Monday, December 08, 2008

Happy 3 yrs old!!

In 10 mins time, my blog wld be 3 yrs old.. wow.. time flies.. 3 yrs ago, this date, i was going to go BKK soon. Today, i'm planning to go BKK soon.

In 2 more days, i wld be going to BKK. wohoo!! Cant wait for this trip to arrive!

well.. its going to be the end of a year and the start of another soon. In mine terms, its just.another.year gone and just.another.year coming.

The only constant is change.

May tis remaining yr be one of forgiveness and forgetting. What needs to be forgive, be forgotten. What done cannot be undone. The only thing we can do is to forget and move on. What needs to be put down shld be put down. Dun carry it on for another yr. Enough is enough. Lets all embrace the only constant in life.

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