Sunday, November 02, 2008

hmm... Something to look forward to..

Well, i'm asked to update thou i do not know what to write on as everything for e past one mth is all about Darcy.. So today, i shld blog bout me me me.. haha..

Finally the air ticks to Taiwan for next April have been settled. It was even more exciting than at the market. We even resort to having a conference call with 4 persons participating. Haa..

Now its left to planning. I have a few close friends who had been to Twd recently so shall be getting some info from them. Just that most times, they just like to say 'Did you go to here here and here?' AFT we got back from the trip. Then when asking them on where to go BEFORE the trip they will say 'aiya, you just anyhow walk lor, i also dun noe what to tell you.' Trust me, you wont be the only one saying.. Cause 80% of the times, this happened to me.. N u will really want to strangle that person sitting in front of you.. serious.

My dad's youngest sis when heard that i'd bought Darcy, kept expecting my dad to bring Darcy over to her place everytime he went over but my dad didnt. So she told him to bring Darcy over when i go on holiday.

Today my mum told me that her youngest's brother's oldest daughter loves dog so she told her that when i go on holiday, she will let her keep him while i'm away.

I have a couple of friends who won't mind looking aft Darcy for me when i'm away (i think).

Just that, i reckon, when i'm really away, i dun think there will be anyone who will want to help me look after him. Just a thought.

Anyway, went for my last Mentoring session for the year (forever) yesterday. All the brown monkeys were let out from the zoo (as quoted by Mr Ang on the mentees dyed hair). Felt a bit 'bu se de' but its time to move on. I hope i will not stop here but will instead continue to look for other social services which i can participate in. A bro asked me to join him in his club which aims to help the eldery participates in community service. I dont know. I'm still thinking about it. I was actually looking for a club which assist autistic ppl but no luck so far. So shall see how. Furthermore, i'm planning to have tuition classes next yr. Dun noe if i will be able to make it. 4 classes the max for me. Need to start advertising le. Help me pls..

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