Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A yr ago..

One yr ago, by a weird(shall nt say evil) force, a devil was born into a handsome body.

He knows how to act pathetic when he knows he had done something wrong.

He knows that by jumping onto ppl when they are eating or barking at them continuously will either earn him some rewards or some beatings.

He knows that by showing how happy he is to see you home by flying into the air and jumping at you will take away part of the beating and scolding that he will be getting when you discover the shoes that had been chewed and the paper that he torn.

He knows that you cant resist an early morning cuddle and he will take the opportunity to lick your face and nose while you hold him close to you.

He knows that he can be picky with his food because once he show no interest, the food will be taken away and replace by something more interesting and most likely more meaty.

He knows he's the king of the house as noone can catch him and the more people who participate in the chase will increase his sense of achievement.

He knows, maybe not, how happy i'm that he is in my life and how much more colourful my life has become. To date, i've not regret choosing this handsome devil and i hope for his coming years that nv will i have to regret.

Happy Birthday Darcy!

Though i know not who your parents are, where you were born,how many siblings you have and how long you can live to. I know i'm damn glad to have you!

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