Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aft another period of no entry yet w much happenings, i'm here again.

Brought Darcy for his 3rd vaccin on sun at MP and he took the jab like a man. Or maybe he's too dense and was thinking of other stuffs to notice that he will be getting a jab. The vet was quite pro and swift (i feel) in giving darcy the needle. It was over and done with in less than 2 seconds. All Darcy did was give a twitch as the back of his neck was poked and the fluid injected into him. He had the eyes big big, 'wats happening' look and when its all over, he went back to sniffing around and even made fun of the vet by pressing the num lock key on her keyboard without anyone noticing. We went home aft tt and this time he didnt puke in the car like he did last time.

He was very lethagic for the whole day as advised by the vet but by the next morning he was back to his usual. Running anywhere and everywhere IN A FLASH. I think he was trying to make up for lost time. He gobble down all his food with no sighs of loss in appetite, not even the day before. Hes just a hungry dog anyday, everyday. And yes, he continued biting me AGAIN.

Brought Darcy out on tues as my dad went to drive my mum back so we went to 'blow wind'. That lousy dog when put down on the ground refuse to move and just sat down, looking up at me as if saying 'i still have jelly legs frm the car ride. what more do you want now?' In the end i have to carry him around and we found a bench near the road and sat down there where he lay close beside me, his head moving to the sound of the vehicles on the road and even when its only other ppl just walking over. Sigh. Den on the car ride back, he was again the perfect dog, resting on my lap lifting his heads to just look at me asking 'Are we there yet?' Giving me licks on my hand now and then. Den when going up the multi storey carpark, he cld take it no more and he puke once again onto the ESPRIT towel which we had just washed and dried. Sigh.. My mom need to wash it again.. =P

After i put him down in our balcony, he still had the gazed looked but within 5seconds, he's THE KING OF THE WORLD again. (or so he thinks). He started sniffing around, running around and yes,he takes to biting me AGAIN!! And being the naughty rascal he is.

Darcy had gain my parents trust by peeing and pooing in his tray everytime (but he'd been suspected to be peeing on the rugs) but at least he poo in his tray everytime even when there is noone around. So, my parents let him out of the cage and allow him the freedom to roam all corners of our flat except for the bedrooms when noone is at home. He does not bark at 6am in the morning now. But he went to lick my mum's arm and bite my dad toes yesterday morning when they were still sleeping. They didnt close their room door you see. My mum was even telling me that she wants to let Darcy sleep in their room so that he has better access to the toilet. (This is so obvious that she's trying to make Darcy HER dog!) But after the 'morning call' Darcy gave them yesterday, they close their room door last nite. But me being me, i opened their door this mornign when i was going to work. (My mum was still sleeping you see..=D) I wonder what Darcy will do today.

Haha... The other night, i was sitting on the sofa ignoring him after he kept biting me and no matter how much/hard i hit he still thinks that i'm playing with him. Darcy started running in circle from our small living room to the big and then to small then to big and all of a sudden, i saw him dashing towards my direction and before i know it, he had leap and almost landed on my face but because i sat up in shock he bang onto the backrest of the sofa. I got the shock of my life. All these while, sitting on the sofa is the safest as he was unable to jump this high but i was so wrong. He started biting me in any area possible and i stood up leaving him all alone on the sofa. Now he's trapped because, hes afraid of height. He didnt know how to get down. So he started going in circles in the small space he has like a mad dog. Sigh.. what have i gotten for myself???

Ever since i told my friends of the name i'd gotten for Darcy, the reply i got was all 'haha.. what kind of name is this for a dog?' They started to name him themselves. Common one was Dusty, Rusty (my colleagues), baria(pyh), throw west(tyl), bobby(dad, frm where one). Surprisingly enough, my JC n Uni mates all said its so me to name him Darcy as they all know who Mr Darcy is. Dun think Jane Austen will be too happy at me thou.

But the names that i called Darcy most often is
1. Boy-boy
2. Bad-boy
3. Darcy
4. Siao gao
5. Good boy

So i think, he shld be having an identity crisis now.

Had been reading in forums participated by pet owners recently and i realised that actually blood in stools ican actually be fatal. And i took so long in bringing him to the vet. I sure hope that Darcy will not hold it against me thou. His stool are more firm now and will stay on the tray instead of falling into the tray. So, i hope that this is a good sign.

Need to register him for a license, get him checked for heartworm and sterlised him next.

It had been medically proven that dogs when sterlised are able to live longer and healthier. This i have to agree cause all emperors die young and the eunuchs are called 'gong gong = long life'. hehe.. (tis suppose to be a cold joke!!)

Darcy is now 3.5kg. He had eaten 2 halves apple, 1 hard boiled egg and lots of rubbish he stolen frm the rubbish bin..

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