Sunday, May 24, 2009

Half a day in JB

Went over e causeway this afternoon for a bit of shopping and dinner with my dance mates. It actually felt nice going for a mini getaway despite the one hr jam+walk over to Malaysia. I had my Old Town white tea (which has a mild flowery taste, something like e tw milk tea, or was i dreaming??), sale in Body shop and thats about it.

Oh, the best part was, the exchange rate is 2.41. That is like how good. Everything felt cheaper than usual. Hhahaa...

We went for dinner at 'Big Horse Garden'. The usual seafood and it cost us only bout $20 SGD each. Dirt cheap lor. We had crab, heaps of crayfish, lala, stingray, kang kong, salad you tiao and smelly beans. Hee... The plate of crayfish cost RM$70 and its really worth it. Seriously.

While i was there, memories came back. I went back to 2000. My first yr in JC. The day before a couple of us went to Genting+ KL, Me n the other 2 girls went to stay over at my friend's place for a nite. We went to the same place for dinner. I remembered the 3 of us ordering loads of food. I think it was 5 dishes and we finished almost everything. It was a great nite. For me at least.

Now, one has become a mummy and a very good one she is, the other one is planning for her wedding in Sept and lucky me gets to help. We still keep in touch here and there but looking back at those times, makes me really miss them and the days we had.

Thanks for the memories dear folks! Wishing you well!

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