Sunday, October 12, 2008

2 days more and Darcy will be 3 mths old.. haa

Bliss is..

Looking down from where i'm sitting to see Darcy sleeping beside me.

I think Darcy likes BossaNova too. He's sleeping as the songs are playing. Haha..

I had my 25th Birthday Celebration close to 2 wks ago with a few old close friends. What more can i ask for? I really had a good time seeing them sitting around the dining table bbq-ing away or watching the same tw variety shows and laughing away. This, is bliss. Simple and nice bliss.

Truth to be said, i feel rich. Really rich. With all the little things i have.

And yes, i'm happy. Truely happy.

US yet missing the 2 old guys but really thankful to them for coming.(though i know i'm nt the main reason why they were here! =) )

My first birthday with my 25th Birthday's Present.

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