2. Place your trust in me. Through good and bad times, I will always be by your side.
3. Never forget that I have a heart too… just like you.
4. Whenever I don’t listen to what you say, always remember that there is a reason.
5. Talk to me. I may not understand all your words but I understand your voice when it speaks
to me.
6. Let’s not fight. Remember that I could hurt (bite) you but have chosen never to do so.
7. Even when I grow in age (and probably grow slow or weak), please be kind to me.
8. My life may not last as long as yours. Please make every second we spend together count.
9. You may have other friends, other activities. Please remember that for me, there’s only you.
10. When I leave this world, promise me you’ll be by my side. Remember all the times we shared and remember always that I love you.

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