I'd some bad news today. Wasn't expecting it. I mean, i dun noe. How was i to know tt he will be thinking of that. After all, theres only 2 more mths to go. Things had been alright since the start. And things seems to be alright till now. At least to me. I was sad. Not depressed sad. Just sinking sad. Disappointed maybe. But i know there is no forcing him to do things that he doesnt want. I guess i'm still in shock. Just wondering how others will react to this. Have to admit tt e same thoughts had pass thru my head. Couple of times, but at the end i will still hang on.
Because i was too big a coward to admit that i'd lost.
Lost the battle against time.
Just wondering, isnt there any solutions to this? Other than just quiting. Maybe he really had enough. He needed more time for other committments. Just wondering, cld there be a prevention? He must had been thru some really tough time to come up with this decision. He must be really brave to say it all out. Because its not easy. Not easy to admit that this is so not working out.
I asked myself how i should feel. Angry perhaps? But no. In fact, far from angry. I have no right to be angry. I could understand how he feel.
There are lots of times in our life where we feel like giving up. We can just heck it and walk on or pull out from it. My dad once said that i'd always choose to give up on things in my life. And he could easily list out several things. Things that i regretted quitting. Thanks to Dad. Because what he said work as a wake up call to me. But no thanks to Dad. Because no matter how hard, i will now strive on until i walk into a wall. Then people around me will start saying, 'See. I told you so.' The 5 words that i hates to hear most. And the five words that i will seldom to never say. Unless to the person who really pisses me off badly.
I guess, its better to brave it, walk on and get knock in the head then to quit.
Because, simply because, i'd quitted too many times. And enough is enough.
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