Sunday, December 27, 2009

its not about the ending, its bout the process.

w 4 more days to e end of 09, how have your year been?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

tiny bits of life..

e advantages of photography is
-u can hide behind e viewfinder n nt let others see e tears roll down ur cheek

Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday blues?? nah..!!

went to work during e last public hol hence was 'awarded' an off in lieu and was 'forced' to clear it today.

hence, i *jio* my parents to jb for a half day shopping trip.

we left our place slightly aft 11am, reach jusco at bout 12.30pm, had lunch at a hk cafe (nt nice but cheap), i went shopping (in 1 shop only, n tts sufficient already) they went grocery shopping (oh.. e veggies r so so fresh!! yummy!!), i went to tabao my fav Old Town White Milk Tea Frappe (nt tt nice as e ice is too coarse) and we left at bout 6pm, reach hm at bout 7pm (jus in time to cook dinner for Darcy!!)

The things tt i enjoyed most were
1/ 2 tees + 2 pairs of slippers only cost me RM110
2/ yummy bread (tt's better than breadtalk std) cost e same as those in sing just tt they r in ringgit
3/ Parking for bout 6hrs only cost RM1..!!!

yeah.. across e causeway every now n den is nice!!!

Lets do tt more often shall we?

Sunday, December 06, 2009

fan nao.. au nao.. sianz..

what do u do when u have a decision to make yet you dun want to make because if u choose to do it, you will feel sorry towards urself yet if u dun do it, u will feel sorry towards the rest of the world.

its nothing complicated but still...
its nothing tt will affect e rest of my life but still...

i do not want to make the decision. Now, i'm running away frm it. Till i either forget bout it or i come up w an ans...

actually i noe i have the ans already. in my dream. i found the ans in my dream. but dreamland is one where u do not need to consider about hw others feel and u just do things ur way. Just like when writting econs essay, we always add in 'assuming ceteris paribus'.

now, i'm still thinking bout it. i hate making decisons esp over stuff like this. and i felt like theres noone i can speak to about tis cause noone noe e whole story.. e ppl around me are either before or after, none went thru e whole process.

hw? hw? hw?

Hatg it!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Traveller vs Tourist

I was watching a recorded Travel & Living Episode and there is this guy who said (n i shall quote here)

"I'm a traveller for life, nothing can keep me home for long."

How true it is for me. Since going to melb, i'm used to flying at least twice a yr. To me its a norm. To me its a necessity. To me it means, no savings. But i cant control my desire esp when there is a sale on e budget airline.

But now, i need to stop. I need to change my mindset. I need to switch my thinking on travelling from a necessity to luxury item.

Its time to stop. To spend more time in Singapore. To find other subsitute within Sing or Malaysia.

A good trip does not equal long distance, it is determined by the experience, culture exchage and what you can learn from it that matters.

Be a traveller, not a tourist, thats what matters.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lets welcome.....Darly!!

I walked past a pet shop the other day and saw this adorable kiddo in the window. I cant help but bring him home.

Everybody, pls welcome Darly the Shiba Inu

Monday, November 23, 2009

Life is wonderful

It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a storie
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying

It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
And it takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la

It takes a night to make it done
And it takes a day to make you young brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other

And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
And it takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the rust to have it polished

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la

It takes some silence to make sound
And it takes a lost before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to show you care
It takes a hole to see a mountain

Ah la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la life is meaningful
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la life is meaningful
Ah la la la la la la life is full of
Ah la la la la la life is so full of love
Ah la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is meaningful
Ah la la la la la life is full of
Ah la la la la la life is so full of love

Friday, November 20, 2009

sometimes i wonder, here i am thinking of you, but you over there, do you still remember me?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


i kept playing tis song in my head just now

'shld have seen it coming
shld have read the signs
anyway, i guess its over'

The Signs..
1/ I forgot to bring my shoes today hence i called my parents during lunch to bring them to me at yck
2/ It started pouring in the city area when i was about to leave
3/ My parents thought it was CCK instead of YCK hence they were still in our carpark 15mins before we were to meet
4/ My parents finally reached yck and wanted to drive me to ssdc but somehow we went in the wrong direction and i was almost late for lesson
5/ Finally i reached my destination with my shoes, decided not to repeat the same mistake of changing into my gears w/o checking if they have my lesson today, i went to the counter to look for my lesson tag and not surprisingly, i cldnt find mine. I went to ask one of the instructor and they confirmed my doubts, asked for my receipt and found out tt i'd booked for the sixteen i/o seventeen.

Well done!

Anyway, my dad is not keen on me learning bike esp aft last wk lesson when i vomitted in his room. He felt tt its useless and a waste of money.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A tiny bit of life..

Now and then i got asked 'Why are you single?' 'Are there no guys in your office?' 'Have you been dating?'

The thing i dun understand is, why does it takes 2 to make it complete? Do i need to have someone to be happy? Can't i just be single and enjoying it? Lastly, are guys the only ones who can make me happy?

Seriously, i'm single and enjoying it. I can do whatever i want whenever i want. I do not need to consider about another human's feeling. I can spend my money however i want, go for as many trips as i want and travel to wherever i want without feeling any restrictions. Also, i dun think i have the time for a r/s nor the energy. Theres so much things waiting for me to do everyweek and the weekends are the only days that i'm free now that i'd stop all my tuitions. But, i still feel like there's not enough time to do the things i want to do. I need more time.

I admit, its good to have a male compainion around from time to time, but i guess i'm not ready to give up my freedom full time. At least not yet.

If only our society is ready to accept 'releationships without attachments'. But even if so, will i be able to?

I do not know..

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

i miss..

carrot omelette =(

Thursday, October 29, 2009

cute guys are..

Guys who sing with their eyes closed are cute.

Guys who SAY they will sing with their eyes closed aft knowing tt guys who sing with their eyes closed are cute are even CUTER..


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm definitely nt URS!

omg.. i cldnt help it!!! He(the singer) FORCED me to share this w u!! Enjoy!

Make sure u watch e whole clip!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

What goes around comes around..

DO you believe in karma?

From, karma is explained as:

1. Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana.
2. Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
3. fate; destiny.
4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.

In, karma is explained using the below illustration:

Girl A gave Girl B a prank call early one weekend morning, motive is to give Girl B a wake up call in a frightful way. A more detailed version can be found here.

2 days later, Girl A went for her pre-booked bike lesson. Due to HK holiday, Girl A was able to leave work early, hence reaching the driving center early. Due to a long break, Girl A has forgotten that the biking attire does not includes sleeveless tops. Hence a nice instructor advice girl A to put on one of the few t-shirts hanging there.

Girl A did so, put on her gears and sat there waiting for bike lesson to start. Five minutes before her lesson, she went to submit her ridding booklet to the panel of instructors only to discover that THERE IS NO LESSON FOR HER AT THIS TIME SLOT!! Another nice instructor went to check for her at the computer system and another few instructors made remarks like 'nice shirt', 'private lesson' etc etc. Girl A was feeling red already. Nice instructor came back to confirm that Girl A had made a mistake and advise her to book another session at the computer terminal in the main building or check with the nice ladies behind the counter.

Girl A was left with no choice but to take off the borrowed t-shirt, all her gears, packed her bags and walked back to the main building, checked with the nice lady and make another booking for next monday.

At the end of the day, Girl A realised, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.

Moral of the story, BE NICE.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

tis wkend..

whew... e wkend is again over.. yeah!! its another monday tmr!! den it will be tuesday and before i know it, it will be friday!! And the WEEKEND will be here again!!!

This wkend, i was home since the morning swim yest. I cant remember when was the last time i stayed home for 2 consecutive days. I guess it must be mths and mths ago.. All thanks to my tuitions hence i'm wondering if i shld carry on next yr. I shall see how den. No use worrying bout it now..

I finally take my afternoon nap yest. But it wasnt a good one. As in, i wast in deep deep slumper. I felt like i was mentally awake, just physically asleep. So it wasnt a good one, but at least it is 1!

For those who know me well enough, you will know tt i'm nt a fruit products person. I dun like fruit cake esp blackforest cake, i dun like fruit ice-cream etc. I'm fine w fruit juices thou. But yest, i baked an apple pie. with my mum. It wasnt too bad. Not too sweet yet not too bland. A bit sourish which i like. N most importantly, it wasnt burnt. hehe..

Oneday, someday, i want to bake a durian cake. Seriously.

I reckon ppl change. Even their taste buds. So, dun assume that if i dislike it 10 yrs ago, i will still hate it. Likewise, what i liked 10 yrs ago, might not suit my taste now. Just remember, the only constant is change.

Finally, i converted all my NZ picts to jpg format and chosen some to upload in facebook. Nothing fantastic. Just that the skies are bluer, the lake are greener and the flowers are prettier. During my first few days, i wasnt in the mood to take picts. Dun ask me why. I just felt that there will be prettier sights to come. Hence i slack and lag. Till i gt an internet connection at a motel one nite. YH asked on the picts i'd took and i realised that there wasnt even 1 that is worth mentioning. That was what woke me up. The next day, i started shooting. I spend more time looking around, trying to find a different way to snap the place. But sadly, my creativity level was at its all time low. Everything i see, i could not think of another way to shoot other than how it look in the website. So, my best was to ensure that its taken at the right exposure, the image is clearly captured. Thats thats.

This morning, i woke up, gave Darcy a bath. Tidy my wardrobe (took me frm 3pm till 7pm!! Gosh!!) and my room. Finally removed my photo albums from the top shelf!! Dun want to wait till the whole shelf falls den i start to regret. =D

I flipped through the albums. My pri sch mates, sec sch mates, jc mates, trinity mates, Sarawak trip, Hawaii trip, Melacca Trip, Cambodia trip, Thailand trip, my first yr in Melb, those road trips. Bittersweet feelings. Bittersweet memories.

How i wish i could turn back time. To undo the things that i regreted doing ages ago. If only i can. But that is 'If only'. We are living in the present. Looking at our future. Thinking of our past is good enough.

Be thankful of what you have got. Be thankful of what you are having. Just be thankful.

I wonder how those ppl whom at one point in time were close enough to take picts together are doing now. There are many namless faces. Some whom even spend a nite at my place, some whom we spend several nights together. Now, i cant even remember their names. This is sad. Guess they are the passerbys in my life. Whereas those whose face keep appearing and appearing and appearing as i flip from the first to the last page, they are those who are here to stay. And honestly, i'm GLAD. =D

Now, while waiting for my face mask to work its magic i'm here telling everyone how efficient i was for the last two days.

Yanting, wake up pls. Dun live life like this anymore. U need to stop slacking and start planning for the future. Esp financially. U r 26 olredi! No more time to waste if you want what you want! WAKE UP! Stop nua-ing.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

oh.. to be alive..=)

I just want to enjoy e simple things in life. Like..

. taking a afternoon nap
. drinking a cup of ice coffee/tea n tkss w e khakis
. enjoy a beautiful sunset/rise
. baking..
. cold dry air

Mostly, the best things in life are free.

But U came with a price..
And I, i'm happy to foot the bill.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Note to self..

Next bike lesosn: 26 Oct 09, 8.10pm.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The art of zao-ing

I first started when i was in JC, got to know of some BAD company and started zao-ing class then. I was the perfect (or so i deem) student when i was in sec sch. I nv zao class, extra lessons or even CCA. Unless i was sick, but that doesnt count as zao-ing class. Back then we call it 'pon sch'.

When i went into uni, that goes without saying. We zao like free. OK, not so much. I didnt. But more than once the temptation will arise and you will catch me watching drama at home. Of course i will feel guilty during and after but there will surely be reasons to explain why i did it. Stuff like the lecturer was boring, dun understand what he's saying and once or twice, the weather is too perfect for sleeping in (sounds familar? thats life!)

Now that i've graduated and entered the another phase in life i need to minimise the times of zao-ing work. I admit when i was still on contract the desire was much stronger than now to zao work, but that was because contract staff do not have annual leave so i have to create my own. Now, i go to work rain or shine. No choice.

I thought my days of zao-ing are over but who knows, when there are lessons there are bound to be opportunities.

When i was doing my photography courses, i zao more than i should.

Now that i'm learning bike, i zao my bike lesson. Thirty dollars gone like this. And like a drug, i know i will be addicted to it.

So here i promise myself, in black and white, that i will never ever zao another bike lesson ever again. Today, now, will be my first and last. If i were to do so again, i will.... i will.... what shall i do????

Since i'd already choose to zao today's lesson, i shld fully utilised my extra 4hrs by doing things that i'd put off doing. Things like e wedding photos, playing w Darcy, preparing an awesome breakfast for myself n maybe going swimming too.

Just pray that i will not go back to sleep. =)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Back again!

well, i'd been back for a couple of days already n getting used to sing's time.. (5 hrs lag to nz)it actually only took me 2 days. haha. i'm adaptable. =D

Glad to be back. I miss DARCY so so much.. nt to forget the precious fews..(think its better to include tis aft some thoughts)

I had an AWESOME time in NZ.

Whenever ppl ask me how was kiwi land, my reply wld be 'AWESOME' with both thumbs up. Haha.. Cause the ppl there all like to use e word AWESOME and this cute glacier guide of ours always give a thumb up when he said 'Cool?' which is oh-so-damn-COOL!!! hahha..

yeah.. i left my heart in down down under.. not with the oh-so-damn-COOL glacier guide but in Queenstown. I fell in love with that place once again. This time harder then the previous time i was there.

The view was spectacular. Simple amazing. Its fast becoming my fav place on earth. N sad to say, i was satisfied with it so much that i wouldnt mind going back there again and again and again, forsaking my europe trips(which will come oneday, someday), japan or korean trips and anywhere else.. maybe not taihiti, fiji or maldives.

Anyway, Queenstown is.... AWESOME, w 2 thumbs up and 2 toes up too!!! Simply awesome!

I didnt meet/see any cute guys/guides there but the view itself more than make up for the losses in that area. Not forgetting snowboarding! AWESOME to the power of infinity.

Why did i choose to go skiing previously when i was still in melb? If i knew hw fun snowboarding is, i may still be stuck in melb!

Gosh, somebody, pls find me a one-body who can bring me go snowboarding every year. Best if he can board really really well and can guide me along the way. Being cute is not a must, but just a plus! =P Being rich is simply a bonus!

Thou u may not need to know, but for record purpose(my own), due to countless ungracious falls esp on my buttocks, i collected 3 big bruises. n a sore back which is still sore to tis day. going for a much needed massage tis wkend. hope it can do me some good!!

rite, darcy is back frm his nightly excursion.. shall go spend some quality time with him.. will updates e picts soon..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The precious few.

there will always be the precious few you keep close to your heart.

the precious few who know the real you and have to endure your weird temper

the precious few whom no matter hw busy you are will still think of them and make time for them

the precious few who you spare no mercy in scolding just because you know they are worth it

the precious few who you sometimes wants to ignore because their insignificant acts completely pisses you off yet you do not want to make it into an issue, yet

the precious few you know whom no one else on this earth can replace.

Do you know if you are one of my precious few?
Am i one of yours?

Note: Just a few is more than enough.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Random strangers who made me smile..

1. A tanned lady, shorter than me, slimmer than me ridding a BMW bike with a male pillion carrying her shoulder bag for her.

2. An ang mo with a ponytail standing beside me on the MRT softly singing a love song.

3. The justice of peace calling me a 'pretty photographer' **blush** **blush**


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The biggest loser..

well, since e person i dote on most is openly pulling votes for herself.. i shall not let it rest like tt..

Miss TYX, just to let u noe.. THE MATCH IS ON!!!!

But i'm starting aft i come back frm nz la.. so u go on first.. just tt, dun be like e hare k...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hey, try to read my title out as loud and as fast as you can. Seriously, try it..

Dun you feel happier now that you have done so? =D

Anyway, does anyone of you notice my little voting booth on the right of my blog ===>
I know 1 does. Thats all. Sadded. After 1.5wks, only 1 person notice. Thanks so much!
The others, thanks for ignoring me! =(

Was searching up the meaning of soulmate just now. Heres' wat i got from

"One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity."

In short, just someone who can understand you very well. It doenst have to be your married half, nor the one you loves most. It's just the one who understand you most.

Have you found your soulmate?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Can u belive that such barbaric acts are actually taking place?

Read here too.

Monday, August 17, 2009

a bad bad BAD bad dayy

if u noe me well enough u will know tt i loves chocolates.. all things chocoty..

but why does a chocolate lover like me cant find any chocolate to eat aft searching the kitchen uncontinuously for the past 3 hrs.

Think its time to stock up!!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

i'm still alive...

cause i'm chomping down Cadbury's Dairy Milk Duo n drowning in Meiji's Chocolate Milk.

yes.. u can check out my outbreak..

i wanted to weight myself tonite, but the weighing machine wasnt working. Think no batt.



i was watching some tw talkshow just now and there was a Dr dunnoewho talking about the 5 symptoms of you yu zhen (depressions),
1/ eating too much or too little
2/ sleeping too much or too little
3/ exercising too much or too little
4/ bad memory
5/ having suicidal thoughts

why do i feel tt i have a friend who has the first 4 symptoms?


Thursday, August 06, 2009

Yanting is so exhausted she wonders if she can last another day(friday -_-).. and another day(saturday ~_~)... and another day(sunday ~_~ !!) ... and another week (. . . . ......... *Hint: think of this as a hearbeat*)

I need some motivational power to last me for the next 7 days!!!!

NZ ..ermm.. a bit long

National Day holiday... ermm.. i might need to work

massage.. ermmm.. i just went last wkend

Royce... ermmm.. any nice kind soul????

Saturday, July 25, 2009

This coming mth..

This mth, August, Yanting is going to be very thirfty.

Yanting has to eat budget and live budget.

No more lazy taxi rides for yanting. At least for this mth.

No more expansive restaurant indulgence (cept for the buffet @ Green hse/Glass hse which was booked more than 2 mths back)

Yanting's aim is to spend less than $600 this month.

Are you starting to get curious why yanting needs to save money??

Because yanting's going to NZ in SEPT!!!

Because yanting's eyeing a sturdy yet light tripod which cost maybe $600.

Because yanting's thinking of getting a fish eye lens or wide angle lens to bring to NZ.

Because yanting wanna go horse ridding, black water rafting, Glazier walk, sky diving, skiing/snow boarding, star gazing and many many more.

Hence, be a friend not foe.

Do not temp yanting to spend money unnecessary. Even when yanting is tired of being thrifty/stingy, do not encourage yanting to eat expansively or shop unnecessary unless you are more than willing to pay for yanting. But pls note, this will not make yanting feel more oblige to buy some souvenirs from NZ for you.

In case you start wondering how come yanting seldom to never buy souvenirs back for ppl she care most for.. Pls remember

1/ Yanting was fined AUD$200 for overloading her luggage when she came back one summer holiday with PODS and Cadbury chocolate which was made readily available in SG several years later.

2/ The places Yanting normally go does not entitle her to make many shopping trips. Unless you dun mind getting some bit of nature which yanting will try her hardest to steal for you or the typical Made In China products that are everywhere.

3/ Yanting is not as rich as you ALL think she is. She has her debts to return, bills to pay and a Darcy to feed and groom.

4/ To cut the story short, Yanting is not the caring kinda girl who will think of everyone else enough to buy them a souvenir each. Instead yanting is a insensitive girl who will only remember you when she sees something that she think you will like and then hence getting the souvenir for you. So, if yanting brings back a gift for you, remember, its unique and for you specially.

But, if theres something you really want from NZ, pls dun hesistate to let yanting know and she will try to remember in her pea size brain to bring the item back for you. A sms everynow and then while she's still in NZ will helps a lot. Seriously. Because yanting will be too busy enjoying every second over there.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The poor boy been LS-ing for the past 2 days. It was so bad that he woke me up in the middle of the nite to open the door for him so that he can go poo. First he will start by scratching the floor under the door and all sort of noise. Den when he sense tt i'm awake yet fall back into bed. He will let out a whine which will have me on my toes in less than 2 seconds to open the door for him. Den he wld dash (seriously DASH) out of my room to find his pee/poo pen.

The funny thing was, when he first LS, he went to the toilet, at the shower area and did his business. Nobody taught him to do it there. It was always the pee/poo pen. But he went to do it in the toilet by himself. But i made the mistake of shutting him in the toilet after he'd done his business as i went to find toilet paper to clean his ass. He thought he was being punished hence he went to do his business on the pen after that. Personally, i wld prefer that he just do it in the toilet as its so much easier to clean.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Passion, Stupidity or simply too much time on hand?

Woke up at 4.45am this morning and hitch a ride to Changi Boardwalk to capture the sunrise. Wasnt expecting much so wasnt too disappointed.

Aft the photo-taking session, we went for breakfast at the nearby Changi Food Center. Had a plate of wan tan mee and started stoning.

Over there, even thou it was only 7plus-8 in the moring, you see different groups of ppl, there for different things. Just the nearby neighbours having their breakfast, the fishing gang with their baits or harvest, the cycling gang who cycle from dunnoewhere and here for their 'motivational meal and drinks' and there's us, the shooters who came from different parts of Singapore to capture 'The Moment'.

Seriously, some of you might be thinking 'siao.. wake up so early do this kinda things. i was still comfortably tuck in my warm bed and nothing can seduce me out this early in the morning.'

I guess you must be having a very non-fullfilling life then. You have my deepest sympathy. Seriously.

Simply said, I'm glad that i've the time to be stupid enough to have a passion for something i enjoy.

Pls go find your passion. Because you never know when this passion of yours will be the one thing that is keeping you sane in this insane world.

P.S:. Aft a yr w my 450D, i finally started shooting in RAW format. But the thing is, i do not know how to load the picts from my camera into my labby. This is real stupidity lor.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A yr ago..

One yr ago, by a weird(shall nt say evil) force, a devil was born into a handsome body.

He knows how to act pathetic when he knows he had done something wrong.

He knows that by jumping onto ppl when they are eating or barking at them continuously will either earn him some rewards or some beatings.

He knows that by showing how happy he is to see you home by flying into the air and jumping at you will take away part of the beating and scolding that he will be getting when you discover the shoes that had been chewed and the paper that he torn.

He knows that you cant resist an early morning cuddle and he will take the opportunity to lick your face and nose while you hold him close to you.

He knows that he can be picky with his food because once he show no interest, the food will be taken away and replace by something more interesting and most likely more meaty.

He knows he's the king of the house as noone can catch him and the more people who participate in the chase will increase his sense of achievement.

He knows, maybe not, how happy i'm that he is in my life and how much more colourful my life has become. To date, i've not regret choosing this handsome devil and i hope for his coming years that nv will i have to regret.

Happy Birthday Darcy!

Though i know not who your parents are, where you were born,how many siblings you have and how long you can live to. I know i'm damn glad to have you!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

keeping track..

1/ i broke my resolution. I drank last friday. N it wasnt for Erdinger or Hoegarden. It was for Pure blond. At least it has 70% lesser carbo than average beer.

2/ i'd been swimming for e past 2 wkends. Hope i can keep tis up. Thou it takes lot of determination.

3/ i dyed my hair on sun n its dry as burned grass. Needa spam it with lots of conditioner.. sigh..

4/ in need of a massage desperately!!

5/ best part so far. Met up w eve tis noon for lunch. She's back from perth for winter break. Sigh.. Didnt realise tt i miss her so much till i met her. Miss aussie too.. sigh sigh..

6/ Goal for 2011, Around Taiwan on 2 wheels. wohoo..

Monday, June 22, 2009

my tw milk tea~!!! *sob*sob*

i bought e bottle of $1.70 tw milk tea when walking home just now. I generously treat my parents to a few sips and kept the remaining in the fridge to chill it somemore.

After my shower, i took out the bottle and sip it some more. Bit by bit. Wanting to save some for tmr, i asked my dad to put the remaining one third in the fridge.

Ten minutes later, i walked into the kitchen and my dad said 'There's no place in the fridge so i drank it all.' and i saw the empty bottle in the rubbish bag.

I bet you all can guess my reaction...

In case you all felt that its a valid reason, think again. My dad didnt buy back any bottle items just now and i took out my tw milk tea from the 'bottle' compartment in the fridge.

So, moral of the story: Just finish it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

little life-changing updates..

on Darcy..

A couple of wks ago, dad told me that AVA called our house as they were unable to reach me on my hp (i cant talk on e hp when i'm in my office. dun ask me why. just a regulation they impose). The AVA-ian said that one of the neighbours had make a complain on Darcy for barking all day long. In the morning and late at night. He said, this call is just to let us know that someone has complained. Just that. And try to control his barking.

Several questions i had was.
1/ How do they know that the bark they heard was Darcy's? Because there are a couple other barky dogs in my neighbourhood.
2/ Why didnt that neighbour come and knock at my door to let me know first before making the complaint? (This lead me to thinking on how cold and unfriendly we had become to our neighbours. I do not smile at my neighbours at all. I do not even know the faces of my neighbours except my next door. I remembered my neighbours were my friends in my old house. Everyone is 'auntie' and 'uncle'. We know who live where and how many children and pets they have. I know whether their daughter who is around my age plays with Barbie dolls or not. Now, i dun even know if they are my neighbours or just visitors. sad isnt it. But this is what we choose to live so face it.)

In case you guys do not know the seriousness of this matter. If someone makes another complain, i may get (a) a fine or (b) request to rehome Darcy.

So, my parents tried not to agitate him late at night by retiring to their rooms, locking him out in the living room after 10pm. Me, i really need to enrol him in an obedience school soon. Real soon.

on Me..

Last monday, on the journey to work, i ALMOST black out. Not the first time it happened but it broke my record. Normally i could last till Novena but this time i KO at Bishan. I went to see the doct who suggested that i can opt to take a blood test if i'm really worried. (Note: the day before, i wanted to do my bit for society so went to a blood donation drive but i was rejected for being a 10-pointer on my iron level. Normal ppl has a reading of 12.5, blood doners need 12.8 to be allowed to donate, mine was 10.8. I was given some iron tables and asked to try again a mth later.)

So, i decided to do the blood test as its
1/ free
2/ just a prick on my middle finger and some blood will be collected.
3/ wanna ensure that nothing is wrong with me

Hence i said yes.

And the doct took out one of the biggest needle i had ever seen to be used on me. The good part was, it wasnt painful at all. Seriously. But it still FREAKS me out. Think he took about 20ml of my blood.

Anyway, results came out on wednesday. It was printed on a sheet of paper with those readings that fall out of the range of a normal person in red and black for the readings that fall within.

I show it to my dad when i reach home and after some time for him to digest, he said ' 7 failed and 7 passed, 50% lor'

I 'diao' there.... So like a teacher..

Anyway, i was diagnose with Anemia.

The iron level was really low so this should be the main reason. I guess drinking too much alcohol is also one of the main reason as well as menstral bleeding.

Again, i was given iron pills which i must take religiously and report back to the clinic a mth from then for another check up.

So now i must eat more beef and green-leafy veggis esp spinach(which i happen to love very much in eggs benedict) to build up on my iron count. Also, i was told ginseng is good, so anyone wants to sponsor a stalk or two or treat me to eat korean ginseng chicken?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I like tis..

买CD 把你的声音丢在角落
看电影 到结局总是配角的错
你要的故事 让你去说
我要的生活 我好好过

写日记 写不出是谁的感受
夜空里 每个人占有一个星座
你到底懂不懂 我只要一点温热的触碰

有些话 并不是 一定要说

你总说爱情之所以为爱情 是用来挥霍
你总是漫不在乎 当我看著自己的稀薄

我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍
我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬

一场雨 有时候下得不是时候
就像你 说难过不是真的难过
你到底懂不懂 我只要一个安稳的等候

想你想得好像 空气都停了

你总说爱情之所以为爱情 是用来挥霍
你总是漫不在乎 当我看著自己的稀薄

我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍
我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬

你总说爱情之所以为爱情 是用来挥霍
你总是漫不在乎 当我看著自己的稀薄

我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍
我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back on Darcy..

Darcy likes cooler temperature.

If the air-con is on and the fan is on speed 1, he will sleep on the floor. But if the fan is on speed 2 and blowing directly at him, he will sleep on my bed, on top of my blanket. Cause its cooler.

When Darcy sleeps on my bed, he likes to sleep on his side and lean on me. Recently, he even use my foot as his pillow. Which somehow melts me even more.

When i wake up in the middle of the night, mostly he will be sleeping with his front part of the body on his right side and the behind part will be open wide and in the air.

If you are trying to picture it, trust me, it looks weird. But somehow, i felt comforted that he trust me enough to forgo his image and sleep in anyway he like.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In case i forgot, this will act as evidence and reminder..

I'm quitting beer.

So long Erdinger and Hoegarden. You guys are my fav. But u are too MUCH for me..

Farewell.. But this will not be our last goodbyes.. I foresee many more to come.

But for now, my resolutions till end of 2009 is..

(4) Quit beer but cocktails are fine... =D (i need to survive ok!!)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

bit n pieces once n again

Had been drinkg red milk tea w fruit jelly for e past 2 days since Each a Cup open in Marina Sq last wk.

I know its nt healthy but my cravings for TW milk tea has even made me spend $2.50 on a bottle of (supposedly) tw milk tea frm 7/11 is getting seriously serious.

Sigh.. i want TW milk tea. Esp e one in hua lian!!

Any nice souls out there?

Comment for CL from CL: I will drink lor, just dun add ice can le.. i'll dare to drink one..

PC show coming tis thurs to sunday! wohoo!! u r so gonna see me there this thurs lunch. I'm like eyeing so many many things!!!
I'm thinking of getting a
- sturdy, tall n light tripod (approx $300-$600) cause mine is flimsy n short..
- iTouch (approx $300-$400)
- camera lens + bags (approx very much)
Again, any nice souls who want to contribute to my wish list? I wont mind if you want to give me my 09 birthday present in advance.. =D
Did it ever happens to you...
One fine day, unknowingly, you saw a long lost friend standing just 3m away from you. You recognise her/him and he/she you. So you started chatting away on what had you been up to and what had you been doing for the last how many years. Den exchange your numbers bid a farewell and proceed on your way.
Usually, my heart will be smiling but my brain will be working non-stop asking this question
'Where do i know him/she from??? JC, Uni, work or clubs n events? '
Did you ever have that thought too?
Just wondering, in forty years time, will i take even longer to remember or wld i just hack it and forget about it?
Just wishing that no-day will i ever finish my lunch/dinner/whatever meal and ask this question
muhahahha... yes, i'm making fun of U!
Now n den, u see ur friend's msn nicks reflecting their complaints, joys and pains. Sometimes you see ur friend's displaying their emotions thru their display names.
Most times when i see that, i will just give a silent sigh, an imaginery shake of head and go on to surf the net.
Everytime, i wish that they can come out of this transparent web that they had spun around themselves, and see how bright and sunny the world is, with the occassional butterfulies fluttering by and the rainbow so far far away ie to see that this world has more joy than sorrow you are feeling.
This brought me back to one memory. Something i'd blog about before in my previous blog.
It was a bright and sunny Christmas afternoon. It was summer. My first year in Melbourne. My first Christmas not spend with my friends. Assignments was pilling up and the homesickness was at its peak. I was out at the nearby Garden, sitting by the pond after finishing my Freedo Ice-cream, watching the mother duck bringing her ducklings out for a swim.
The tree were green and the grass was dry. It was a beautiful day. But i was sitting there, alone, stoning and thinking of singapore n of tt someone special.
Then along came a local, he looked like he had been sleeping under the bridge for the past few nights and he went to the opposite bank squat down and pick up this leaf.
He said to me ' This pond represent the world and this leaf is your worries.' He then dropped the leaf into the water and let it float away. ' Now you see, your worries are just a small leaf in a big pond.' With that he walked away.
I finally understand what he was trying to convey some years later.
So, friends.. Life is good yet short. Always look on the bright side of life. Its alright to dwell in the dark every now and den, but always remember the route back to this wonderful world.
You know i'll always love you as you are. n i'm not the only one.
Luv u!

Thursday, June 04, 2009


my fav hsemate bought back 4 big packs of red rock deli for me on his trip back!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! yummy!!

Now, i'm just craving for TW milk tea.. anyone nice coming back frm tw??

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Home on a wednesday afternoon..

Down with Diarhhoea.. Hopefully i can lose some more kilos thru this..


Was surfing the net and i came upon this Whale Shark Petition.

Apprently, we will be having a World Class Marine Park in Sentosa. wow.. How amazing is that?!? Think of the brown murky water we have...

And, one of the highlight is the Whale Shark. How sweet!! Oh, wait, did i just read that whale sharks does not fare well in captivity? Yet out in the wild they can live to a hundred years.. hmm.. So why does anyone still wants to keep them in glass cages?

Huh?? Due to integrity???

"... we also want to highlight that the whale shark exhibit at the Marine Life Park was submitted as part of the winning bid in an international competition for the Integrated Resort on Sentosa in late 2006. As such, the organization is bound to deliver the integrity of the bid, and any proposed replacement for the whale sharks must be defensible in that it must be viable and be as broad, if not compelling, in its appeal to bring in visitors to Singapore - the reason Singapore decided to have the integrated resorts. " - Quoted from the Resorts reply (Click on the link to read the full story)

Another article on this issue, why do i feel tt Singapore is just trying to make a name for herself instead of really caring for the enviroment like it seems to be? Is it just me or does any of you feels the same too?

Its good to belive in miracle but isnt this a bit too much? I always felt that a Marine Park is a place to help conserve marine life and to protect them from mankind. But why is our Marine Park acting as a magnet to pull in tourists aka being a money tree on the expense of the 700,000 sea creatures?

So, friends.. Regardless of whether you like the ocean or not, sharks to sharkfins, pls say NO to whaleshark in captivity.

I'm not asking you to sign the petition or watnot (cause i know u guys will be too lazy to do so.. but it will be nice if u can eventhou i feel tt e Resorts wont be bothered as much). I just want to share this with you and let you be aware of this. Just that.

Just a thought, will they be living on NeWater? (Or isit NewWater??) hmm....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Half a day in JB

Went over e causeway this afternoon for a bit of shopping and dinner with my dance mates. It actually felt nice going for a mini getaway despite the one hr jam+walk over to Malaysia. I had my Old Town white tea (which has a mild flowery taste, something like e tw milk tea, or was i dreaming??), sale in Body shop and thats about it.

Oh, the best part was, the exchange rate is 2.41. That is like how good. Everything felt cheaper than usual. Hhahaa...

We went for dinner at 'Big Horse Garden'. The usual seafood and it cost us only bout $20 SGD each. Dirt cheap lor. We had crab, heaps of crayfish, lala, stingray, kang kong, salad you tiao and smelly beans. Hee... The plate of crayfish cost RM$70 and its really worth it. Seriously.

While i was there, memories came back. I went back to 2000. My first yr in JC. The day before a couple of us went to Genting+ KL, Me n the other 2 girls went to stay over at my friend's place for a nite. We went to the same place for dinner. I remembered the 3 of us ordering loads of food. I think it was 5 dishes and we finished almost everything. It was a great nite. For me at least.

Now, one has become a mummy and a very good one she is, the other one is planning for her wedding in Sept and lucky me gets to help. We still keep in touch here and there but looking back at those times, makes me really miss them and the days we had.

Thanks for the memories dear folks! Wishing you well!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

How to turn monday blues to bliss?

One pint Erdinger after work is all it takes... wohoo.. life is good!!


I forgot to state part of the reason why i fell down the stairs on sat.

I felt that partly, it has to do with the pair of slipper tt i wore that morning. Usually, my footwear for sat wld be my lovely silver havaianas which i bought last July when i was in Perth. But sadly, it was assassinated (U NOE WHO U ARE!!) in Gao Hsiung. Sigh. What a way to end its journy in life. =(

I belive (truely, deeply, madly) that if i were wearing my lovely silver havaianas on sat, i wld not have fallen down tt flight of stairs. Seriously.

And you know whats the worst part, i lost $24 on 4-D due to the fall.


What a wasted fall.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just my luck.. n things frm here n there..

I fell down a whole flight of stairs yesterday.

8 steps in total.

Adding on to my 2 bruises per legs, i have a total of 7 bruises on both legs, n 1 on my butt. Surprisingly there is no open wounds just a strained neck.

wow.. lucky me.

I decend the first step standing up and i reached the ground on my left elbow (luckily not my head) and my right butt check on the last step. I do not remember how i turn 180 degree and i can only say it took place at no notice and caught me completly off guard (duh...) But i remember i felt like i was flying and all my thoughts flew by in tt spilt second.

Thoughts like..
-will i sprain my ankles?
-will i make it for my tuiton?
-will i drop down to the first floor by chance?
- shit. have i pay my insurance premium?

things like tt..

Luckily i'm alright just tt adding on to my muscle ache and wobblely knees, i have to see before i sit now..

wat a day..


I'd been working late recently hence only spending 1-2 hrs per day w Darcy, as a result, he now sleeps on my bed instead on the floor. Its nice waking up to see him sleeping beside me but not so nice when he decided to be cassanova and give u the kiss or shld i say lick of life. But i still like waking up to see him just beside me.


Just the other day, i was looking at the entries i posted 1 yr ago. I was still thinking if/when i shld get a dog n a dslr. Today, i have both my wishes come true.

Indeed i'm fortunate.


No matter wat,
Because life still goes on.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

i just want to be happy.. why does it has to be so hard?

i wonder hw much longer i can endure.. i need a way out soon.

but i need to find another way in..

i just want to be happy.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Random Updates, once again.

Fall in love w a song while walking home just now. Its one out of 50 over French songs that i'd been listening to over the past few months. And this is one song which i'd deftnly been hearing repeatedly but emotionlessly. But just now, while walking home frm the train station, i fall for the tune. JustLikeThat. -Listen to it in my playlist.

Last saturday, during my tuition, my ex-mentee (now graduated) dropped me a sms.

Here it goes..

'Jie!!!!!!Damn.happy!! ........(n other words of thanks..)'

well, my reaction as i read it was 'wow' and i told my tutee with near tears in my eyes. I was so 'gan tong' by her sms and amazed that she did it.

Recently, i dread going out. Esp during the wkend, unless for monetary benefits. I just wanna be at home, laze around. Hang out with Darcy. Take afternoon naps. Bascially, just rot and rot and rot AT HOME. I even find watching movies a waste of time. I rather watch online. Damn.. i feel like a 'zai nue'. I wonder how long this will last.

Cant wait for friday to come. Den i will be able to do just tt. At a place out of singapore.. which reminds me of a conversation i had with one of my tutee's mum yesterday.

The story goes like this..
Monday:I'm suppose to have 2 tuitions on sat and since fri is a P.H, i requested for a change in date for both and both student agreed. But half a day later, my 2nd student suddenly asked to change back to sat and i told her i cannot make it as i'd make other appointment already. She asked for fri morning but my 1st student didnt want to change. So i told her cant. Only fri noon.

On Tuesday, 2nd student's mum called.
Tutee's Mum: How come you cannot make it for this saturday?
Me: Cause i'd make other appointments already.
Tutee's Mum: Really cannot ar?
Me: Ya. Cause i wont be in Singapore.
T.M: Where will you be going?
Me: .. Sentosa.. (-_-!!)

But thats the truth wat..... N i dun want to lie to her thou i easily can. But i choose not to. Just that, now,i suspect that she suspect that i fail my geography. hmmm...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Back in action aft MIA for 15 days..

Reach SG at close to 12am last nite.. Went to pick up Darcy at 7plus this morning. He looks happy to see me..

I slept frm 3-7am, 8-1pm, 2-4pm. Now i'm wondering how i'm going to sleep tonite.

Darcy is like a shadow. Just tt he likes to make his presence known by walking real close to me. N for once he didnt disturb me when i sleep. Nice.

Uploading the picts now. Wonder hw many i will have. Thinking if i shld go for my class today. So lazy..

Summary for the trip

Day 1-6: Taipei
Its hardly enough for shopping considering tt we took a day trip to YangMingShan+ Keelung+ DanShuai. Mr Lee was our driver and he was really really good. I strongly reccomend him. Anyone needs his contact let me know. His rate is NT4500 for 8hrs for a 9 seater van to the 3 places. But he kept telling us its alright if we take more than 8hrs. His service is good and really, 5 stars.

Day 6-8: Alisan
The small red train is undergoing some reconstruction at a part of it tracks. Hence we need to walk a 500m from one station to the other, uphill, downhill, stairs and mostly on uneven surfaces. So anyone with a heavy travel luggage bag, not reccomended.

The blossoms are almost gone but we still manage to see a couple here and there. The air is very fresh and cold. The temp was about 8-10 at night with winds. Day was slightly warmer due to the sun but still cold.

Day 8: Sun Moon Lake
We spend NT7000 for a tour to Yushan for sunrise, then to Sun Moon Lake then to tai tung. I wont recom the driver as i feel that he's not as nice as Mr Lee. Try to spend more time in Sun Moon Lake to explore the place well. We only have one morning and hence didnt cover much.

Day 8-9: Gao Hsuing
Ohh.. I love this place. Maybe its because of the weather or the accomodation. The weather was just nice, with a cool breeze at night. We didnt go to any nitemkt here thou it shld be cheapest in the whole of TW. But we took a long long walk on the bicycle track from our hotel to love river. This place is romantic, with several musical fountains which i happen to like very very much.

Day 9-11: Kenting

Ohh.. Another lovely place with endless miles of beautiful blue greenish water. And the activities there are wonderful. I'll strongly reccom my accomodation as the auntie is really nice and made our stay a wonderful one. I wld love to go there again. To take the Jeep(NT2800), water activites(NT400 per pax) as well as a tour around Kenting.

Day 11-13: Hua Lian

Dun bother staying here. Just reach HL train station in the morning, book a cab to go to Takoro N.P and spend the day there and then take a train on to your next destination. Theres nothing to do or see in Hua Lian City itself i feel. Food is not tt fantastic too.

Day 13-14: Jiu Fen
Another place i will enjoy going. I love the old steets and stall as well as the chocolate mochi which we didnt get to buy as it were all sold out by e time we went back again. The view is fantastic esp when the sun comes out but even when it was all foggy and gloomy it still offers a nice view. And the homestay, wonderful. I like it very very much, just tt its a bit ex.

Day 14-15: Taipei
Last day to eat what we want to eat, buy what we need to buy. Just hang around drinking milk tea and coffee. Eating snow ice, mian xian and my fav: jian jiao!!

Well, tts all for now, pls wait for picts in facebook!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

tis nite

I nv thought i wld be able to witness a scene like below. I thought they only happen in TV. But tonite, i know, what happen in TV will also happen in real-life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The x random things u need to know about Darcy

1/ He knows and understand the meaning of OUT. So, when he starts barking or doing something unstandable said 'OUT' in a strict voice and point to the area he will be enclosed in.

2/ He knows to pee and poo on his pee tray but from time to time, he will do his marking at somewhere else. Was told not to scold him if we did not catch him in action. DO not pull him to the spot and scold him because he wont know what is wrong. Correct him when possible. Else, keep him in an enclose area till he done his business.

3/ He doesnt like strong scent such as perfume, herbs, essential oil. If he starts biting places that you do not want him to, dab the area with the scent. But remember to re-dab it as when the smell disappear his bad habits will surface.

4/ He likes to sniff armpits and bite your underarms to get your attention. Either play with him or hit his snout or say 'OUT'

5/ Darcy eat twice a day. Kibbles for the time being. If free, you can steam fish+brown rice with more fish den rice. Make sure there is no bones as prevention is better than cure. His feeding time is 9am and 7pm.

6/ Every sat, Darcy will be given a hard boiled egg for breakfast+kibbles. We only give him one egg a week as too much is not good. (dun ask me why)

7/ He likes to tear paper. Tissue, books, newspaper. Whatever he can tear, he will tear. N makes a mess. So keep them out of reach.

8/ Darcy knows that a dinning table has food so he will stand on his hind legs and try to lick whatever is within reach.

9/ He likes to play 'chase a cloth'. He will try to steal out table cloth whenever he can and make you chase him. He was taught 'give' but he still prefer you to chase. Be firm and you shall win.

10/ When Darcy gets too attached to you, he will bark at whoever person who is talking to you. Because he want to participate too. Its cute at times but irritating most times. So, be firm or say 'OUT'.

11/ Darcy has his bath once a week. If you do not want to bath him, you can bring him to the groomer for his weekly bath. He will go for a basic grooming session once a month.

12/ Frontline is apply on him every end of month. He's a panoroid when he sees small bottles that is coming his way. So, be firm or be cunning.

13/ Darcy goes for a walk once a day for an hour. He would act like a spoilt brat and not want to go home most times. My dad tied him to the door once and he sat outside till he's satisfied and willing to come home. I wasnt around at tt time.

14/ He marks a lot on poles and whatnot. When he turn cicle means he wants to poo.

15/ DArcy likes to climb. Stairs or mountain or whatever he can.

16/ He likes to chew cloths and plastic bottle. Keep them out of reach.

17/ He enjoys chewing my dad's glasses, my brother's slippers, his gf psp. Just so u noe.

18/Darcy is only 8 mths old. So is still a puppy. He needs lot of sleep. Thou he is playful. He needs to sleep.

19/ Do not give Darcy any food meant for human consumption. Meaning with oil, salt, sugar or any other preservatives.

20/ Darcy is given fruits now and then. He dun like too sour fruit. He is rather picky. Dun give him grapes or citrus fruit such as oranges and esp rasins. (Dun ask me why) He can eat apple, pear, dragonfruit, durian, banana. But all in small quantity.

21/ He eats carrots too. Raw or steam but not a fantastic lover of them.

22/ He behaves best early in the morning when he's still half asleep.

23/ DO NOT ever gives him cooked bones to chew on. Big or small. CHicken or pork or ehatsoever. DO NOT.

24/ I've not tried giving him raw bones. And will prefer not to unless you are sure that there is no baterial or germs.

25/ I wld prefer feeding him raw bones to cooked bones. But i wld also prefer feeding him no bones to raw bones.

26/ He knows 'Sit' 'Down' 'Crawl'(need food temptation) 'Up' 'Hand' and most importantly 'OUT'

27/ He understands 'drink water' 'mum mum' 'gai gai' 'jie jie'(aka me) 'orh orh'

28/ NEVER EVER feed him chocolate. NEVER EVER. They are fatal to dogs.

29/ Dun give him to much treats as he will not want to eat his kibbles.

30/ Darcy is very lovable and definitely not a devil in a dog's body.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Argg... 1mth flew away just like tt..

today, i die die also must create an entry else i dun noe when else i will update..

i have so so much to tell, but i do noe know where to start, wat to write and watever who where wat?!..!!

So, lets the x random things occurs!!!!

1/ i'm sick of work. wats new? i want more tuitions! such tt i can earn as much as wat i'm earning nw so tt i can quit my job. But, will i?

2/ Darcy's right eye appears to be have some problem. His right eye lid will slowly slowly close while his left is still wide open and staring at u. I did some gentle eye massage but it still does nt go away. Shall wait n see hw tmr. If its getting worst, i wld need to bring him to e VET.

3/ Darcy had stop eating his kibbles as we gave him fish+rice for dinner everynite. It was suppose to be a every now n den meal but my parents started cooking fish+rice for him EVERY NITE resulting in his disinterest in kibbles. (All their fault!!) As we wld be going tw soon, it wld be very troublesome for the kind, helpful, wonderful person to have to cook everynite for darcy. So we started him back on kibbles. N he's still rejecting them. But not as much. A hungry dog is A HUNGRY DOG. Hope he will be back on kibbles by then.

4/ Last last time, my dad saw me talking baby language to Darcy and he called me 'xiao ren' and Darcy 'xiao gou'. Last time, my mum saw my dad talking baby language to Darcy and she looked at dad n shakes her head. Last nite, i caught mum talking baby language to Darcy. Me, i was => -_-!!!

5/ I used to bring Darcy out for a walk about 1-2 times per wk. Now tt my mum had stop working, dad brings Darcy out almost EVERYDAY. I'm serious, ALMOST EVERYDAY. Me, i was => -_-!!!

6/ Note: This is a repeated event. Its does not happen by chance. I was watching tv in e living room, on my fav sofa, relaxing and partially stoning. Suddenly Darcy started barking at dad or mum. Dad will rise/emerge frm wherever he was, stop watever he was doing and scold Darcy den proceed to chase Darcy around the living room. (Note: This is suppose to be a scolding session but turns to playtime for Darcy n dad) Their fav part, is to circle around me, Darcy takes me as his pillor of support, Dad treats me as a trap(to trap Darcy). They will play hide and seek around me and dad frm scolding will become laughing. Me, i was => -_-!!!

7/ Frm Darcy, i learnt that when one become desperate, he can make the impossible possible. Example: Darcy n dad was playing hide and seek around me (as usual). I was sitting on my fav sofa stoning at the tv. Dad had seal up most of Darcy's escape routes. Darcy, unwilling to admit defeat, with his ciga-lookalike-bone hanging frm the side of his mouth suddenly make a jump at me. So sudden was his leap that i raise my arms as a shield for my face thinking that he will smack straight in my face but the next second he was gone. Darcy had jump on to me and flew over the headrest landing on the open space behind my sofa. Dad and i was shocked for a second and for once, Dad declares Darcy the winner of the Day.

8/ For those who knows of my difficulties of getting a dog in the past, wld know tt my dad was the main 'problem'. He was the one who said NO. N he being a person who seldom say NO to me makes this NO a rather significant NO. So, seeing how much he has bonded with Darcy makes me realised that not listening to parents all the time might just be a wise thing to do.

9/ 2 mths back, Dad asked me to take a pict of Darcy n him, just like the black and white photo he had taken with his previous dog. Dad showed me that photo the other nite and i said 'I dun think u can squat tt low now' hahahhaaa... Me was fun..

10/ I borrowed 4 bks frm e library 2 sundays back. Their title being 'Out of the blue - romance in Crete' , 'Anyone but you - romance+dog' , 'Animal's Ppl - True Life Account of an Indian boy in Khaufpur' and lastly 'The women of Pemberley - Sequence to Pride & Prejudice'. When i was loaning this 4 bks, i cant help but feel how diff these 4 bks are. Other than the first 2 where they are romance but one is wrt travel and one is on dog (tt was wat caught my attention). The other is a biography and one is simply a literature. I didnt read the brief outline at e back of e book when i was choosing them, i simply look at the (1)title and colour of e book and (2) flip to the first page and read the first few lines. No point in killing the story by knowing what half the book will be about or when the auther is just nt my cup of tea. So, if the cover is attractive enough and the first few lines dun make me yawn/sleep. Yup, i'd gotten my book.

11/ I started on the dog book first which took me 4 mrt trips to finish. Then the Crete one which took me almost a wk of mrt trip + a friday nite. Now i'm on my Animal's ppl. Its lettering are slightly smaller, the pages are thinner and the book is thicker than e first 2. That was how i decide wat to read first. I'd thought i wldnt be able to survive the first part of the book but i was wrong. This is a good read thou it requires more concentration power than e other 2. But its still an interesting book to read. So, go get it!

12/ Facebook is a dangerous tool. esp if your fellow colleagues n team leader are ur friends. They wld know wat u had been doing last wkend or how drank u were. No good! No excuses to use the next time they ask u to go drinking. I cant say ' ermm.. i dun drink' hahahah

13/ I went to mentoring last sat. Was called up e previous sat by my mentee n asked to come. But who knows, i postpone one tuition and went but he has to go for flag day. Sigh.. I miss mentoring. I miss acting like a 20yrs old and playing w them. Some new mentors even thought tt i was 17. haa.. those was e days.

14/ Watched 'He's not tt into you' some wks back and i strongly reccomend to ALL girls out tt esp for those singles. Cause, i got a wake up call frm it. Seriously. Watch it and u will understand. 2 things every girl shld know: 1. Nv cut ur own fringe. 2. watch e show urself to find out.

Time to sleep! Hope i will update soon!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

oh MarLey... & me..

U guys gonna check this out. Cant wait!!! 26th of Feb.. FINALLY!!!

erm... its been a while and theres so much to update on.. but i DUN NOE WHERE TO START!!!

so, guess its good to do the x random things about me now..

1/ Happy Chinese New Year! This New Year, i lost $4 in total. Winnings are small and losses are BIG!! If i were to include the toto, i lost $9 (at least its my fav #)

2/ Guess what i just bought??? Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 ($120) This lens is suppose to be good for portraits.. Will let you know after this sat!! N, i finally bought my circular Polarising filter for my 58mm lens ($40) woot!! Next on the list is my Fish eye. Was told that the cheapest it can go to is $900+. Jap Yen, Pls drop drop drop!!!

3/ It takes about 2 packs of tissue to dry me body. I forgot to bring my towel on monday when i went swimming. Luckily, for once, i have a pack of tissue in my bag and so does tyl(this is even more surprising!! n better still, its 3-ply).

4/ I went for my photograpgy class BBQ last sat and i got back more than expected. Firstly, aft e BBQ, we were given a FOC Star Trail photography course!!! MY FAV!!!(why else do u think i'm so excited?) N that nite was clear amazing enough as it was still raining and gloomy that noon. Den we went to the Indian Temple opp UE square to take some picts of Thaipusam.

5/ Thaipusam. My first time witnessing this festival. Goodness. Its indeed an eye opener for me. I talked to a nice Indian uncle about this event and he is more than happy to explain to me why some events are happening. I didnt talk to him much as the processes in front of me was more interesting. Luckily that night was not the most 'interesting' time as we did not get to witness those more 'ouch' piercing. I dun think i can take it then.

6/ Planning for our grad trip had finally started. First time i'd be travelling with this bunch of adorable (i cannot not say this.. i wanna stay alive for that 2 wks!!) mates, i wonder wat wld happened. Aft all, all this while, those tideous trips were done with ET and we more or less know what each other want so we know when to give and take. Those relaxing trips were done with xy whom only take n take (frm me while i give n give.. =D) I bo bian. Own her in my last 10 yrs!!! So now, i wonder what is going to happen!! We have a cow who is interested in History, traditions and culture, a CL whose only wishes are to see 'tuan tuan' and 'yuan yuan' and visit 'snoopy hse' (I KNOW.. its so -_-!!!!!) hahaha.. N theres the me, whose only aim is to go take pictures of star trails(planning to get a remote control.. i know.. waste money), sunrise, nite scenery and maybe, perhaps, some human faces in the process.. hahahah Yeah!! Lets have a great trip shall we?

7/ Darcy knows not to disturb me when he sees me sitting in front of my comp. He knows that i will not be bothered by him. He knows he will be scolded and beaten by me if he were to disturb me during my drama hours. But, he still likes to try his luck every other day (wat an optimistic boy!!) by poking my back and trying to drill his snort into my armpit and bite my flabby arms.

8/ To allow myself the pleasure to compose this entry and go thru the picts i took last sat, it cost me one Milk rawhide bone ($3.50 for 2). So, if you wld like to see more entries more frequently, kindly supply me with Milk bones (can be easily purchased in PetLoversCentre)

9/ Last 2 wks, i did something that i'd not done in years. Yes, i mopped the floor of our living rooms, dinning room and my room. For 2 consequtive wks!!! I wonder wats happening.

10/ Well, since x=10 for now. This will be it!!

Great nite everyone!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

This was wat made my day..

Went to the nearby supermkt on the way home to get some treats for myself and i come across this. At first i thought that i'd gotten the name wrong all this while only to realise tt this is not my mistake but theirs. Or maybe, this is really what it should be than what it used to be, or maybe, this is their new label. hhahaha

U guys able to spot the *mistake* here?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just another nite

Been realising that e peeps around me are mostly attached, seeing someone, having someone or at least liking someone.. whereas, i'm still me.

N the surprising thing is i'm actually alrite about it. I dun wish for any special one in fact i cant even think of any one to wish for. I really cant.. -_- which is pretty sad for once..

But i still have one fear. That is, when everyone, i mean EVERYONE around me are attached and have no time for me then i think i will start to fall apart.

They always say that no matter what, attached or not they will alway have time for their friends. But face it dear friends, once you are attached, your freetime just diminishes and the avil time for friends might change from once a wk to once every half a year. Not complaining here. After all, we had all been there and done that. Just, dun keep saying 'I'll surely have time for you' when seriously we both know that this is just another empty promise you are making.

So dear friends, enjoy your relationship and dun feel bad towards your friends, because you know what, FRIENDS are not the ones who will walk with you till the end of your life, the special one beside you NOW might just be it.

Enjoy =)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Darcy. Walk. Sleep.

Darcy n i went for a stroll+ brisk walk+run just now. It took us about 45mins to circle around the RICH neighbour (some houses really look nice n big close up).

We came back at about 10pm, wiped his feet, drank some water and i gave him his new fav red ball with a treat stuck inside.

One minute he was still trying to figure out how to take out the treat and the next minute when i look at him, he was asleep (roast pig style) with the red ball directly infront of him and the treat still intact.

Haa.. The walk must had wore him out!! Which is good!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Remember 10 promises to my dog?

1. Please have patience when dealing with me.

2. Place your trust in me. Through good and bad times, I will always be by your side.

3. Never forget that I have a heart too… just like you.

4. Whenever I don’t listen to what you say, always remember that there is a reason.

5. Talk to me. I may not understand all your words but I understand your voice when it speaks
to me.

6. Let’s not fight. Remember that I could hurt (bite) you but have chosen never to do so.

7. Even when I grow in age (and probably grow slow or weak), please be kind to me.

8. My life may not last as long as yours. Please make every second we spend together count.

9. You may have other friends, other activities. Please remember that for me, there’s only you.

10. When I leave this world, promise me you’ll be by my side. Remember all the times we shared and remember always that I love you.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

on photography

i was looking at picts tt my photography coursemates had took when they went for recent outings and i have to admit tt most looks damn good.

I think its time that i take out my dslr frm its fridge and start putting it to good use.

I need to go out there!!

hey bros.. lets go to RP Park soon!!!


I just realise tt the Olivia in my imeem list is the Olivia Ong who sang the Little Nyonya song. N i just realise tt she's a singaporean who is 2 yrs n 2 days younger den me.

All along, i'd thought that she's Olivia Chan (dun noe frm where one...), even in my folder she's known as Olivia Chan. Even when my fav song for the past 1yr plus is 'Sometimes when we touch' by her and i'd loop it always, i still didnt realised that they are the same Olivia.

Check out her Bossa Novas that i'd like so much here.


Found out that Marley and Me will only be out in end of Feb. Just like P.S I love you 1 yr ago.. WHYYYYY??????

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy Belated New Year to ALL!!

wooHH... n 2009 is here.. (damn.. there goes my dream of getting married on 090909, thou i still have 9mths to work on it.. who knows.. maybe i wld just meet the someone on that infamous bridge during my grad trip ie 10 yrs late.. ya.. dream on mate!!.. or maybe Mr **** will take pity on me and accept my proposal to ROM with me and apply for a HDB and den we will divorce 5 yrs later. I promise i wont ask for 'shan yang fei'!! haahhaa...)

enought of these crap...

So, w/out further ado, lets all put our hands together and welcome back MY 2008 resols, (yeah!!!)

(1) Travel. My aim is Tibet/ Vietnam/Sipandan/ China/ Taiwan. Any 2 is fine.
(2) Lose Weight. Aim will be 50kg. Thats 8kg. A recent medical check up shows that i'd nt lost any weight since i got back and had instead shrink 0.5cm. Damn. I shld go for it before lunch lor..
(3) Dog. Get a pup with melting eyes.
(4) Get insurance or financial planner.
(5) Save $5k by end of year?.. Too little or too much? hmm.. I think i need tuition. Lobangs anyone?

And, what have i accomplish thus far???
(1) Travel?? I did Vietnam. Taiwan will be in 09. Other than that, i been to Perth and BKK and numerous short trip+day trips over the causeway. So yup, i dare say i'd TRAVELLED.
(2) Lose Weight? ermm.. Some times slightly more than half but the lightest i'd been so far is only 53.5kg. So.. lets say i'm just half way to my aim. (CL: u win la.. hahaha..)
(3) Dog. Do i need to say anymore??? D.O.N.E
(4) Insurance. B.I.N.G.O.
(5) $5k.. ermm.. does assets count? If so i guess i'd accomplish it. Otherwise, consider it half done ba..

In short, those that had been uncompleted shld be in my 2009 resol list.. yeahh....

(DRUMROLL... -_-!!... hahahaha)

My 2009 resols,
(1) Lose weight. Ideal is 50kg though some say i wld look like a pack of bones but i'm sure there will be more than tt.. (just realise tt this had been in my resols for e past 2 yrs.. saded.. )
(2) Save $10k by end of year. And this time, it will not include assets or vacation trips. It must be in e form of cold hard cash!!

... shit.. i'm having trouble finding resols.. meaning tt i have no goals in life anymore!! oh no!!

(3) Sign up Darcy for Obedience Class.. (i wonder if this counts..)
(4) .... i really cant think of any..

I will update my resols again when i can think of any.. My aim is to set 5 resols!!! This is getting hard!!!