Monday, August 25, 2008

I took leave today to create a historical moment. I finally bought my hp.

Hope that the long persistent wait was worth it.

Today, i also went for a much needed swim. Nothing much, just 5 laps. Half of my goal but better than nothing. N aft tt, i went to have a hearty lunch w my parents n 'mistaken sister'. I was dead tired by the time i reach home and had a nap frm 6 to 7. It had been months since i was able to nap. Hence it feels good. Feels like taking another day off tmr. Haa.. But i shall not waste my leave like this.

Went Batam on sunday. It was my first trip there that i can remember and my 2nd trip there by right. Batam was alright. so-so. Think i wld prefer to stay overnight in a nice resort and have the 'sunset dinner' or maybe i will just go to Bintan.

Saturday, i went to catch the fireworks festival. I reached Esplanade at 5.30pm hence i went to Library@Esplanade to waste sometime only to feel a live performance put up by the staff there. It was an introduction on medley performance and it was really nice. They sang really well and the band was good too.

After which, went for dinner and went to find a place at 8pm. We found a decent enough spot , take our positions and waited. The anticipation before the first burst of light made me tremble slightly. It has been a while. At slightly over 9pm, the fireworks started. Most time i was snapping away. Since i wasnt using my tripod as its not tall enough i shoot without one. Most turn out to be shaky but there were a couple that i was satisfied with. Cant wait for next year Fireworks Festival to come.

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