Monday, September 08, 2008

3 times

They say bad things come in threes. I'm waiting for the third one now.

The first two had brought out friends i didnt noe existed. Giving me all the encouragements when i needed them most. People i thought who will be just a mere passer-by in life pop up here and there to remind me of their existence. Not forgetting those who are alway here, by my side. A big thank you for being with me when i needed you most.

Like i mentioned several times in previous posts, 'when nothing seems to goes right, just hang in there. Oneday it will all go right'. With each passing day, things seem more east bound. The pain mellow down like a bottled of aged wine, where it seems more smooth and easy down the throat.

I'm finding peace with myself and i'm preparing for the third one to come.

I can never say i'm ready for the third because they like to come out of nowhere and give you the shock of your life. But at least now, i know i'm not alone.

In the meanwhile, i'm putting one foot infront of the other. Its just going to be another day. I'm walking towards another day as well as i'm walking away from

This is life, and life is good. They take some but at the same time, they give some. And sometimes even more.

I'd actually learn and gain a lot this time round.

Thank you!

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