Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The poor boy been LS-ing for the past 2 days. It was so bad that he woke me up in the middle of the nite to open the door for him so that he can go poo. First he will start by scratching the floor under the door and all sort of noise. Den when he sense tt i'm awake yet fall back into bed. He will let out a whine which will have me on my toes in less than 2 seconds to open the door for him. Den he wld dash (seriously DASH) out of my room to find his pee/poo pen.

The funny thing was, when he first LS, he went to the toilet, at the shower area and did his business. Nobody taught him to do it there. It was always the pee/poo pen. But he went to do it in the toilet by himself. But i made the mistake of shutting him in the toilet after he'd done his business as i went to find toilet paper to clean his ass. He thought he was being punished hence he went to do his business on the pen after that. Personally, i wld prefer that he just do it in the toilet as its so much easier to clean.

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