Monday, May 18, 2009

How to turn monday blues to bliss?

One pint Erdinger after work is all it takes... wohoo.. life is good!!


I forgot to state part of the reason why i fell down the stairs on sat.

I felt that partly, it has to do with the pair of slipper tt i wore that morning. Usually, my footwear for sat wld be my lovely silver havaianas which i bought last July when i was in Perth. But sadly, it was assassinated (U NOE WHO U ARE!!) in Gao Hsiung. Sigh. What a way to end its journy in life. =(

I belive (truely, deeply, madly) that if i were wearing my lovely silver havaianas on sat, i wld not have fallen down tt flight of stairs. Seriously.

And you know whats the worst part, i lost $24 on 4-D due to the fall.


What a wasted fall.

1 comment:

Eagle Ivan said...

Wah kaoz! Nt my fault mah. I didn't do it on purpose de wah... *sad*