Sunday, June 29, 2008

This wk...

This is wat my horoscope in facebook shows:

You'll feel some lack of appetite; nausea and muscular cramps might accompany this phenomenon; verify to see if you're not suffering from a severe deficit in sodium chloride. This astral climate is apt to bring you a decisive amorous friendship, a happy, serene, and relaxed affective ambience; thus there'll be smiles on your lips and joys in your heart. But long-standing lovers should beware of midlife crisis: a young and charming person could make you lose your head!

Haa.. the first sentence is scary... But i'm sure that i'm not short of salt because i LOVE salty stuff... And, i eat salt. haha...

I sure want to have smiles on my lips and joys in my heart.

Young and charming? Hmm... haahaa....

On a Libra water pig: These Pigs are sophisticated (ermm..), beautiful individuals (ermm ermmm???) who make great companions (huh? haha...). They are easygoing (sure not??) and lovable (hahahahaha....), but a bit indecisive (BULLEYE).

The pig on vacation: As much as Pigs love food they would truly enjoy a culinary experience on vacation. When traveling they tend to dine at the finest restaurants, eat the richest chocolate and drink the most expensive champagne. In addition, their natures to be relaxed and laid back would lead them to an easygoing vacation somewhere on an island or in a resort where they can hang out and be completely taken care of. (I'm starting to get worried....)

Last nite, i was home before my mum. She was stunned when she saw me and said 'Home so early?' It was close to 11pm. Guess she wasnt used to having me at home on a sat nite. Same as dinner at home on friday. So to her, something must have went wrong if i'm at home on a fri and sat nite. So, to prevent her frm having such thoughts, i have to be not at home on these days.

I finally was able to have a wkend nap today. Thought it was for a short 2hrs only but better than nothing. Think i'm really in need of rest. The doct says this for the 2 times he saw me. 'Have LOTS of rest and drink more fluids'. This may be his 'kou tou chan' for all i know.

I came home at bout 8pm just now and aft crossing the road frm my busstop, i saw this tall, skinny, indian guy who looked like hes in his early twenties walking slowly in his direction. Den i saw him kept turing back and looking at me and then he changed his path and he started walking faster towards my direction. I was so freak out. Seriously. I dun noe why, i'm not racist (i hope so) but they just scare me so. In the end, i saw a couple walking into the lift at my block and i run the last 15m to get into that lift. I dun noe why, but i was seriously freak out. I hate this kind of feelings. Seriously.

I'd a rather disturbing dream last nite. I dream that i was scolding tyl. Very harshly. And i kept going on and on and on and i was real angry. I wasnt screaming nor just nagging. I was really scolding and i cld feel the anger emiting. It felt so real. And when i woke up, i remebered asking myself if wat i did was real or just a dream. It felt so so real. Damn. I just hope it doesnt happen in realife.


Did you notice the color of blue the skies was today? It was so beautiful and cheerful. Esp at 10am. If only you were there...

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