Been realising that e peeps around me are mostly attached, seeing someone, having someone or at least liking someone.. whereas, i'm still me.
N the surprising thing is i'm actually alrite about it. I dun wish for any special one in fact i cant even think of any one to wish for. I really cant.. -_- which is pretty sad for once..
But i still have one fear. That is, when everyone, i mean EVERYONE around me are attached and have no time for me then i think i will start to fall apart.
They always say that no matter what, attached or not they will alway have time for their friends. But face it dear friends, once you are attached, your freetime just diminishes and the avil time for friends might change from once a wk to once every half a year. Not complaining here. After all, we had all been there and done that. Just, dun keep saying 'I'll surely have time for you' when seriously we both know that this is just another empty promise you are making.
So dear friends, enjoy your relationship and dun feel bad towards your friends, because you know what, FRIENDS are not the ones who will walk with you till the end of your life, the special one beside you NOW might just be it.
Enjoy =)
Oei!! Still got me!! i'm SINGLE!!! always here!! sorry lah.. recently dunno bz with wat.. hahaa...
BUT TYL will be with u de... hahahaa
I beg to differ, CL. Sometimes when things go sour b/w couples or brkup & divorces happened, FAMILY & FRIENDS are the one who really stay by you. And there're ppl who live a meaningful life filled with happiness even w/o a special some1 till their very last day. Though free time may decrease, but if ppl care enuf, they wld make time for other loved ones other than their beaus. Juz my 2 cents worth. =)
i agree i agree.... i'm sure when u got ur tt one.. u still will remember me de.. juz like i will ALWAYS remember u if i got someone... hehee... juz tt sometime i think of u... but i didnt do the action of sms or call lah... but u REALLY ALWAYS in my mind!! heheheeee
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