt dare to tell her mum as she knew that her mum wld scold her. But she choose to tell me. Instead of consoling her, i gave a loud sigh and said 'I really do not know what to do with you.' We went thru her exam paper and somewhere at probability her tears started to drop.

I guess its the silent treatment that made her realise the seriousness of the current situation. I just hope that in this remaining one mth she will go back to the time where i first started teaching her. When she cared more about maths than where i'm going afterwards. Where she take pride in her work and main aim is to score. I just wish that she will not have any regrets when the O's results are out. I wish that next year when she called to tell me her results, i can picture her jumping up and down and not be hiding in one corner crying away.

Hope she will not choose to give up but be more motivated..

What can i do now?

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