We were told that hes the naughty one among the two but also the brighter one. The other one is tamer. But the other one doesnt seem to like me as much and i even caught him rolling his eyes at me. Hence this is the one.
My boy was born on 14th July 08, needs one more vaccine and is needing a leash, collar, bowl and lots of toys.
Was msning w gh on dogs' names and he suggested naming him after my idol. I dun really have any serious one and the only one i cld think of was Mr Dacy as in the Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. That Darcy appears to be snobbish and arogrant and incredibly hansome. In truth, hes a gentlement, steady and well behaved as ultimately hansome. So i'm thinking of naming my boy Mr Darcy. When i like him lots i will call him darling or dar dar. On days he is not being hes best i will scold him DARREN!! hahaha...
He was walking in circles in my small living room about half hour after his meal. He kept looking at the cage but he didnt dare to take the small step down to the balcony. In the end, he finally cldnt hold it anymore and pee in the living room. I quickly carried him to his cage and place him on his pee+poo tray and pointed to the tray and said in a stern voice 'bad boy'. He looked real sorry for himself. I went back to clean up the mess and came back to check on him afterwards to discover a whole chunk of gold on the tray. So guai!!! Hes indeed tray-trained. haha...
After which he whined a bit when i left him in the cage. Gosh.. I hope he will be fine tonite. The last i checked on him, he was on the verge of sleeping and he looks at me with those sleepy eyes.. aww...
Den when my mum scolded me for not sleeping, he woke up.. haii.. Hope he's first night will be good..
My boy is smiling..
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