Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life as it is..

Since Darcy come into my life about 1.5mths ago, i'd not taken very good care of myself. I alway tell myself, today i will do mask, today i will conditioned my hair today i will trim and colour my nails.. But the today till now still have not come. This is not a good sign..

So, today, i will change my bedsheets, do a facial scrub, a cleansing and mosituring mask and condition my hair. Because simply, it is TODAY.

What have you put off doing? Wanna do it TODAY?

Photography matters

I'd started my basic course for about 1mth and had went for one field trip. Can say that i'm having some good time with my 450D. Theres weekly homework to hand in for this course and normally its 2-3 picts on wat we had learn the previous lessons. But i always ended up being distracted and started shooting Darcy. I just wanna capture how he sit, how he yawn, how he ignore me, how he smile and grin at this stage of life. Boy is he growing fast.

It seems like just yesterday where he first jump off the sofa and kinda sprin his front leg. Today, he can easily jump up and down the sofa. Without even having to run and leap. Now he just do a little push with his hindleg and hes up on the sofa bitting wherever possible. There is no longer any safe place that is out of reach for him.

He's just growing so fast. But he's still sleeping like a roast pig. Hope he will always do so.

Now, i'm just waiting for Mr Peng to finish his exam and help me take some portraits of Darcy and me.. (Openly hinting**)


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