go check out e picts in facebook
my mentee smsed me on friday morning (2.30am) asking me to guess her grades.. haa.. i didnt even know N Level results was out tt day.she got 4As, 1B and 1D.. n she was really happy. n i'm really happy for her too!!! But the happiest part is, she took e initative to sms me her results.
Felt a sense of achievement.
With the current economy, friends started asking me on wat i wld do if i get retrenched. Part of me hope tt it wld happen to me, part of me worried bout the money. I just hope tt if i were to get retrenched, at least e package is good enough to last me for 3 mths and i can find tuitions now. Been signing up with online tuition agency these few days as money is really tight.. Need to start saving for the taiwan trip in apr.
Some friends ask me to consider NIE. I was like, 'NO! ermm.. no... hmmm... no?? ermm.. lets see ba?' I like to teach but aft hearing all those stories i do not want to get involve. N furthemore, if they do not offer me the position last apr, what wld makes them offer me the position i want this yr? I know my 10 yrs + friend wld say 'dun be crazy lar.. dun go nie..' haa.. am i rite? my dad too.. but somehow, no matter wat, I just keep toying w e idea of teaching. sigh.. dun noe arr.. we shall see how ba..
suddenly feel like going swimming. had nt been swiming for a long long time.. want to feel surrounded by water.. i wanna go diving!!! Mr CK, u better dun fly me kite/aeroplane/helicopter/watever next yr hor!!btw, airasia got discount if fly frm jan to mar lei.. wanna go phuket to dive?? haha... i miss thailand..
i'm waiting for Marley n Me to come out. Suppose to be on e 7th or 8th of Jan. Wonder if there will be any sneaks before tt.. can wait for 2009 to come.. woohoo!!! Dun make me wait for too long!
Basic photography classes had ended. Waiting for advance to start next yr. Had learn quite a lot. Its just putting wat i'd learned to use the hardest part. So, hope tt i wld practise more n apply more. hee.. I like photography..
Maybe shld pass on some skills to moomoo n CL first before our 09 Grad trip to taiwan else there wont be any picts of me.. haaa..
Think i want to learn some photoshop skills too.. so exciting..
Guess that wld be all for now.. haa.. Merry x'mas everyone. Its e time to hibernate at home!!
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