Wednesday, September 13, 2006


'When nothing seems to go --> , HANG IN THERE.

Because, sometime soon, they will.'

I heard this on a tram many many moons ago. Said by a elderly lady with shoulder length white hair and smiling eyes. Yes, I was eavesdropping. She was telling this to another passenger onboard and I was standing somewhere close enough to hear it.

Since then, I always carry this phase with me wherever I go. I always repeat this to myself whenever I am about to break down. Or when nothing seems to work the way I want them to.

Just remember that no matter what, the sun always rises to drive the darkness away.

I do not yearn for pots of gold, just as long as the rain clears, I will be thankful.

Fortunately, our lives have a cosine/ sine curve trend. And not follows a tan curve. There's no way we can hedge our downsides like we do in the stock market.

So, just hang in there and somewhere, sometime, somehow, life will gets better! And when that happens, remember to be thankful!

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