Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just my luck.. n things frm here n there..

I fell down a whole flight of stairs yesterday.

8 steps in total.

Adding on to my 2 bruises per legs, i have a total of 7 bruises on both legs, n 1 on my butt. Surprisingly there is no open wounds just a strained neck.

wow.. lucky me.

I decend the first step standing up and i reached the ground on my left elbow (luckily not my head) and my right butt check on the last step. I do not remember how i turn 180 degree and i can only say it took place at no notice and caught me completly off guard (duh...) But i remember i felt like i was flying and all my thoughts flew by in tt spilt second.

Thoughts like..
-will i sprain my ankles?
-will i make it for my tuiton?
-will i drop down to the first floor by chance?
- shit. have i pay my insurance premium?

things like tt..

Luckily i'm alright just tt adding on to my muscle ache and wobblely knees, i have to see before i sit now..

wat a day..


I'd been working late recently hence only spending 1-2 hrs per day w Darcy, as a result, he now sleeps on my bed instead on the floor. Its nice waking up to see him sleeping beside me but not so nice when he decided to be cassanova and give u the kiss or shld i say lick of life. But i still like waking up to see him just beside me.


Just the other day, i was looking at the entries i posted 1 yr ago. I was still thinking if/when i shld get a dog n a dslr. Today, i have both my wishes come true.

Indeed i'm fortunate.


No matter wat,
Because life still goes on.



Eagle Ivan said...

Aiyoh, pls be careful the next time. We're not young anymore leh! wahaha *lol*

Dreamystace said...

wahahahaa,,,, aiyo... u didnt tell me u fell!!! i sms almost everyday when i was away leh!!!