Sunday, December 06, 2009

fan nao.. au nao.. sianz..

what do u do when u have a decision to make yet you dun want to make because if u choose to do it, you will feel sorry towards urself yet if u dun do it, u will feel sorry towards the rest of the world.

its nothing complicated but still...
its nothing tt will affect e rest of my life but still...

i do not want to make the decision. Now, i'm running away frm it. Till i either forget bout it or i come up w an ans...

actually i noe i have the ans already. in my dream. i found the ans in my dream. but dreamland is one where u do not need to consider about hw others feel and u just do things ur way. Just like when writting econs essay, we always add in 'assuming ceteris paribus'.

now, i'm still thinking bout it. i hate making decisons esp over stuff like this. and i felt like theres noone i can speak to about tis cause noone noe e whole story.. e ppl around me are either before or after, none went thru e whole process.

hw? hw? hw?

Hatg it!!


Dreamystace said...

Chimgalogy!! wat izzit abt?? anyway.. it is cool... u did not mispelled any han yu pin yin!! hahaa
Ok. *SERIOUS*.. make wat decision? wat happen??

Ting said...

hai.. u wont understand one lar.. suan le..

evie said...

i know what it is!! it's finally writing ur reply n updates in a very long email to us right?

if u write, u'll feel sorry for urself cos so lazy n so sian to write long updates right.. if dont write, then sorry to us.. lol!!

it's ok. dont need to think le. just update verbally when we meet!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha...follow you heart and in a matter of seconds you will know the outcome whether you made the right decision!!Wahaha!!

But I always feel talking to someone bout some decision is good cos they will let you see another from another side of things which you might have been blinded.

Ting said...

haa.. evie.. if its like wat u said, i'm really wols to be feeling it only now..

anyway, tis is an issue no more. i've decided!