Saturday, September 20, 2008

yt is feeling domestic this sept..

For the first 2 wks of sept, i did laundry and iron all the clothes tt need to be ironed. I normally will only iron them 5 minutes before wearing. Not this month, i had clothes ready to be worn at all times.

Now tt its mid sept, i kept having ideas on how to cook what. I'd been reading recipes online and had kinda gotten the touch on what i want to cook.

I went to buy lamb chop (finally) which cost me $12 for jus 1 piece (filthy ex) and pork chop just now. Both are being marinated in the fridge this very minute. The lamb will be my first so i used the normal seasoning of rosemary, pepper etc etc. (Must remember to salt it tmr, just before cooking as adding salt to the marination will draw the moisture out if) Wonder how will it taste like. Hope its not too tough.. haa.. But i will be the only one eating it so not nice also must say nice lar.. Then from the web, i found a way of marinating pork using lime/lemon carbonate soda. This will be the first time i use this kinda liquid marination. Really have no idea how all these will turn out.

Just hope tt xy will not be reading this before tmr else i doubt tt she will come to be my taster. Haha.. My another taster manage to run away before its too late to an addidas sale so i'm only left w one. Not including my parents cause i feel tt their taste buds are not functioning well enough. haha..

But nt to worry, i'd got more mouths to feed in 2 wks time where i will be making beer battered fish n mash potatoes.. haaaaa... I'm like so nice to find the eve of the p.h to cook for them so that they can have e whole p.h to recover from whatever mishap that is to happen. haa.. thanx me quick!!!

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