I know its nt healthy but my cravings for TW milk tea has even made me spend $2.50 on a bottle of (supposedly) tw milk tea frm 7/11 is getting seriously serious.
Sigh.. i want TW milk tea. Esp e one in hua lian!!
Any nice souls out there?
Comment for CL from CL: I will drink lor, just dun add ice can le.. i'll dare to drink one..
PC show coming tis thurs to sunday! wohoo!! u r so gonna see me there this thurs lunch. I'm like eyeing so many many things!!!
I'm thinking of getting a
- sturdy, tall n light tripod (approx $300-$600) cause mine is flimsy n short..
- iTouch (approx $300-$400)
- camera lens + bags (approx very much)
Again, any nice souls who want to contribute to my wish list? I wont mind if you want to give me my 09 birthday present in advance.. =D
Did it ever happens to you...
One fine day, unknowingly, you saw a long lost friend standing just 3m away from you. You recognise her/him and he/she you. So you started chatting away on what had you been up to and what had you been doing for the last how many years. Den exchange your numbers bid a farewell and proceed on your way.
Usually, my heart will be smiling but my brain will be working non-stop asking this question
'Where do i know him/she from??? JC, Uni, work or clubs n events? '
Did you ever have that thought too?
Just wondering, in forty years time, will i take even longer to remember or wld i just hack it and forget about it?
Just wishing that no-day will i ever finish my lunch/dinner/whatever meal and ask this question
muhahahha... yes, i'm making fun of U!
Now n den, u see ur friend's msn nicks reflecting their complaints, joys and pains. Sometimes you see ur friend's displaying their emotions thru their display names.
Most times when i see that, i will just give a silent sigh, an imaginery shake of head and go on to surf the net.
Everytime, i wish that they can come out of this transparent web that they had spun around themselves, and see how bright and sunny the world is, with the occassional butterfulies fluttering by and the rainbow so far far away ie to see that this world has more joy than sorrow you are feeling.
This brought me back to one memory. Something i'd blog about before in my previous blog.
It was a bright and sunny Christmas afternoon. It was summer. My first year in Melbourne. My first Christmas not spend with my friends. Assignments was pilling up and the homesickness was at its peak. I was out at the nearby Garden, sitting by the pond after finishing my Freedo Ice-cream, watching the mother duck bringing her ducklings out for a swim.
The tree were green and the grass was dry. It was a beautiful day. But i was sitting there, alone, stoning and thinking of singapore n of tt someone special.
Then along came a local, he looked like he had been sleeping under the bridge for the past few nights and he went to the opposite bank squat down and pick up this leaf.
He said to me ' This pond represent the world and this leaf is your worries.' He then dropped the leaf into the water and let it float away. ' Now you see, your worries are just a small leaf in a big pond.' With that he walked away.
I finally understand what he was trying to convey some years later.
So, friends.. Life is good yet short. Always look on the bright side of life. Its alright to dwell in the dark every now and den, but always remember the route back to this wonderful world.
You know i'll always love you as you are. n i'm not the only one.
Luv u!
Wow!! I love your ending to this passage!! So positive and nice!!
So emo ah? I LOVE YOU TOO!! =)
wah.. one says positive n one says emo..
so am i a postivie emo-er?
wahahahahaahahahaa.... I LOVE U 4eva!!!!!
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