Now and then i got asked 'Why are you single?' 'Are there no guys in your office?' 'Have you been dating?'
The thing i dun understand is, why does it takes 2 to make it complete? Do i need to have someone to be happy? Can't i just be single and enjoying it? Lastly, are guys the only ones who can make me happy?
Seriously, i'm single and enjoying it. I can do whatever i want whenever i want. I do not need to consider about another human's feeling. I can spend my money however i want, go for as many trips as i want and travel to wherever i want without feeling any restrictions. Also, i dun think i have the time for a r/s nor the energy. Theres so much things waiting for me to do everyweek and the weekends are the only days that i'm free now that i'd stop all my tuitions. But, i still feel like there's not enough time to do the things i want to do. I need more time.
I admit, its good to have a male compainion around from time to time, but i guess i'm not ready to give up my freedom full time. At least not yet.
If only our society is ready to accept 'releationships without attachments'. But even if so, will i be able to?
I do not know..
hey! i found one suitable guy for u! fits all ur criteria cept for the fact that he is 2 yrs younger than you. haha. but everything else, u definitely like it! haha. "grins" im not forgetting you even during my exams k! haha.
can! just find a bf (aka male companion) but dont be too serious loh. lol u can accept it if u can keep yourself from being too attached to him.
best of both worlds.
ding, tt is a real good suggestion. i'll keep in mind tt..
yx, sure, introd lar..
I wld think if we're happily single, den stay that way. Plus, u still have tyl & I with u. Yah, if only we can haf r/s w/o attachments BUT w/o senseless comments by others. Hmm, bt come 2 think of it, who cares abt wat others say? An open r/s sounds cool. Marriage & divorce is juz a piece of paper, but an edu cert is worth more & can bring us a better life too. As long as 2 pax are happy being tgt, watever the status or whether we have the marriage cert or nt, does it really matters? =)
hey....enjoy your single life while you can cos you do not know when it will just be gone as it crept on you whenever you least expects it!!
I have had enjoyed mine for the past 26yrs w/o any tinge of regrets!!
You are not losing out much yah!!
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