Sunday, August 10, 2008

Im a planner..

I like to make plans.. Planning for holidays, plans for the wkends, plans for my future, myself, my room, me...

I like to be in control. I like to get the things i plan for. I like the planning stage and surprisingly enough, the part where i finally got it is not the part i enjoys the most.

I obtain immense delight when coming up with a plan, going about the plan, working on the plan. I enjoyed these most. When i finally got what i plan to, i will be delighted but sad at the same time that i'd come to the end of my PLAN. Because that is the end of the journey.

I do not look like a planner. Ppl wld be surprise to know that im a P L A N N E R. Because im a libra. N libra is famous for being indecisive hence they hates making decision. As a result, they wont want to make plans for anything. But im a Libra who likes to plan. I likes to be organised. I like to know when i will be doing what.

Maybe, its the idea of knowing i have something to look forward to that keeps me afloat in this meaningless life im living. Else, w/o all these plans, i think i wld have given up..

So, to remind myself to breath, i make plans for my future. Here goes..

1/ to get my hp
2/ to get my dog by end of sept (im seriously serious)
3/ revamp my room

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