Thursday, December 28, 2006

I want my peace n quiet back.

I dun want to be asked repeatedly where i went, what i'm doing and when i will be doing this n that.

I dun want to have someone decides how i shld live my life and organise my time.

I dun want to come back to a stuffy room that smells mouldy.

I dun want anyone to question me what am i doing in my own room and make me not lock my room's door.

I dun want to have anyone breathing down my neck every single minute i'm here.

I want my own peace n quiet back.

I want to be alone. I want to live alone. I want my life back.

Seeking it frm elsewhere...

Give me a job where they will post me elsewhere...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

My last nite in Melb.

Guess wat, its X'mas Eve n i'm all alone at home. Even my parents are out. N i thought tt they wld be home for dinner but NO. They went dating and abandone me ALL ALONE. My hsemate is out for a countdown to X'mas but seems more like a countdown for me to leave.

Its a cold cold day and for no reason i started sneezing. The kind that is not a result of dust but a sympton of cold. Feels like i'm falling sick.

Sold some of the small items in my place just now. Feels so good even thought they are all underpriced. But well, something better than nothing. Hope my luggage won't be overweight tmr. I'm bringing so much things back. Gosh.. To think tt my parents are suppose to come over to carry my stuff back for me as in so i can bring more luggage back BUT my mum bought a lot of chocolates in NZ (u noe hw the sings like to buy choco coated kiwi fruit from the Cadbury Factory in Dunedin.. NO? Well, for those who went to HAwaii w me n had seen my crazy spree at the chocolate cum Macadamia nuts factory you can jolly well picture this. But with my mum's face) No wonder the saying 'like mother like daughter'. She bought like 7 boxes of chocolates and dun noe wat else. Even a choco lover like me felt distressed. [This is whom i learn unoewat from.] Anyway, back to my complains, she have like at least 5kg of chocos n $60 worth of nuts to bring hm. So u can understand my anger. I kept nagging that they r suppose to come here to increase the baggage i can bring back not to increast the baggage i HAVE to bring back. Damn.. One car is so not enought. I doubt 2 too.

Photo taken at Cadbury Factory in Dunedin. They are like 2 kids in wonderland. Not me. I was mulu-ated by them. Sigh..

Anyway, they just got back. Its so cold outside. Whin to my dad that i'm falling sick n wanna drink e lemon panadol thingy. N he made it for me. If i were to whine to my mum, i will have to whine till i fully recover and she will still not make it for me. But, if i were to tell my mum that i wanna drink wine, she will gladly pour for me (then she can sip some without being nag by my dad) but not my dad. So, to survive in this family, one will have to know where to place her feet and ask for who to complete certain tasks. Welcome to the Wong's Family where the youngest is the spoilt brat aka ME.

Went for a walk around Melb just now to bid farewell to my fav places. Namely St Kilda (for its sunday mkt), Lygon street (for its Freedo which is not open today. Damn. I wanna eat green tea flavour) and the city which is so so packed today even when it's a sunday. My last time buying tram ticket and taking tram. My last time walking down Swanston Street and admiring Ferderation Square for its jigsaw triangles. My last time eating Krispy Kreme donuts and drinking ice chocolate in Melb. Sigh.. There are so many things that i'm gonna miss.

Met up w a friend just now to pass her some money. I felt sad bidding farewell to her as she's flying back to Thailand (shld be in e air now) Felt like we will never meet again. I mean, this is life but still, can't help wondering if i were to study in my hm country, i wont have to undergo this kind of 'nan fen nan se'. Most of the friends tt i made in Melb are not from Sing. Most r from Malaysia, few from China, Thai, Korea and Indo. Now that i'm to go back to Sing, i will not meet any of them from diff countries. Even if we were to meet up it will only be for e next yr or 2. I noe that as time past, we will lose contact and someday when we see each other on the street we will just walk past each other. What a waste.

But everytime i were to sink into depression, i will remind myself of the friends who will be waiting for me in SIng. Supper time, sleeping n rotting in tyl's place, cheap movies n swimming pool. Stingrays, egg dao huey, wantan mee, peneng laksa(imitation) and lastly, my piano. One of the thing i miss most. But i told myself that i will get a new one with no broken notes and softer keys. I wanna carry on w my piano lessons. Also, i wanna get a dog n new furnitures for my room. But all this got to wait till i find a job and have enough money.

So my resolutions for when i got back in Sing,
1) Go swimming and take up Yoga or Pilates and LOSE WEIGHT. Not much just 7kg.
2) Get a job and make money.
3) Paint my room and buy new furnitures.
4) Get a dog.
5) Get a brand new piano.
6) Get a car?Nah.. Maybe 5 yrs later. But then, i rather get a hse.

Hope my job can post me elsewhere like say NZ, Canada or even Maldives. Then i shldn't get a dog nor a piano right? But well, dun think i will be able to find such a job. Maybe i will just become a teacher. Haha... Who knows??

A brand new ending?!?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Random little bites..

You know..

Have you ever felt like sitting down with someone in a nice quiet place with warm street lights, turn 45 degrees towards that someone, looked at him/her and said, 'You know.....' and started telling that someone the deepest most secret you have that not even people who know you for more than half of your life have any clue bout?

Thats me. More than often, i will experience that uneasiness and felt like vomiting out all those facts about me. But i never did. The one time i did, i wrote it down on several postcards (the only paper i cld find at tt time) and gave it to that someone to read while i sat beside. The response from that someone was better than what i'd expected and it make me realised that its not tt hard aft all. Nt tt hard to express how i honestly, truthfully and seriously feel.

Maybe its the fear of rejection. Or maybe its just me being afraid of losing the trust and respect from my special someone. But tonight, like many other nights that occurs every now and then, i felt like sitting down beside you, under dimly lighted streetlights at our midpoint, and started off with 'you know, this past three years...' and tell you all my happiness and unhappiness, surprises and shocks, friends and enemies i had have.

My three years that past like a blink yet the cuts were deep, the pain deeply felt even till this day.

My three years that sometimes i wish it cld start all over and sometimes i wish that it will end right now.

My three years where you had kept close contact with me to nag at me like my parents, support me when i was depressed and push me on whenever i felt like giving up.

'You know, during the event that signifies the end of my three years, i took this picture, seriously wishing that you were here with me, right now, right here.'

Thinking of you, right here, right now.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Back in Melb, once again.

Just came back from a roadtrip to Mornington Penisula, Wilsons Prom and Lakes Entrance(again). Was suppose to come back on fri but due to some matters that is still pissing me off, we decided to come back earlier. Fuck credibility.

I grad last sat. Still can't belive tt i'd graduated. Fear tt one day the sch wld call and tell me that they had mark one of my paper wrongly and i'd failed. But guess not.

Coming back on Christmas day.

Friday, December 15, 2006

10 simple tips for dating.

I saw this page when i sign in this morning n cldn't resist taking a read. My conclusion is, this is extremly true i guess. Small stuff like this can really make a difference.

Personally, these few might really works..

(4)Sharing a dessert. Its a good way to end a dinner with something sweet and not over indulge your waistline so sharing is the best way out. But never make a comment like 'hey, its cheaper this way ya know.' Because this is so so wrong.

(5)Tipping well shows that you are generous but dun overdo it otherwise she will feels tt u do not value your money or when you really got her and you cut down on your tipping by a great deal, she will feels cheated.

(8)Small gestures like these always impress me. I'm just saying. Be it just making an extra effort to walk over to her side to open her car door or guiding her thru large masses of walking flesh this shows that you care and is able to protect her well. But dun make a big hoohaa out of it. Do it sleek and smooth like its just second nature to you and yes man, you had just impressed a lady.

So well, hope you guys enjoy this piece of information. Practise well n u might not be alone anymore.

But note that (10) might not be applicable to most in sing as i reckon tt e lady will feels weird wearing black n lacy to dinner w e rest of e family watching. u noe wat i mean..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back in Melb..

I miss Melbourne. Althought i was gone for only 12 days but it felt like i'd left home for a long while.. 13 more days to go before i leave melb for good. Gosh.. i wonder how it wld be den..
I realised tt i was accused. Badly accused by my best frend in sing!! But since i'm understanding n forgiving, i shall ignore it. But hey, if u had check u will realised tt its less than 12 days lor... But since i'm understanding, i understand tt u miss me hence u accused me. N since i'm forgiving, i shall forget it SOON.
NZ is pretty. The scenery is diff frm Vic. Aust is full of beautiful deep blue sea whereas NZ is full of jade green lakes, everywhere n snow capped mountains even in summer. But, i wld love to visit NZ again in winter n i wld wanna drive a caravan w a special someone so we can wake up to breataking views like this every single day.
With nite skies like these n sometimes even better..
Yes, this is Orion. Can u spot his belt, sword, arms n legs?
But think i wld only wanna visit the South Island and then to Fiji or Taihiti. Hehee.. I'm taking too much n thinking too far... But yes, NZ is a romantic place i reckon during Winter.
More to come when my mood is back. Its good to have internet oh yeah!

The songs i was addicted to during this trip. I only had radio for the last 12 days n there were long periods w no reception. So, thank you to the invention of waves.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The past few days..

Time flies. Once again i shall say that. Time really waits for no man. Suddenly realised that it had been a week since i'd finished my exams. So, three more weeks to singapore.

Had been suffering from insufficient and uncomfortable sleep since my parents came. I think there is going to be a bruise forming on my left hip soon. I could feel it as i was pulling up my jeans.

Flying to NZ tomorrow mornign for 12 days. A trip that i'd not really talk bout not because i wasn't excited but because i'm 'sian' of travelling already. Been travelling too much this year i guess but still, hope it will be fun as i will finally be travelling out of the country.

Will be bringing my lappy with me as i need to upload my picts and also to watch some drama if possible. Bringing a book with me too. Wonder how many books i will finish this time. I did 2 books during my last trip.

Shall stop here today. Needa do some stuff.

Anyway, i cut my hair and since there's no pict u shall noe hw it is. BAD.


Monday, November 27, 2006

My life as it is..

My parents arrived on sat night and i had been bedless since then. Noone will be able to understand my feelings for my bed. Its my comfort for two years, my hiding place, my relaxing place, my stoning place, my studying, reading place and the list go on. Its the place for my everything. I'm going to miss it so so much.

Exams are finally over yet i'm not overjoyed or watsoever. In fact, i feel tired all times and want nothing but to hide under the covers all day long while watching my drams. Temper hasn't been good recently due to iknowwhat. By right shld be able to bear with that kinda treatment but i just didn't want to take it anymore and started leashing my anger and venting all my frustration at someone.

Guess this is the period where i should lock myself up and be with noone other than alone to prevent hurting my reputation anymore. Just a small minor action can make my black face emerge. I do not know if this is for the good or bad. Maybe this indicates that i'd treated that someone as a friend hence able to show the different coulours of my complexion otherwise it shows that i'm seriously pissed off with that someone.

Just hate being taken for granted. Here i'm being nice and helping you and making time for things to work and there you are taking me for granted and not listening to the things i said. I organised my time around with the intention of doing what i shld be responsible for but there you are making me redo one thing for the past two months just because of some stupid reasons and not doing the things that you said you will do. I kept wanting to give up and just pass on all the shit to the next person in charge but this will be unfair to the next. But i'm really pissed off with the procastination and the lack in interest in everyone else. Maybe i shld do just that and throw all kinda shit to the next person and say, 'Look, dun blame me too much for doing this to you but i'd put up with it for a year and enough is enough. I quit.' Fuck. Why can't i just say that. Really feel like throwing all the stuff and leave. Will i? Dun make me. If by the end of this week and nothing had been done, i think i wll.

Friday, November 24, 2006

50 years from now...

I hope that 50 years from now,

I'll still be healthy and fit to walk endless miles

and to have someone hold my hand and walk beside me towards the setting sun.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

My first 9 hours of freedom..

I had my last paper today. While studying for it yest, i was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. I had no choice but to visit youtube and watch some anime to cheer myself up every now and then. Only while doing the paper today did i start to feel happier and more relieve. With each question my smile started to come back. Not because it was easy but because it will be over soon. I kept checking my watch for 4.15pm to come. Finally it did and i didn't manage to finish the paper. But so did a lot of my friends. So, heck it la.

Anyway, after the paper, along w 2 girlies, we went to St Kilda Beach. We bought some Belgium Beer from the Beer Garden and some snacks. Yes, i'd not only started on wine but also on light beer as well as sake etc. I tried a korean beer in a korean restaurant the other time while we had korean BBQ and it was super good. I mean, i like it.

It wasn't long before i was completely relaxed and laid back literally. It was super comfortable especially for a sleep deprived personal like me. We sat there for a another hour or two while i wait for my sunset. But sadly, there wasn't any clouds in the skies hence i wasn't able to see a magnificant sunset.

The sun setting into the sea. Never will i be able to see this in Singapore. Hence, hope that this won't be my last sunset, ever.

The Sun-server.

The Sun-biter.

Thats all for now. Tired. Needa rest early as needa wake up early tmr to go somewhere...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Eat air..

a banana
+ one glass of ice coffee
+ 5 grapes tomatoes
+ half a BBQ chicken
+ 10 cherries
+ 5 strawberries
+ a glass of lemon syrupy drink
= 2kg

Oh man, i really shld start eating air.

I think, its e banana...

Anyway, the price of bananas had drop by a whopping $3!!
Currently selling for $8.88 per kg.
How interesting is life!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A tiny weeny bit of motivation..

All the while i thought that, thats all. But it was actually not. Just that i did not look hard enough. It was there all along. My tiny weeny bit of motivation. To help me thru my last huddle.

Thank you to e one who will never know!

Monday, November 20, 2006


No idea why, but suddenly, i felt alone.
Helpless.. Not really. Just slightly lost.
Hope tmr will be better
Turning to my blanket for comfort.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'd love you to want me - Lobo

"I'd Love You To Want Me"
When I saw you standin' there
I 'bout fell out of my chair
And when you moved your mouth to speak
I felt the blood go to my feet.
Now it took time for me to know
What you tried so not to show
Somethin' in my soul just cries
I see the want in your blue eyes.

Baby, I'd love you to want me
The way that I want you
The way that it should be
Umm baby, you'd love me to want you
The way that I want you
If you'd only let it be.

You told yourself years ago
You'd never let your feelings show
The obligation that you made
For the title that they gave.
Now it took time for me to know
What you tried so not to show
Now somethin' in my soul just cries
I see the want in your blue eyes.

Aw, I'd love you to want me
The way that I want you
The way that it should be
Umm, baby, you'd love me to want you
The way that I want to
If you'd only let it be.

Random stuff, once again...

Firstly, let me post a pict of hail on my balcony at 3am that day. Seek hard and you shall see. If you look close enough, you can observe that they are already melting. (Click on the picture for a bigger version)

For the past four days, i had been doing nothing other than watching drama. TO the point that i'm bored. So so bored. After my paper that day, i felt lost. All of a sudden, i've lost my direction. I'd lost my aim and motivation. The paper was bad. But that was not the reason. The main point was, now, i have to find things to do. For the past 2 weeks, all i have in mind was to study, study and more studying. So, after my paper that day, i was lost. Because i need to find a new goal, a new aim and a new road. At least for the next few days.

Now, i'd found my route but i'm bored by it. Hope that i will start studying again, soon. Having my next paper on thursday. My last paper again. After that paper, maybe i will feel lost again. But i dare say, it won't last long. My parents are coming over AGAIN. Reaching on Saturday. They will be staying for a mth before draging me back with them.

I went to watch The Prestige with a couple of friends the other day. It was one of the best show i'd ever watch. The ending was unpredictable. At least not from the start. At first i thought Alfred was to be blame for causing the death of Angier's wife but in the end, which Borden was it that had caused the accident? He really did not know which knot was it, because he wasn't the one who tied it. When i thought that Angier was taking revenge for his wife's death than i realised that it was jealousy over Borden's success. He who lost it all. Lies become love, love was betray. Helper was brother. Science became magic which was actually the act of deceit. He who was believed to be dead was not, he who was thought to be alive, was dead.

A movie which cause great confusion yet was so intriguing that made me sit upright through out the whole movie. One that i won't mind watching another time. Simply because it was so good. A five out of five movie.

Saw my next door neighbour for the third time that night after the movies. It was about midnight and i was waiting for the tram in the city. It was cold but enjoyable. Then i saw him. I recgonise him by the muscial instrument that he was carrying. That was how i know it was him. If he was not carrying his m.i, i wld never knew tt was him.

The first time i saw him was 2 sundays ago, before my first paper. I was at the tram stop behind melb uni and so was him. He sat beside me on the bench. We didn't know that we were actually next door neighbour. We stop at the same stop, got into the same lift, stop at the same floor and walk the same way back to our apartments.

The next day after my paper, i was at another tram stop waiting for the same tram back home. I saw him when i was opening my mailbox. We were on the same tram again. Its just funny how things always turn out to be. That time there was a surprise visitor outside my door (the puppy) and i knock at my neighbour's door asking if it was their dog. I guess that day they were having a party because there were a lot of people in their apartment. But i didn't notice who they actually are. I was more interested in the dog. Then we never see each other again for the next 2, 3 months and all of a sudden, i kept bumping into him. Isn't it weird how things work?Just like the korean guy that i met in Cairns. 3 times and thats it.

I wonder who will be my next threetimes.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Surprise me!

When i was preparing to leave for my paper today, i looked out of the window and saw a SUNNY day. I thought for a while and extend my hand out. I was right! It's chilly with strong winds. So, i have to wear many layers in case IT decided to change it's mind.

I went down to my mail box as i was anticipating a letter from someone sweet. But it had yet to arrive.

Left my building and realized that it had started drizzling. Well, luckily i'm 'hooded'. I pull up my hood and walk into the pharmacy to get some plasters for my poor middle finger.

A layer of skin ermm.. drop? cut? peel? off. I realised that i was bleeding while cooking my beer pork 2 days ago and it had yet to recover. Guess the skin was too dry or the dishwashing liquid was too strong for my dedicate hand.I tried placing the layer back on top and plaster it but guess i didn't do a good job as there were a portion which wasn't place on the correct position. I wonder how it will look like after a few more days...

After purchasing a box of twenty, i walked to the traffic lights and wait for Mr Greeny to appear. Suddenly, things felt weird. The raindrop felt big and i'm getting wet.

Whats that sound?

Someone throwing peddle? Is the rain gettin' bigger?

I was all wrong.

It's hailing!! Lots of small white icy pellets falling on the ground. Ok, maybe i shld say hitting the ground instead. But it was so so so cool. Today's was the first time i experience such a heavy hail-fall. The balls of ice are about half a centimeter in diameter. They are visible. But they melt real quick. This explains why i got wet quicker. It was so so cool.

Luckily i wore several layers of clothing hence they were able to cushion the impact for me but i still felt something hitting on me. It felt like someone was throwing sand at me. It was so so cool. Out of nowhere, it started hailing. About five minutes later, it stop and the sun came out.

I'm so gonna miss Melbourne weather. I really will!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Can i have some ID?

I just gt back from Safeway supermkt. Went there to buy some meat n veggis and decided to make some beer pork. If there's this kinda dish. So, i went to buy 2 cans of beer.

When i was paying for it, the cashier said, 'Can i see your ID?'

I pause for a while, den say. 'Sure.'

Haha... That makes my day!!!

I'm so gonna buy more beer from him!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I've uploaded some picts to my multiply. They were taken during my sept trip to Queensland.

'Finally' I think i will hear someone say. I think she will need some entertainment to keep her from dozing off after lunch. So, here they are.

Underwater in Great Barrier Reef

Cairns, Cape Trib, Whitsunday(Sailing), Gold Coast, Coolangatte.

Might take some time to load since there's 51 picts in the later album.

I'm still relaxing. Shld be studying today but still slacking. Shit. Tmr better be more efficient. Need to wake up early tmr to 'chop' seats in e lib otherwise another day gone.

Since i slept late yest due to love hina. Re-watching them as i have nothing better to do. I woke up late this morning at 11 plus. I felt guilty for a while. Just a short while. Then i told myself, i deserve this sleep in. (Balance bought forward) Finally, was able to wake up becuse i wanna wake up n not because i need to drag myself out of bed. Yeah. Cant wait for next wed. I will be even more relax than today i believe. Because then, i will have another 7 days till the next paper. So, thats all for nw. Chill!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

My sense of taste is back..

I wasn't referring to my dress sense. Because I know I dun even have one to lose it and to get it back.

I was referring to my tastebud. For the past one week, due to stress, I was practically forcing myself to eat. From 3 meals + several snacks a day to 2 meals + a glass of Earl Grey + a cup of coffee + several mugs of Chinese tea. I was basically surviving on my sugar intake from the tea and coffee. I had subway, kebak, Korean hotpot, pizza and even KFC but non of them was able to provide me with any satisfaction that one will normally receive after a meal. In fact, eating was just a waste of time and i wish that there's those pills that can substitute food.

I wasn't the only one. In fact most of us who were taking efm felt the same way. We just lost our mood for food. So, aft the paper, 4 of us, girls, went in search of this Penang restaurant, somewhere in Ormond. Due to the express trains, we were brought to Camberwell and hence began our long walk. For once, the sun was out and shining after being on leave for say 2 weeks. It was hot and glaring. So, when we finally reach that restaurant, we were all very very glad.

Our purpose were to try the Penang Laksa. People who know me shld know that i like sour food esp Tom Yum. Assam Laksa is my favouite kind of laksa hence, it was worth the walk, the sun and the flies.

The laksa was good. Only today then i realised that the noodles that they use in Penang Laksa is different from those that i normally eat in Sembawang's Sun Plaza foodcourt. I had been deceived for years. So, secretly, i made a promise with myself.

That is, to go to Penang and eat their Penang Laksa.

Also, i want to go to Ipoh to try their Ipoh hor fun.

I want to go to all states to try their famous food.

But this got to wait till i'm back.

Anyway, back to the laksa we all had. It was good. It restore our tastebuds. Finally, we cld experience the satisfaction of eating good food. And now, i'm back to eating again.

There goes my weight loss and here come an increase in weight. AGAIN.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Time flies..

It's almost 2 wks since i started mugging. As in really mugging. One more day to go for my third paper in a week. This feels horrible. My first time in Uni sitting for more than 2 papers in a week. And all i can say is, i'm tired. Really exhausted. But I still have to move along. I can't hang there. Furthermore its my last sem. I do not want it to become my second last. So no matter what, i still have to hang in there. It sucks.

I was studying in e library today and i left for a while to use the comp, when i got back to my seat, i realised tt my money was gone. Someone took my cash from my wallet. But at least that person didn't take my wallet. Otherwise i will be screwed as i'd a paper this afternoon and i need my studuent ID. So at least he/she is a smart thieft. I'm the stupid one.

Anyway, need to start for tmr paper. I'm so screwed. Pray for me and lend me your luck for a day. I really, desperately need it! Thanks!

Monday, November 06, 2006


I'm tired.
Very tired.
But i can't rest. Yet.
Not until friday.
Wish it won't come.
Hope it will soon be over.
Contridicting. Thats me.
Why are you doing this to me?
Back to back. Not what i need. I want more time!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


On nights like this, i really wish i have someone.

Someone to carry my bags when my shoulders are aching from all those books and notes.

Someone to accompany me home after studying at the library, or when walking along those dimly lighted streets.

Someone to buy goodies for me and offer me encouragements.

And especially someone to hold me when i think i'm going to fall apart.

Yes, i think i'm at my weakest moment right now.

The turning point of the y squared curve.

Tmr, will be better.

~I hope~

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hottest spot in Carlton.

We had always been complaining about how boring life is in Melb and how no nightlife such and such. But tonight, i made a discovery.

We DO have nightlife in Melbourne.

Its not expensive at all, in fact its FOC.

People from different countries, different ethnic backgrounds and whatever differences you can think of, gather together in one small building for one common interest.

There is drinks but you need to BYO food unless you don't mind snacks.

Recently, i'd took up this long forgotten interest of mine. And i'd not regretted since then.

Bailieu Library, you are one hell of a place!

Monday, October 30, 2006


If y is you and x is me,
what is our dy/dx?
(ie the change in you with respect to me)

Positive, i hope!

Have a great week ahead!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Other random stuffs..

My favorite different types of tea:
Lemon tea: Best with meals

Milk tea: Best for a lazy afternoon

Earl Grey: Best for early morning and late night revision.

All girls like flowers, it just depends on which type, colour and size.
I bought some roses last thursday. Suddenly felt like having something pretty in my room so i went to the shop where i normally get my fruits and flowers from.

This was how they look on thursday.

This was just now..

Did you notice that they are blooming.. It's exciting to come home each day to see them open their petals a little more. Living things..


I'd just completed my last assignment for this semester. I have one due this coming wedensday and another due on friday. They are both completed. Not with the best effort. But i reckon with the best effort for the marks awarded.

Come to 'count' of it, i had a total of (3+4+4+1=) 12 assignments due this semester. I'm glad that i'm still alive. In all, they are worth 140% out of 400%. This doesnt look like much but they are. Anyway, glad that its all over. Time to rock the books in e library.

Please give me the strength to travel to Bailiue everyday for the next two weeks. I'm desperately in need of that.

Also, daylight saving had started/ended? Not really sure but ya, sing is now 3 hrs behind Aust instead of 2hrs. Meaning, i lost 1 hour. Sigh...

Friday, October 27, 2006


Ppl who know me well enough will know what kind of weird taste i have when it comes to my crushes. I have had responses like 'Yucks', 'Are you serious?' 'Oh my god, whatever are you thinking.' And the best of all was 'huh.... (silent)... hahahhahahahahaha(unstoppable [if theres such a word]).'

I had more than a drink just now hence am feeling rather relax and feel like composing another entry, hence i shall do some random stuff ie, mycrush (As if anyone wld care, but well maybe 10 yrs down the road when i read this again, i'll be able to laugh my head off and say to myself, 'Oh yes, my taste was awful and still is.')

Anyway, i like this guy who is hmm.. how should i say since i can't say that i know him really well. Well, it seems to me that, or he appears to be, responsible. He knows what he is doing and he knows what he wants. He is efficient and very determined. He is sociable (when he wants to) and most importantly, he's kinda a nerd. I'm a sucker for smart guys. And yes, he is incredibly smart. Brilliant.

He's not the kinda nerd that has the words 'I'm a nerd.' written on his forehead. Nor does he needs thick glasses to read. He does not have have a center-parting hairstyle with hair that shines due to the overwhelming amount of gel he used and he doesn't wear checked shirts tucked into his pants that he wear high up his waist.

On the other hand, he's not the kinda guy who follows the trend and wear super tight black jeans nor wear more accessories than i do.

Mycrush is just a down to earth chap who dress smartly in a way that sometimes make me go 'wow... he looks good today'.

I've had a crush on mycrush for lets see.. Almost two semester? On and off, roughly there. When i don't see him for a long long time, i will slowly forget about him. But once i see him, it will take sometime before i can stop thinking of him. A few weeks perhaps.

On the few occasions that we interact, there were a couple of times when he proves to know me even before i know myself. Like say he knows that i need that thing without me even realizing that i need that thing. Maybe its just basic commonsense but guess in my two decades plus on earth, nobody had really predict my actions before i even think of committing them. This is also one of the reason why he's mycrush. I do not need to voice out to him to know what i want. Well, not always, but sometimes and its enough(i guess).

He's mycrush and mycrush he will be. For how long more, i do not know. But i predict that it wont last longer than next June. Because i know that once i stop seeing him, for a long enough period, i will forget that he once was mycrush. So, let me enjoy the remaining time i have in seeing mycrush.

What will be, will be.
What will end, will end.

Last lecture for the sem. Last lecture ever?

Today, i attended my last lecture for this semester. Yes, exams are around the corner. Another one wk two days. Was suppose to have 3 lecturers every friday but coincidentally, two of my morning lects were postpone and cancel. Leaving only one after lunch.

Hope this will be the last lecture ever. Hope i can pass all my subjects and graduate this Dec. Hope i wont have to stay back for another sem or two. I'm worried and scared yet not willing to do anything.

My parents will be coming over 2 days after my last papers and will be here for a mth. They will be bringing me back with them. I guess they are worried that i might refuse to go back to Sing and that i might pull a stunt like say miss my flight, forget the date or the passport and whatsoever. They will be here to watch over me like a hawk and make sure that i go back with them.

Thats the thing with parents who miss, love, and are too dependent on their kids. Well, guess i will have to live with that. After all i'm the biggest spender in the family, the one with the worst temper, the whiner who is never satisfied and lastly, the spoilt brat who takes everything for granted.

Oh yeah, life is SOoooo good!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

You know...

Been having a bad time during the past few days due to u-noe-wat. But glad that things are much better now. Just that i still walk around w a sulk on my face and a 'Look! Do i look like i give a damn?' attitude.

Yes, i'm back to normal, almost.

Its 25th Oct today. Exactly two more months to be exact. Wow. Time flies. Kinda worried. Just a tiny bit. What if i don't fit in anymore?

Mum called yesterday and asked me if i mind getting a 3.5 ermm.. feet (i assume) bed? Its a super single i guess. I said NO. I want a double bed which is 4 feet (perhaps) otherwise i will get a queen size bed which is 5feet. I think, just my personal humble opinion, that.. she can't wait for me to come back. She is bed-shopping for me.

I'd always complained that mum never come to the airport to send me off after the first time i flew off. I'd always assumed that she rather work than come see me off. Only when she and dad came to visit me this year then i know the reason.

Me: Den, how come it seems like you do not miss me at all when i left? You didn't even come to the airport to see me off. (pout)

Mum: Everytime when XL or YL come to visit me at 768 then my heart will ached. Sometimes i regreted letting you go overseas. Seeing them makes me think of you and the tears almost drop.

I think.. I have the best mum in the whole wide world.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The waiting game.

Have you play the waiting game before?

The rules are simple.

All you got to do is WAIT.

Wait till you are sure of the other player's next move.

Wait till you are sure of your own strategy.

Keeping score is easy. Either both win or one loss.

This game needs at least two players. If there is only one player at the start, that player will have to wait till the other player join in. There are times where this game has more than two players. But this also meant that the total losses and profit will be increase.

So, are you game enough for this game? Or are you already in one of them?

Me? I want to quit this one player waiting game.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Induction Dinner 2006

Had a dinner last nite. Our club's Induction Night. Not a lot of people came but we manage to have 19.

It was held at Docklands and for no reason, it started raining yesterday afternoon hence decreasing the temperature. By the time i reached Docklands, i reckon that the temp was around 10-12 degree. With the winds blowing non stop and walking with half exposed legs is not the best experience on earth. By the time i enter the resturant i was almost tearing.

People started arriving from 7pm and before that, our club president asked me to 'just sit down and look pretty.' His exact words. So insulting. Like i will spoilt their arrangment like that. So, i tried to confuss them when they were setting the sitting arrangement. Haha.. Wasn't in the right mood that day. But i stopped after some time. I was feeling kind and generous.

This was my main course.

The inductees n me(extra)...

Lastly, the 4 Board members.

Faiz (Club Service Director), Me(Treasurer), Kai Lun(President), Raymond(Immed Past President)

A bit sad though since this indicates the end of the year, one final dinner with them and not knowing when will i see some of them again. Maybe never.

My last night out. Its time to start preparing for my exams!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

You Are The Love Of My Life

You are the Love of My Life
George Benson & Roberta Flack.

M: You are the love of my life, I knew it right from the start
The moment I looked at you, you found a place in my heart
F: You are the love of my life, you give me reason to live
You taught me how to be strong. With you is where I belong

B: No one'd ever touched me, quite the way you've touched me
People search a lifetime to find what we have.
F: You are the love of my life, one thing that's good in this life
B: I'll spend the rest of my days just loving you

M: You are the love of my life, the heart and soul of my life.
B: Once I was lost and alone, with you, at last, I am home
[instrumental line]
B: You give me so much of you and leave me room to be free.

B: No one'd ever touched me, quite the way you've touched me
People search a lifetime to find what we have.
F: You are the love of my life, one thing that's good in this life
M: And in a world full of change, one thing I'm sure of
M: You are the love of my life,
one thing that makes sense in this life
B: I'll spend the rest of my days just loving you

M: You are the love of my life and I thank God I? alive
B: To spend my lifetime with you, You are the love of my life.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Eavesdropping again..

I like to listen to others conversation esp when its in mandarin.

On e tram home today, sitting back to back was this PRC girl who was on her phone with someone. She was telling e person-on-the-other-end about this funny thing. (Honestly, i dun find it funny). This girl just came back from dinner w another girlfriend of her. This girlfriend had just got back from China and is married. She went back to China to marry this guy whom she had met online half yr ago and who she first meet when she went back to China. Supposedly, she had broken up with her bf of 'cant remember hw many yrs' to marry this internet guy. Not because of love, but because her bf of 'cant remember hw many yrs' didnt want to get married but she does, so she went to China and marry the internet guy. Whats worse is, she still love her bf of 'cant remember hw many yrs' a lot lot. So much tt she started crying every time someone mention him.

I wonder (aft being to one world's wonder which make me wonder why isit one of the world's wonders) a few yrs down the road, will i be like her? To marry some guy for the sake of getting married. Gosh.. How scary is that?

Also, i dun noe whats up with my Korean friends these days. Yesterday, (e one and only day i meet my 2 and only friends who are Korean) i got asked twice, on separate occasions, if i have a bf and why dun i have a bf.

I mean, its not the end of the world that i'm single or what not, but it really got me thinking, seriously, Whats wrong with me?

And the feminist side of me will starts saying, 'Who needs guys when you can have dogs!'

Monday, October 09, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Finding myself..

Been back for a week. Sometimes felt like i'd never went for a hol. Sometimes felt like i'd just came back. The sympthons were pretty obvious.

I tripped over my bedsheets on the very day i got back home. I fell, knocked my arm against my chair hence causing the chair to knock against the window. Luckily nothing was broken. But, ouch.. It's painful. Den within the next hour, i knock my head against my desk. ET said i lost my bearings. Guess so.

The other day before the club meeting, i was trying to pull a whiteboard on wheels. It fall on me. I could feel it falling slowly like it was put on slow motion. My left hand has a scratch and my left shoulder too. But amazingly, there wasn't any bruise.

But i did brought back some bruises. Mostly from white water rafting in Tully River, Cairns.

This week had passed very quickly. I was still in holiday mood. Not willing to spend any time on my school work and club work. Just wanna stay at home, in my room ALONE, watching drama, sleeping and eating. Just want to be by myself.

I guess coming to Melb to study had make me too dependent on myself. Because now, i need more alone time than before. Its not longer hours, but days. Previously, i only need a few hours of time to myself, but now, i only need a few hours of time to be with friends. I want more time to be with myself. I miss myself.

But i'm still figuring which me do i miss most.

Now, i wanna find the me in Yr1. Where i wld study like no tmr. I need to find back my motivation.

Come back.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I met someone whom i thought i'll never meet again.

I went to this Asian grocery, Laguna today with ET and i met this guy.

First time.
The first time i met him was on a cruise to Great Barrier Reef. Being the few asians on board, we were put in the same table. 2 of them and 2 of us. They thought we were japanese and we thought they were japanese. Turn out that they are korean and we are sings. We chatted, stop, went diving and snokelling, had lunch, snoker and dive somemore, chat. We went our own way when the ship reach the harbour.

Second time.
We were waiting for the night coach from Cairns to Whitsunday Island and when i got back from the toilet i saw them talking to WC. We had book the same bus but to different destination. They are heading for Brisbane. We said our goodbye once again at Whitsunday.

Third time.
I met him at Laguna supermarket. I know he's staying in Melb and he me. But i didn't expect to bump into him there. Furthermore he could remember me as he was standing there waving. Finally i got to know his name, Lim. And he mine.

Don't think we will ever meet again because things always happen for three times. Dun tell me to grap hold of what because he has a girlfriend and at that time when we met in Cairns, he was travelling with his gf's brother. So, thats why i didnt ask for his contact. Haha.. Lastly and most importantly, i'm not that desperate to leap on any guy who comes my way. Anyway, just feels that the world is so small and fate is a funny thing, you never know when to expect it!


Monday, October 02, 2006

I wanna dance all night long...

'I wanna dance all night long,
all alone with you girl.'

I couldn't get this chorus out of my head for the later half of my trip.

While i was standing at the beach, enjoying the sea breeze, i kept singing this phase. I can't remember the starting or any other part of this song and i can't even figure out who sang it. Just know that it's not a new song.

Just now, while looking at my desktop background, i started humming this song again. With complete access to internet, i finally found the title, the lyrics and the band. Here goes..

I wanna dance (MLTR)

It's late at night they've all gone home
so finally we're all alone
The waiter says we're closing very soon
Still the night's so long
don't wanna say goodbye to you
I've got plans for us tonight
baby that's right

I wanna dance all night long
all alone with you girl
'cos I'm ready for a sweet romance
all alone with you girl

We share the last glass of wine
our hearts are beating in perfect time
wondering who will be the first to say
You know it feels alright
why don't you hold me tight

I wanna dance all night long
all alone with you girl
'cos I'm ready for a sweet romance
all alone with you girl

I know tomorrow comes a day
Don't think about what they will say
Just close your eyes and dream away in my arms

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Back in Melb.

Reached Melb at 0000 this morning. Was extremly tired as i'm used to sleeping early for the past one week. Furthermore, was suffering from gastric. No idea why i'm so prone to them esp when i'm taking plane. Luckily i cld feel it coming hence i brought the pills with me and pop several in before it gets too serious.

Reach home at bout 1am. We waited for a long time for a cab. There were a lot of passengers and too few taxis. But finally it was our turn. The roads were quiet without much cars. Got home and found ET, FM and my hsemate waiting for me there. They made a cake. Ok, e 2 girls. It was sweet of them to do that. But guess i was too tired physically and mentally to be more overjoyed. I should had done so, but just moodless.

They stayed overnight and made lunch for me today. Tempura and miso chicken. It was good not having to do anything yet food will come. Even my hsemate cooked udon for me. For someone who dun do much cooking, it was really a sweet act.

Really appreciated the things they had done but just couldnt make my face become the way i want it to be. Can't even act happy. Being weight down by something.

But no idea why i'm so feelingless, moodless yet restless. Sinking into depression i think. No idea why. No, its not the time of the month. Just feeling very drained. Emotionally. I miss the sun, sea and breeze. Change my view please.

Back to yest morning, i was suppose to wake up for the sunrise. I did. But i was too late. I did not check properly, just assumed that the sun will rise at 6.12am as usual. But when i reach the beach at 6am, the sun had already risen from the horizon. Imagine my dissapointment. I felt betrayed but there was nothing i could do cept to stand there and stare in disbelive. Guess what, when i was about to leave, i saw a fin emerging from the water, near the shore. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so i stared hard at the surrounding area. Den it appeared again. The black fin came out and went in again, in a trend of a semi circle. Then it came out again. Three times in all. I was delighted. Inside i was saying, 'Thanks you! You had just made my day. Happy Birthday Yanting!'
I spoke to the management of YHA Coolangatta and he said that it's common to spot dolphins only when the sun rises. It was my birthday present. One of the best that i had ever received.

Went for a walk around Tweed Heads and found out that i'd crossed the borders unknowingly. Once again, i'm in New South Wales.

After a seafood lunch of bugs, raw oysters and wedges, i decided to walk back to my accomodation. I climb up to a lookout and a friendly tourist took a pict for me. I know my hair looks messy and such but i really like the view. It was pretty.

I walked for an hour till i was so hot and tired that i found a bench in shade and took a nap. I fall asleep. Guess this is a first time for me but it felt so comfortable. My dad woke me up with his sms. 'Hi. Happy Birthday! :-)' It was so formal yet so comical because of the face. haha.. I replied, 'Thanks. Have a great day too!' Haha.. Guess its does not run in the family to send well wishes to each other.

After one hr of peaceful deep sleep, i woke up and started walking again. Saw an ice cream van and bought a cone. Just wat i need on this hot hot day. I continue with my walk. Finally reach my destination after another half hour. Went to the beach and sat there for a while until i can't stand it anymore and walk to the water. It felt greet. The cold water against my aching feet. Heaven. Spend one hour standing in the water and finally decided to go back to YHA to change to my bathing suit to take a dip. Walk back and came out after a while but the sun was setting hence it turned slightly cold. I sat there waiting for the sun to set, wishing that it will be as pretty as yesterday.

But it wasnt. Nevertheless, it wasn't that bad. Took some shots and headed back to the hostal, took our luggages and went to G.C airport which was just 500m behind. Now, here i am, back in Melb, missing the beaches.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Day 14 of my 15 days trip

Day 11
Well, came back from sailing to the Whitsunday Island yesterday and had to stay a nite here at WhitSunday before taking a plane to Brisbane in which we will take a train to Gold Coast. Gonna spend the rest of the time in GC and not going anywhere else.

Spend the whole morning walking around this place and having brekkie alone with a new book. It was relaxing. After we check out of the backpackers, i took my book, found a bence beside Airlie Beach, lay down and spend the next three hours there. These are the times that i enjoyed most. Being able to be engross in a book at a place with a good view, cool breeze and occasion sunrays. *Sweet*

Day 14
My last night here. Currently, using the internet at YHA Colongatta. Its only 9pm but i'm so tired. Since the sailing trip, i had been sleeping at approx 11pm everynight. Sometimes as early as 9pm. Sigh. I'm so tired. But the up side is, i will wake up at bout 6-7am every mornign. Gonna wake up for sunrise tomorrow. Hope i can make it.

Anyway, Colongatta is South of Gold Coast. We went to Sea World 2 days ago,

Surfers Paradise yesterday

and Brisbane today. We took 2hr journey of train and bus to get to Brisbane but i only spend 4hrs there. It's so bornign. I felt suffocated. I dun noe how i will feel to be back in Melb.

I came back early and went to a nearby beach, Tugan Beach.

Anyway, it was near sunset and the sea was beautiful. But guess what, my camera batt went flat. Both of them. So, i promise myself to catch the sunrise tmr. Hope it will be as grand as Lakes Entrance.

A brand new day to a brand new start of a brand new year. Ur nt getting any younger, Miss Wong!

Guess i will always be a sea-person. Being at the beach always make me feel so much better. Water always make me calmer. Hence i like to bath. But i dun noe what happened to Miss TYX since we are from the same zodic but she... DETEST bathing! Sigh.. What a shame...

Anyway, at SEAWORLD, i saw a few interesting things. Well, not really interesting, just caught my interest. First there was the Dugong. Its a sea cow. I dun noe hw to describe it (but will upload e pict when i gt back).

Den there were the dolphines and seals performace. Which i find pretty impressive.

Then we took some of the rides, Corkscrew (same as Genting Theme Park). At first i thought i will freak out like hw i felt yrs back when i took it alone but in the end, i felt nothign. ABSOLUTE NOTHIGN at all. I was so dissapointed. I wonder if my heart is still beating!

Went to e souveniors shop and guess what, i bought a Dugong softie.. Haha.. It was so cute and so soft tt i cant resist it. I woder when was the last time i bought a softtoy for myself. Sigh.. I'm desperate!! Haha..

After being to one world's wonder i cant stop wondering bout things.

K gt to go now..

No more credit. Ciao..

Friday, September 22, 2006

First 5 days of my trip

Day 3 of my 14 days journey (18/09/06).

Now, in front of me, there is a mountain or shall I say a hill, with the peak occasionally submerged in the passing cotton white clouds.

I’d just came back from lunch and was about to start on my assignment. Oh.. I’m in Cape Tribulation which is a few hours drive from Cairns which is in Queensland. So far the weather is good, not too hot and not humid at all. But this place reminded me too much of Malaysia and Phuket. I’m not kidding. Just that here, there is no fishy seaside smell, irritating flies flying around and most importantly, NO SWEAT! But still, give me Thailand anytime man. Its so so so much cheaper. The shores here are not as pretty as seen in the postcards. I guess we really need to take a jetplane and fly over it to be able to admire the beauty of the place.

Was suppose to go for a sea kayaking trip this morning but it was cancelled, last minute. So we had to wait till 4pm for the next one. Well, hope that it will be fun. Wonder if there is time for snorkeling.

On the way here yesterday, we stop at a river, hope on a flat bottom boat and was carried to few parts of the lake. Purpose was to look at crocs. Hmm.. I guess I wasn’t too interested in it as I’d seen enough in Thailand and Sing. But the Germans in the boat was pretty fascinated by them though. Even though the crocs were just sun basking.

Went to walk around after we had check in at our backpackers resort, Ferntree Lodge. Like I said, the beaches weren’t as nice as Tassie or even Vict. So, was a bit disappointed. But well, hope Great Barrier Reef will be better. More up to my expectation.

That’s all for now. Will update again when I’m free.


Day 4 of my 14 days journey. (19/09/06)

Just to update, my kayaking trip was cancel again. They say the waves was too strong so not suited for sea kayaking. In the end I spend that whole day staying in my room doing my ass. This sucks big time but its my own fault. I know. But it really sucks BIG TIME when your roomie is sleeping and you can hear the deep breathing and an occasional snore yet you still have to TRY to be determined and carry on with your work. Note that I type try in caps, so you can see how much I tried. Which is, not very much I hate to admit. But well, I’m the one suffering over the next few days. So far, I have another 1000 words essay to complete. Topic is on Efficient Market Hypothesis, the existence of exceptional investors and the implication on the EMH. Sigh. How much better can the holiday be.

Came back from Cape Tribulation this afternoon. To be honest, its not really worth going. The things there are expensive as in the IGA(supermarket) they hike up the prices of the commodities by about 20%. I compared using chips and chocolates. The restaurant and café there cost at least $20 to have a meal there. Sigh. It burnt a hole in my pocket. I want cheaper food! The scenery is not to die for, the only good part is that, I manage to do part of my assignment. So it is good if you want to finish some work simply because there aren’t much distractions.

On the way back, we stopped by some tourist attractions, being Port Douglas and a small town call Mossman to admire the huge boulders and cool river. Port Douglas is also a small town which was made famous by its excellent location for fishing for the rich and famous many years back. Our tour guide said that Bill Clinton went there twice! Now, it had become one of the more famous town near Cairns where a lot of honeymooners, Asians etc like to go. But guess not for me, because it is so commercialized. And also, the Four Mile Beach is not pretty at all. I have high expectation when it comes to sea. Vict’s Ninety Mile Beach at Lake Entrance is so much better! Also the bus ride back was horrible. For someone who had been brought up taking long bus journey, this almost made me throw up. Yeah, it was that bad. So, this trip to Cape Tribulation is definitely not worth it.

So, whats so special about Cape Trib one might ask. Well, it’s the only place on earth where we can get two national parks in one place. That is the rainforest and the reef. Their most famous catchphase is ‘When the land meets the reef’. But well, there wasn’t much reef that I could see as the kayaking trip never happened and the recent crocs sighting at the creek which leads to the sea does not encourage swimming. Alas, not a good place for me. As I’m not one for Rainforest. The only advantage was that, NO SWEAT. They are pretty proud of their Tropical Rainforest and their Mangrove Swamps which for me are places that I can easily visit in Singapore. Such as Bukit Timah Hill, Seletar Reservoir and Palau Ubin and even Sungei Buloh. So, why didn’t Sing make them into a tourist attraction since Germans, Aust and the French are so interested in them. Make Sing into a country where backpackers will want to stay for a few days to explore instead of a place for transits.

Anyway, I’m going to the Great Barrier Reef tomorrow. Yeah!! The highlight of the holiday. 2 dives too! Woohoo… Hope I wont be left behind in the ocean or forget my stuff, after all it had been 1 year 3 months since I last dive. Wonder what will I see tomorrow. Bought an underwater disposal camera for $20. Hope it will works well enough!


Day 5 of my 14 days journey (20/09/2006)

Just came back from Great Barrier Reef. I had two dives. The first was not that good. Tioman is even better.. Haha.. The second was much better as for a short period the sun came out and since it was in a lagoon, it wasn’t that deep hence was brighter too. My guide forgotten my camera on the first dive which was actually a blessing in disguise. Because if I brought it down I will definitely used up all 27 shoots. It took me less than 10 minutes in my second dive to shoot all. Oh.. I saw a turtle. It looks so old yet so graceful. It has those kinda grandpa look. Haha.. Will have to see how the pict turns out.

I got a bit seasick during the journey there hence the dives wasn’t the best it could be. But I felt much better after diving. This diving trip rekindle my love for the sea and renewed my passion for diving. SCUBA rocks!!

So now, one world’s wonders down, another 7 more to go. What is next?

On this trip, got to talk to 2 korean guys. They are nice people. One is actually staying in Melbourne. As they were sitting next to us, we chatted. About Australia, where we had been to and where we want to go. But the weird thing is, we never exchange names. SO, this is backpackers’ way of life? Isit? It is fun getting to listen to others talk about traveling, what they have done, been to and will be doing. While eavesdropping the other day, I found out that this couple is actually spending one whole year to travel around the world. They are from Brazil, stop over in Malaysia and Sing, then heading off to Korea, then to America and then back home. I was like, ‘Wow… This is so impressive. Something I will never be able to do. Firstly because of money, secondly because of time and thirdly because of companionship. Yeah. So, good for them. May them enjoy their trip as much as possible!

Oh, one interesting thing. I was waiting to do laundry at the backpackers resort and there was this American guy with a crew cut. He was infront of us. So when the washing machine was done. I told him and suggest that he can take out the clothes that are in it and place it in the dryer. He opened the cover of the W.M and said, ‘I dun think I should because there are bras in it.’ I was surprised that he will say that since they are suppose to be more open than.. well… me. But he said that and said that its not good for him to do that. So I offered to help him and he was so glad. As in really grateful kinda glad. When I was about to take out the clothes, he said, ‘I think I better leave the room.’ And he did. He walked in when I was taking out the last piece of item in the machine. It was a bra. ‘ermm.. haha.. yah.’ I commented and left it on top of the W.M because its actually pretty big. He thanks me again and carry on with his laundry. That’s cute. Yah, him. SWEET.

Gonna start on my assignment now. 1000 words!! Argggg!! Kill my lecturer pls. Someone!!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Know what??

I'm flying off for Cairns tomorrow. Flight is at 4.45pm. I have a mid sem test from 2.15 to 3.15pm. By the time I reach home, get my stuff, take a cab to the airport. It shld be 4pm. I need to be at least 30 mins earlier. I must be mad.

Not forgetting the assignment that i was suppose to finish before i left. Its not even 10% complete. What the hell! Its due next Friday. Hope I have all the resources that I need.

Am so tired now. But worrying about my mid sem n ass. Sigh. Dun think I can enjoy my first week of hols. Damn!

Wishing for anticipation. Anticipating the unexpected. Randomness is good to confuse the opponent, but you are not mine nor i yours. We should play by our pure strategy and obtain our Nash Equilibrium. Just hope that it won't be a Prisoner's Dilemma such that our Nash Equilibrium does not bear the highest payoff obtainable.

Not forgetting, its my bro's birthday today. That lucky guy has a gf to celebrate for him today (I think). Just hope that he doesn't need to go sailing. Hence, wishing him a Happy 23rd Birthday! May his day be filled with laughter and love (ermm.. even if he needs to go sailing). And also, dun be so 'heavy colour light friend' la. Got gf already den nv msn me anymore.

I just realized tt 2 of my bros are virgos.. Hmm.. coincidental or is it the path of moon again??

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


'When nothing seems to go --> , HANG IN THERE.

Because, sometime soon, they will.'

I heard this on a tram many many moons ago. Said by a elderly lady with shoulder length white hair and smiling eyes. Yes, I was eavesdropping. She was telling this to another passenger onboard and I was standing somewhere close enough to hear it.

Since then, I always carry this phase with me wherever I go. I always repeat this to myself whenever I am about to break down. Or when nothing seems to work the way I want them to.

Just remember that no matter what, the sun always rises to drive the darkness away.

I do not yearn for pots of gold, just as long as the rain clears, I will be thankful.

Fortunately, our lives have a cosine/ sine curve trend. And not follows a tan curve. There's no way we can hedge our downsides like we do in the stock market.

So, just hang in there and somewhere, sometime, somehow, life will gets better! And when that happens, remember to be thankful!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Well, weird day.

Its a weird day today.

I was supposed to have 2 tuts today. But both did not have any tut work beforehand. As in, no tut sheet was posted online. So, we went for the tut class and do in-tut work. Weird isn't it.

They must have known that i have no time to do tuts. Haha.. Or maybe, they thought tt hols have already started. No idea..

Received some news today. Weird. Similar events happened to different people with same zodiac. So, does the path of the moon really matters? Weird..

Anyway, went to the library to borrow some books for my ass today. I wonder if i will be able to finish reading them. Ok, not finish but at least read a section or two. Just hope that they will be useful.

Heard of Warren Buffett? Click on his name and read more about him. I think he's impressive.

kept forgetting that its 911 today. Time flies. It had been five years. I could still remember the exact day thought i was thousands of miles away from the WTC. I remembered that day, i chao school. Stayed at home and was suppose to be studying, in front of the TV. It was about 11am or 1pm. I can't remember. I was watching some shows in Channel U or channel 8 when suddenly strings of Chinese words started appearing. At first i didnt pay much notice to them but after a while, i realized that something had happened. I switched to Channel Newsasia. They kept showing the same scenes. The plane crashing into the towers. The towers bursting into flames. People jumping from 40 over storey. People with hand clasped over their wide open mouth and bewildered look, tears falling down their cheeks. People coughing and trying to fan the dust away. The towers falling.

It was horrible. A very disturbed memory. It took a while for the whole image to sink in. I kept telling myself that it was just a show. IT WAS JUST A SHOW. But the logical side of me won. They won't show any JUST A SHOW on Channel Newsasia. This is real. On the other side of the world, actual events like these are taking place. Only then i realized how sheltered a life i have.

This day, 5 years ago. This woke me up.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I miss him.

I misses the him whose words can brighten my day, whose smiles can make me blush and the him i can't stop thinking of on this cold cold night.

'L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one i see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore.'

- Nat King Cole

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Random stuff..

I believe by now, almost the whole world wld have heard of Steve Irwin's freak death. Being stung by a stingray barb. Poisoned was the main reason i reckon. The accident happened in Northern Queensland. Off Port Douglas. About 50km from Cairns. The midpoint between Cape Tribulation and Cairns.

Hmm.. WHat am i getting at? I'll be going there, to Great Barrier Reef. And, i will be doing 2 dives there. Hmm... I will stay clear of them.. The stingrays i mean. Just kidding. Simply because i still feel that there's nothing to be afraid of if i do not provoke them.

Actually, when i heard of the news like 2 days ago. My first thought was actually... Will there be a drop in price on the airticks to Cairns? I blame all this on Economics. For my inhumanity. But on second thought, maybe the price will increase due to the increase in demand as people might want to go take revenge on the Stingrays. hmmm... I dun noe.

Rgdg Steve Irwin's death. All i can say is, i agree with the last 1/3 of this article. Hence, no turtle! (Not to be mean, but the part bout the shorts being 7 sizes too small sure cracks me up!)

But, my sympathy for the grieving family and nation.

Other random stuffs..

Picts of my new haircut n my addiction (milk tea).

Monday, September 04, 2006

Well, my 100th.

A lot of things happened today. Some funny, some depressing, some encouraging, some amusing. But well, they are all bout me.

Lets go thru my day today.

oh, btw, its September! Yeah.. My fav month. Also, this yr, we have an early spring. Though its cold but its nt those freezing cold kinda cold, but more of like cooling kind of cold. Which, i like so very much.

Anyway, woke up early as e oven repair man came to fix up the oven (watelse??) Den i did some club stuff and went to school to meet a friend to discuss an ass. She's from Korea. How cool is that? Hha.. Cause she's e only korean friend of mine. Haha.. I know her when i was in yr 1. Den she took a break for a yr and came back this yr to continue with uni. And she cld still recognise me. During our first lecture in Comp n Strategy she RECOGNISED me. haha.. I was so happy.

Yah. But the ass sucks. We do not know hw to do so so much. Both of us gt so stressed up that its showing all over our face. Aft 2 hrs of discussion where time flies so quickly (even when its nt fun tt we were having) i went for my club meeting.

I was late. About 20 mins. As i went to deposit money and i need to wait. So ya. It might feels weird to say this, but sometimes BOD meeting can be so fun. Haha.. Yah. I did have fun. ESP aft tt ass of mine. Meeting is way more fun than anything else. There were some jokers around so yupe, it was entertaining.

Aft that, went for 2 classes. Both sucks. I have no idea whats going on. Got back an ass today and again, it sucks. That was the depressing part of the day. Its like, u put in so much time into it and forego the fun u wld have had if u did nt stay hm to do it and yet the result u got is nt worth the time and effort. You really will feel shitified!

Its the kinda day where you just stare at the ground and walk on. Craving for some shoulder to rest my head and cry my heart out. Wanna hide in one dark coner and be with noone else. Its that kinda dissapointment. But i did neither of that. Instead i choose to do something else. Since you cant make your heart happy, let the stomach do the job.

The best thing to do when you are in this kinda mood is to:
- go home.
- Cook some ramen to fill up that poor hungry stomach of urs which has not had any solid food for the whole day.
- Then go to sleep when your stomach is happy.

Guarenteed that you will wake up a happier person. It works all the time. At least for me.

Oh ya.. The amusing thing that happened was that, when i reach home, i wanna change my clothes so i took off my jeans. And guess what, it split. Yes. It did. My first pair of jeans! My first pair of Levis jeans. My favouit pair of jeans. It SPLIT! Under my RHS butt pocket. I cld still wear it if i want since nothing will be reveal. But. Theres a high risk that elsewhere might split again say when i'm in the campus toilet. How embrassing will that be. So, here lies my 6 years old jeans. It is really worth it.

I bought it for say $100. So each year, it cost me $16.67. Say i wear it like 1/5 of the year. Meaning that each wear only cost 23 cents. Wow.. Shld i get another identical pair? Haha....

I know some of you might be thinking, 6 yrs ago... You were so much thinner than now. NO WONDER THE JEANS SPLIT LA.. Its not. Its due to wear and tear. It really is.

Due to my early meal time, i started feeling hungry at bout 10pm. So i went to cut my mooncake. Haha.. yah, its a bit early but well, when the cravings come, they COME. Its green tea mooncake with 2 egg yolks. I was looking for one with 4 egg yolks. But cldnt find any. Haha... Its mooncake time!!!

Anyway, needa do my work now. Back to stress!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A day just like others..

I'd some bad news today. Wasn't expecting it. I mean, i dun noe. How was i to know tt he will be thinking of that. After all, theres only 2 more mths to go. Things had been alright since the start. And things seems to be alright till now. At least to me. I was sad. Not depressed sad. Just sinking sad. Disappointed maybe. But i know there is no forcing him to do things that he doesnt want. I guess i'm still in shock. Just wondering how others will react to this. Have to admit tt e same thoughts had pass thru my head. Couple of times, but at the end i will still hang on.
Because i was too big a coward to admit that i'd lost.

Lost the battle against time.

Just wondering, isnt there any solutions to this? Other than just quiting. Maybe he really had enough. He needed more time for other committments. Just wondering, cld there be a prevention? He must had been thru some really tough time to come up with this decision. He must be really brave to say it all out. Because its not easy. Not easy to admit that this is so not working out.

I asked myself how i should feel. Angry perhaps? But no. In fact, far from angry. I have no right to be angry. I could understand how he feel.

There are lots of times in our life where we feel like giving up. We can just heck it and walk on or pull out from it. My dad once said that i'd always choose to give up on things in my life. And he could easily list out several things. Things that i regretted quitting. Thanks to Dad. Because what he said work as a wake up call to me. But no thanks to Dad. Because no matter how hard, i will now strive on until i walk into a wall. Then people around me will start saying, 'See. I told you so.' The 5 words that i hates to hear most. And the five words that i will seldom to never say. Unless to the person who really pisses me off badly.

I guess, its better to brave it, walk on and get knock in the head then to quit.

Because, simply because, i'd quitted too many times. And enough is enough.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I cooked dinner last nite, for my hsemate too. Yes. He's still alive. Aft which i cleaned my room e living room and the kitchen. What had happened u might ask?

I'd just handed in an assignment earlier tt day. An ass that really make me hates it so much because it spoilt my fun. I had an event on saturday but i cldnt stay overnite as i need to be home to rush my ass. Damn... That feeling was horrible! You know you wanna play but u cant. That sucks. BIG time.

Now, i'm living my life ass-ing away. I have 4 more asses to do n 2 mid sem to prepare within the next 18 days. Please, enough is enough. Dun drop any more asses on me! At least not for the next four week.

Suffer now, play later!

N yes, cleaning n cooking is my way of destressing.. How much better can my life gets?

Oh, did i mention tt i found a potential eye candy in my lect class n tut?? Haha.. Yeah.. I need more of this!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


I'm going to need a big big bag.

Cause i'm going to Gold Coast n Cairns for 2 whole wks!


The big bag is needed because i need to bring books n notes to go study!! Arggg!!!

20 more days to go..

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Mum asked me for my weight today. After i told her, she pause for a while den said, 'Its time to loss weight. Watch what you eat.' Dammitz.. Its insulting enough when she ask me for my weight in e first place. Must she add on the remark?..

What a mum!

After that she started chuckling away..


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I want...

I wanna blow candles at the beach at night where there is warm sea breeze...

Monday, August 21, 2006


I have cravings for butter cake. I wanna try making a green tea butter cake or a nutella butter cake. But when is my hse agent going to send someone to repair the oven??


Sunday, August 20, 2006

A surprise visitor..

When i was going out to get dinner yest, i saw this mysterious guy outside my door. At first i thought tt he belongs to my neighbour so i knock on their door and asked. But they said that he's not theirs. But he's so adorable. He doesnt bark at all and just want some attention from others.

I went down and bought a can of dog food, came up and gave him half a can. He played with me. He followed me around, sometimes running ahead but always looking back for me. Sometimes running on my left then behind me then on my right. We played hide and seek too. I hide and he stood there waiting for me to appear. Thats his form of seeking. After a while, i went back into my apartment and he stayed outside my door. At about 10pm, he wasnt there anymore. I guess his owner had finally found him.

I like it when he sit when i tell him to, when he keeps licking my palm and placing his head under my hand waiting to be stroke, when he lay his head on my feet and lie down beside me. If i were to spend any more time with him, i think he will melts me.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Loving the weather.

Yesterday was a windy day. So strong that i was almost (NOTE: ALMOST) blown away. But it was bright and sunny. Its hard to believe that its still winter. Because its not as cold as last year's or last last year's and last last last year. Maybe its because i've adapted to the ever changing weather. This year's winter is actually considered warm. Maybe its because i'd just return from the snow mountain, so Melb is considered warm. Or maybe, my anti social side is out again, hence falling into the same temperature range as the weather here.

I'm comfortable in the dark. In fact, i find peace. Not loneliness. Just enjoying the quietness that i have now.

Next wk, i will have 2 assignments due as well as 5 tuts to deal with. Think it will be a while before i can enjoy moments like this again.

Normally, after every trip i went for, i will come back with an 'article' n several photos to illustrate. But not this time. Because i'm still waiting for for picts from my friends. Just wondering how long it will take..

Hmm... I'd just finish watching 'Princess hours'. Finally after 3 days, i finished the 24 episodes. It was alright. Slightly slow and draggy at time. But well, its over and done with. Sometimes, really wonder whether if love still exist. Taking a look around, it hardly seems so.

Maybe, just maybe, my anti-social side is really back in action. Might be drawn out by the cold in Falls Ckeek. Wonder how long it will take for this sunny winter to melt the ice within me this time...

'Hush now don't you cry.
No dont say a word.'
- Hush by Joy Hisaishi

I went for practise today and once i entered the shop, i was greeted by a warm smile. After that i went to buy lunch. My food came before two customers eventhough they ordered before me. One teasingly made a remark to the waiter on how unfair this is. All i cld do was give an apologetic smile and thanks the waiter. 2 shops before my place, the hairdressing saloon's owner was standing outside and he smiled and greeted me. I replied.

Suddenly, this feels like home to me.

4 more months left. My airtick back had been fixed. On the 28th of Dec. Just wondering, if i should bring it forward or push it back for another week. Pending....

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Isn't he GORGEOUS?

We met him at Falls Creek and asked him for recommendation for good food. And he kept going on and telling us where he had the best food. We met him a second time and hence we took a pict with him.

I must confess that i can't take my eyes off him. Cause he's so damn gorgeous.

ET likes his soft brown hair.
FM likes his strong hands.
And me, i simply like everything about him.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006

When its time, its time.

Libras are believed to be the pros at procrastinating anything and everything. This, I totally agree. But like I always say, when its time, its time. What will come, will come.

So today, I finally started cleaning up the mess that I was living in. My desk, to be more specific. Not forgetting, the increasing pile of clothes that laid on my bed which I kick to one side when I need to sleep.

I made a calendar to take note of the dates of my assignments as well as club activities. Another forte of librians, they are extremely organized and wont be able to work well in a messy environment.

Now that is left is to vacuum my room, wash the towels, prepare the club's accounts and do my tuts for the week.

Getting suspicious? What had caused the 180 degree change in my personality? A motivation I guess. Or maybe something that made me realize that I'm out of time.

Ski trip 3D2N. Friday till Sunday. May I come back in one vertical piece!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Marley & Me (John Grogan)

Last day of the month.

This month, i'd finished 2 books. The first was 'The Kite Runner'. Cant remember who the author was as i'd asked my parents to bring it back to Sing for me. It was a good book. About two friends who were brothers. About guilt and loyalty. I spend about 2 weeks on it as i was travelling around Tassie and dun really have the time to sit down and read.

The second book was 'Marley & Me' by John Gorgan. The cover caught my attention when i was looking for 'The kite runner'. So once i finished the first book, i went back to buy the second one. Its a new book, recently published and had been reprinted 7 times (at least). Still not impressed? I finished it over the weekend. How does that sounds now.

This book is completely on Marley, from its first few days with the Gorgans till its last days. The ending was sad. So sad because it is real. So real as it's inevitable. And i know someday when i have a dog, i will face it too.

The reason the cover caught my attention was because it was a picture of a Labrador retriever with a doopy look. The kind that always melt me. The saying 'Never judge a book by its cover' is so not applicable for this book. Cause this is one fantastic book.

I could easily picture the lab as described in the book running from places to places with the goofy look, the determined look, the sad whinny look, the pleased look as well as the sleepy look. Because it reminded me of my neighbour's golden retreiver. And to this day i still miss him and i could still remember the day when my neighbour told me that he was put down to sleep as he's sick.

I could still see him siting behind the gate with his tounge hanging out. He always looked like he's smiling and welcoming me back. Sometimes i really wish that i can see that scene once more.

Retrivers are the most gentle big dogs i had ever seen. They have a stupid look but deep down, they are the most loyal breed. To me. They are so forgiving and always happy to be pat. They are so expressive that by their looks you can know if they are confussed or tired. Well, if only one day, i can have one too...

Go visit this link to read up more about the book:
Marley & Me
Read an excerpt or look at the picts of the darling dog while u were there or stories from other pet owners.

This is seriously, honestly, truefully, a book worth reading for all dogs lovers.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

National Tree Day

Today is National Tree Day. Our club participated in this event. We went to Burnley Park to help. What was suppose to start at 10am and ends at 12pm ended at 10.50 instead. The plating of 1800 small plants was completed within 50 mins. I guess the locals will now hate us as we spoilt their fun. But i seriously hope the plants will grow up strong. The strength in plogging the soil and the gentleness when coaxing the seedling from the black plastic pots. I'm feeling more like a mother each day.

And there are strong evidence in that. I went to Borders and the books i picked out was:
- How to talk to your dogs, and
- The best name ever for pets.

Think i'm damn screwed. Will i spoilt my dog? Sigh.. How is a single mum's life gonna be??

Pets-shop-hopping still ongoing...

Friday, July 28, 2006


I've always thought that my digital camera is useless when it comes to taking pict of stars. But tonight, it had proven me wrong. I hate to admit that i'm wrong but I AM!

All thanks to those friends in Tassie who had taught me the jou of exposure!!

Just found the constellation that they belongs to.... Its the southern Cross.. Haha.. So happy!

(Click on the pict to see a bigger version on a white background!)