Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Argg... 1mth flew away just like tt..

today, i die die also must create an entry else i dun noe when else i will update..

i have so so much to tell, but i do noe know where to start, wat to write and watever who where wat?!..!!

So, lets the x random things occurs!!!!

1/ i'm sick of work. wats new? i want more tuitions! such tt i can earn as much as wat i'm earning nw so tt i can quit my job. But, will i?

2/ Darcy's right eye appears to be have some problem. His right eye lid will slowly slowly close while his left is still wide open and staring at u. I did some gentle eye massage but it still does nt go away. Shall wait n see hw tmr. If its getting worst, i wld need to bring him to e VET.

3/ Darcy had stop eating his kibbles as we gave him fish+rice for dinner everynite. It was suppose to be a every now n den meal but my parents started cooking fish+rice for him EVERY NITE resulting in his disinterest in kibbles. (All their fault!!) As we wld be going tw soon, it wld be very troublesome for the kind, helpful, wonderful person to have to cook everynite for darcy. So we started him back on kibbles. N he's still rejecting them. But not as much. A hungry dog is A HUNGRY DOG. Hope he will be back on kibbles by then.

4/ Last last time, my dad saw me talking baby language to Darcy and he called me 'xiao ren' and Darcy 'xiao gou'. Last time, my mum saw my dad talking baby language to Darcy and she looked at dad n shakes her head. Last nite, i caught mum talking baby language to Darcy. Me, i was => -_-!!!

5/ I used to bring Darcy out for a walk about 1-2 times per wk. Now tt my mum had stop working, dad brings Darcy out almost EVERYDAY. I'm serious, ALMOST EVERYDAY. Me, i was => -_-!!!

6/ Note: This is a repeated event. Its does not happen by chance. I was watching tv in e living room, on my fav sofa, relaxing and partially stoning. Suddenly Darcy started barking at dad or mum. Dad will rise/emerge frm wherever he was, stop watever he was doing and scold Darcy den proceed to chase Darcy around the living room. (Note: This is suppose to be a scolding session but turns to playtime for Darcy n dad) Their fav part, is to circle around me, Darcy takes me as his pillor of support, Dad treats me as a trap(to trap Darcy). They will play hide and seek around me and dad frm scolding will become laughing. Me, i was => -_-!!!

7/ Frm Darcy, i learnt that when one become desperate, he can make the impossible possible. Example: Darcy n dad was playing hide and seek around me (as usual). I was sitting on my fav sofa stoning at the tv. Dad had seal up most of Darcy's escape routes. Darcy, unwilling to admit defeat, with his ciga-lookalike-bone hanging frm the side of his mouth suddenly make a jump at me. So sudden was his leap that i raise my arms as a shield for my face thinking that he will smack straight in my face but the next second he was gone. Darcy had jump on to me and flew over the headrest landing on the open space behind my sofa. Dad and i was shocked for a second and for once, Dad declares Darcy the winner of the Day.

8/ For those who knows of my difficulties of getting a dog in the past, wld know tt my dad was the main 'problem'. He was the one who said NO. N he being a person who seldom say NO to me makes this NO a rather significant NO. So, seeing how much he has bonded with Darcy makes me realised that not listening to parents all the time might just be a wise thing to do.

9/ 2 mths back, Dad asked me to take a pict of Darcy n him, just like the black and white photo he had taken with his previous dog. Dad showed me that photo the other nite and i said 'I dun think u can squat tt low now' hahahhaaa... Me was fun..

10/ I borrowed 4 bks frm e library 2 sundays back. Their title being 'Out of the blue - romance in Crete' , 'Anyone but you - romance+dog' , 'Animal's Ppl - True Life Account of an Indian boy in Khaufpur' and lastly 'The women of Pemberley - Sequence to Pride & Prejudice'. When i was loaning this 4 bks, i cant help but feel how diff these 4 bks are. Other than the first 2 where they are romance but one is wrt travel and one is on dog (tt was wat caught my attention). The other is a biography and one is simply a literature. I didnt read the brief outline at e back of e book when i was choosing them, i simply look at the (1)title and colour of e book and (2) flip to the first page and read the first few lines. No point in killing the story by knowing what half the book will be about or when the auther is just nt my cup of tea. So, if the cover is attractive enough and the first few lines dun make me yawn/sleep. Yup, i'd gotten my book.

11/ I started on the dog book first which took me 4 mrt trips to finish. Then the Crete one which took me almost a wk of mrt trip + a friday nite. Now i'm on my Animal's ppl. Its lettering are slightly smaller, the pages are thinner and the book is thicker than e first 2. That was how i decide wat to read first. I'd thought i wldnt be able to survive the first part of the book but i was wrong. This is a good read thou it requires more concentration power than e other 2. But its still an interesting book to read. So, go get it!

12/ Facebook is a dangerous tool. esp if your fellow colleagues n team leader are ur friends. They wld know wat u had been doing last wkend or how drank u were. No good! No excuses to use the next time they ask u to go drinking. I cant say ' ermm.. i dun drink' hahahah

13/ I went to mentoring last sat. Was called up e previous sat by my mentee n asked to come. But who knows, i postpone one tuition and went but he has to go for flag day. Sigh.. I miss mentoring. I miss acting like a 20yrs old and playing w them. Some new mentors even thought tt i was 17. haa.. those was e days.

14/ Watched 'He's not tt into you' some wks back and i strongly reccomend to ALL girls out tt esp for those singles. Cause, i got a wake up call frm it. Seriously. Watch it and u will understand. 2 things every girl shld know: 1. Nv cut ur own fringe. 2. watch e show urself to find out.

Time to sleep! Hope i will update soon!!

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