Friday, July 04, 2008

wooot... Holiday mood wor...

Shopping while waiting for dinner: $40

Dinner w unimate: $20

Hoegarden on thurs nite: PRICELESS!!!

Hahaa... Damn shoick...

Its been so so long since i had a drink. yummy... If only i can have one everyday.. hahaa...

And when i drink, shit starts coming out..

Moments to remember..

Part 1 (after half bottle)
unifriend: They say this female tennis player looks like a gorilla and play like a man. Its said that she's married. Her poor husband..

me: Why lei? Cause shes hairy??

unifriend: *stunned* No, cause shes heavy.

Part 2 (after 3/4 bottle)
me: do u think i shld perm my hair?

unifriend: ekks.. dun want la, perm hair will only make you look older and it doesnt suit you.

me: but my friends said that i look more feminine w perm hair

unifriend: you look quite feminine already lar. u dun look manly.

me: REALLY? Is it cause i'm not hairy (I said it loud enough for the 2 guys sitting at e next table to hear and turn over to look at me at the SAME time)

This is pure classic moments to remember.. haaa... But ppl who know me well enough and who had drank w me will know tt these are common things tt i do.. ALL THE TIME..

Theses are the days...

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