Sunday, July 13, 2008


Reach Sing at 2.47am and yes, i'm glad to be back!!!

The trip was good, no complains bout it. But nothing is sweeter than home.

There, i was able to breath in crisp cold air, drink my latte n Affogato, smile at cute guys without being *shy*, glaze at the blue skies white clouds, wear my AUD$50 arty farty hat which i bought 2 yrs ago n i like so very much without attractg stares frm public and yes, only if u were there too, it wld be perfect.

I didnt buy much stuff back this time round. Other than my fav chips n chocs, my mum's fruit n coffee maker, a dress, a bag and a jacket, i didnt buy any much much. Cause, going to aussie is like returning home, the things in Perth are kinda similar to Melb and i dun see any point in getting them because at the end of the day, when you turn them upside down, u will see an imprint 'Made in China' which is, whats the pt rite? Enough said, these are simply excuses. I just didnt buy back any souviners. Dun expect anything frm me other than e picts in facebk.

Bought a bottle of French red frm DFO n those interested, u can come n have a glass! =D

Going to sleep. nite

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