Monday, June 22, 2009

my tw milk tea~!!! *sob*sob*

i bought e bottle of $1.70 tw milk tea when walking home just now. I generously treat my parents to a few sips and kept the remaining in the fridge to chill it somemore.

After my shower, i took out the bottle and sip it some more. Bit by bit. Wanting to save some for tmr, i asked my dad to put the remaining one third in the fridge.

Ten minutes later, i walked into the kitchen and my dad said 'There's no place in the fridge so i drank it all.' and i saw the empty bottle in the rubbish bag.

I bet you all can guess my reaction...

In case you all felt that its a valid reason, think again. My dad didnt buy back any bottle items just now and i took out my tw milk tea from the 'bottle' compartment in the fridge.

So, moral of the story: Just finish it.


Eagle Ivan said...

Okay lah, dun be sad. Whr u buy the milk tea from? Show me hw it looks like & I'll get u 1 again. =)

Ting said...

its e 7/11 one lor... hahaha...

Eagle Ivan said...

Bt I think they gt afew flavour leh!