Monday, September 04, 2006

Well, my 100th.

A lot of things happened today. Some funny, some depressing, some encouraging, some amusing. But well, they are all bout me.

Lets go thru my day today.

oh, btw, its September! Yeah.. My fav month. Also, this yr, we have an early spring. Though its cold but its nt those freezing cold kinda cold, but more of like cooling kind of cold. Which, i like so very much.

Anyway, woke up early as e oven repair man came to fix up the oven (watelse??) Den i did some club stuff and went to school to meet a friend to discuss an ass. She's from Korea. How cool is that? Hha.. Cause she's e only korean friend of mine. Haha.. I know her when i was in yr 1. Den she took a break for a yr and came back this yr to continue with uni. And she cld still recognise me. During our first lecture in Comp n Strategy she RECOGNISED me. haha.. I was so happy.

Yah. But the ass sucks. We do not know hw to do so so much. Both of us gt so stressed up that its showing all over our face. Aft 2 hrs of discussion where time flies so quickly (even when its nt fun tt we were having) i went for my club meeting.

I was late. About 20 mins. As i went to deposit money and i need to wait. So ya. It might feels weird to say this, but sometimes BOD meeting can be so fun. Haha.. Yah. I did have fun. ESP aft tt ass of mine. Meeting is way more fun than anything else. There were some jokers around so yupe, it was entertaining.

Aft that, went for 2 classes. Both sucks. I have no idea whats going on. Got back an ass today and again, it sucks. That was the depressing part of the day. Its like, u put in so much time into it and forego the fun u wld have had if u did nt stay hm to do it and yet the result u got is nt worth the time and effort. You really will feel shitified!

Its the kinda day where you just stare at the ground and walk on. Craving for some shoulder to rest my head and cry my heart out. Wanna hide in one dark coner and be with noone else. Its that kinda dissapointment. But i did neither of that. Instead i choose to do something else. Since you cant make your heart happy, let the stomach do the job.

The best thing to do when you are in this kinda mood is to:
- go home.
- Cook some ramen to fill up that poor hungry stomach of urs which has not had any solid food for the whole day.
- Then go to sleep when your stomach is happy.

Guarenteed that you will wake up a happier person. It works all the time. At least for me.

Oh ya.. The amusing thing that happened was that, when i reach home, i wanna change my clothes so i took off my jeans. And guess what, it split. Yes. It did. My first pair of jeans! My first pair of Levis jeans. My favouit pair of jeans. It SPLIT! Under my RHS butt pocket. I cld still wear it if i want since nothing will be reveal. But. Theres a high risk that elsewhere might split again say when i'm in the campus toilet. How embrassing will that be. So, here lies my 6 years old jeans. It is really worth it.

I bought it for say $100. So each year, it cost me $16.67. Say i wear it like 1/5 of the year. Meaning that each wear only cost 23 cents. Wow.. Shld i get another identical pair? Haha....

I know some of you might be thinking, 6 yrs ago... You were so much thinner than now. NO WONDER THE JEANS SPLIT LA.. Its not. Its due to wear and tear. It really is.

Due to my early meal time, i started feeling hungry at bout 10pm. So i went to cut my mooncake. Haha.. yah, its a bit early but well, when the cravings come, they COME. Its green tea mooncake with 2 egg yolks. I was looking for one with 4 egg yolks. But cldnt find any. Haha... Its mooncake time!!!

Anyway, needa do my work now. Back to stress!

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