Sunday, June 21, 2009

little life-changing updates..

on Darcy..

A couple of wks ago, dad told me that AVA called our house as they were unable to reach me on my hp (i cant talk on e hp when i'm in my office. dun ask me why. just a regulation they impose). The AVA-ian said that one of the neighbours had make a complain on Darcy for barking all day long. In the morning and late at night. He said, this call is just to let us know that someone has complained. Just that. And try to control his barking.

Several questions i had was.
1/ How do they know that the bark they heard was Darcy's? Because there are a couple other barky dogs in my neighbourhood.
2/ Why didnt that neighbour come and knock at my door to let me know first before making the complaint? (This lead me to thinking on how cold and unfriendly we had become to our neighbours. I do not smile at my neighbours at all. I do not even know the faces of my neighbours except my next door. I remembered my neighbours were my friends in my old house. Everyone is 'auntie' and 'uncle'. We know who live where and how many children and pets they have. I know whether their daughter who is around my age plays with Barbie dolls or not. Now, i dun even know if they are my neighbours or just visitors. sad isnt it. But this is what we choose to live so face it.)

In case you guys do not know the seriousness of this matter. If someone makes another complain, i may get (a) a fine or (b) request to rehome Darcy.

So, my parents tried not to agitate him late at night by retiring to their rooms, locking him out in the living room after 10pm. Me, i really need to enrol him in an obedience school soon. Real soon.

on Me..

Last monday, on the journey to work, i ALMOST black out. Not the first time it happened but it broke my record. Normally i could last till Novena but this time i KO at Bishan. I went to see the doct who suggested that i can opt to take a blood test if i'm really worried. (Note: the day before, i wanted to do my bit for society so went to a blood donation drive but i was rejected for being a 10-pointer on my iron level. Normal ppl has a reading of 12.5, blood doners need 12.8 to be allowed to donate, mine was 10.8. I was given some iron tables and asked to try again a mth later.)

So, i decided to do the blood test as its
1/ free
2/ just a prick on my middle finger and some blood will be collected.
3/ wanna ensure that nothing is wrong with me

Hence i said yes.

And the doct took out one of the biggest needle i had ever seen to be used on me. The good part was, it wasnt painful at all. Seriously. But it still FREAKS me out. Think he took about 20ml of my blood.

Anyway, results came out on wednesday. It was printed on a sheet of paper with those readings that fall out of the range of a normal person in red and black for the readings that fall within.

I show it to my dad when i reach home and after some time for him to digest, he said ' 7 failed and 7 passed, 50% lor'

I 'diao' there.... So like a teacher..

Anyway, i was diagnose with Anemia.

The iron level was really low so this should be the main reason. I guess drinking too much alcohol is also one of the main reason as well as menstral bleeding.

Again, i was given iron pills which i must take religiously and report back to the clinic a mth from then for another check up.

So now i must eat more beef and green-leafy veggis esp spinach(which i happen to love very much in eggs benedict) to build up on my iron count. Also, i was told ginseng is good, so anyone wants to sponsor a stalk or two or treat me to eat korean ginseng chicken?


dAbLuEaGeNt said...

OOOooo...must take good care of yourself yah!!

I think exercising might also work!!

Dreamystace said...

korean ginseng?? u sure mah?? i dun think so leh... dang gui might help lor... wahahaa..