Thursday, September 14, 2006

Know what??

I'm flying off for Cairns tomorrow. Flight is at 4.45pm. I have a mid sem test from 2.15 to 3.15pm. By the time I reach home, get my stuff, take a cab to the airport. It shld be 4pm. I need to be at least 30 mins earlier. I must be mad.

Not forgetting the assignment that i was suppose to finish before i left. Its not even 10% complete. What the hell! Its due next Friday. Hope I have all the resources that I need.

Am so tired now. But worrying about my mid sem n ass. Sigh. Dun think I can enjoy my first week of hols. Damn!

Wishing for anticipation. Anticipating the unexpected. Randomness is good to confuse the opponent, but you are not mine nor i yours. We should play by our pure strategy and obtain our Nash Equilibrium. Just hope that it won't be a Prisoner's Dilemma such that our Nash Equilibrium does not bear the highest payoff obtainable.

Not forgetting, its my bro's birthday today. That lucky guy has a gf to celebrate for him today (I think). Just hope that he doesn't need to go sailing. Hence, wishing him a Happy 23rd Birthday! May his day be filled with laughter and love (ermm.. even if he needs to go sailing). And also, dun be so 'heavy colour light friend' la. Got gf already den nv msn me anymore.

I just realized tt 2 of my bros are virgos.. Hmm.. coincidental or is it the path of moon again??

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