seriously, time flies!!!!
Its already Thursday!! Maybe the Perth Trip really do me good. I'm still feeling good! haha.. Or maybe its due to other factors... who knows..
But physically, i'm so tired!! I didnt noe meeting w insurance agents can be so tiring! Arggg!! I cant wait to get it over and done with. haaha....
The more i hear, the more i feel like buying.. sian ahh..
Now tt 7 mths have gone since i made my new yr resols.. I guess i'm almost halfway to meeting them.. haaa.. Think the other half is the hard part...
I started my diet plan with eating yong tau foo with no noodles nor rice and den change to eating sliced fish soup because ytf increase by 50cents overnight!!! Now, if i were to further decrease my food intake, i think i wld be eating air!! I really really need to start exercising if i need to lose e other half. Else, give me another heartache ba.. But honestly, i rather not have it.
I cant wait to get a wkend off, so tt i can start on any 1 of the 3 korean drama tt i'd bought close to 3 wks ago. I can picture myself, sitting on my comfy bed, watching from my labtop, with the aircon on, my one and only pack of red rock deli Honey Soy Chicken chips in my hand. wahh... Thats my fantasy!!
Looking at my organiser, i think i need to wait till sept to make my fantasy comes true!!!
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