Monday, August 04, 2008

I was attached for 20mins..

That nite, i took a cab from Nite Safari to Upper Thompson after 12am alone.

The uncle was pretty hostile and my hp was low on batt. The only thing i cld think of was to appear friendly. Because, i believe, you wont harm your friends, or so i thought.

I started chatting with him about the nite safari, the animal show, the tram ride, the animals, that there arent much ppl left in the zoo(so tt he wld feel pleased tt at least he had a passenger) den somehow, one way or other, it became my age, my status etc.

I was worried that he wld want to play a matchmaker role so somehow, along the way, i told him i'm attached. He asked me when am i getting married. I said its still not stable. He said 'u can get married already'. I said it still depends. He said 'so you are just waiting for ur bf to propose la'. I said 'see how la.' Den he said 'can la, you are old enough to get married.' I was like -_-!!

Soon, i'm where i needed to be. I thanked him for the ride pay the fare and resume my original status.

What a ride.. hahahahahahahaha...

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