Monday, July 31, 2006

Marley & Me (John Grogan)

Last day of the month.

This month, i'd finished 2 books. The first was 'The Kite Runner'. Cant remember who the author was as i'd asked my parents to bring it back to Sing for me. It was a good book. About two friends who were brothers. About guilt and loyalty. I spend about 2 weeks on it as i was travelling around Tassie and dun really have the time to sit down and read.

The second book was 'Marley & Me' by John Gorgan. The cover caught my attention when i was looking for 'The kite runner'. So once i finished the first book, i went back to buy the second one. Its a new book, recently published and had been reprinted 7 times (at least). Still not impressed? I finished it over the weekend. How does that sounds now.

This book is completely on Marley, from its first few days with the Gorgans till its last days. The ending was sad. So sad because it is real. So real as it's inevitable. And i know someday when i have a dog, i will face it too.

The reason the cover caught my attention was because it was a picture of a Labrador retriever with a doopy look. The kind that always melt me. The saying 'Never judge a book by its cover' is so not applicable for this book. Cause this is one fantastic book.

I could easily picture the lab as described in the book running from places to places with the goofy look, the determined look, the sad whinny look, the pleased look as well as the sleepy look. Because it reminded me of my neighbour's golden retreiver. And to this day i still miss him and i could still remember the day when my neighbour told me that he was put down to sleep as he's sick.

I could still see him siting behind the gate with his tounge hanging out. He always looked like he's smiling and welcoming me back. Sometimes i really wish that i can see that scene once more.

Retrivers are the most gentle big dogs i had ever seen. They have a stupid look but deep down, they are the most loyal breed. To me. They are so forgiving and always happy to be pat. They are so expressive that by their looks you can know if they are confussed or tired. Well, if only one day, i can have one too...

Go visit this link to read up more about the book:
Marley & Me
Read an excerpt or look at the picts of the darling dog while u were there or stories from other pet owners.

This is seriously, honestly, truefully, a book worth reading for all dogs lovers.

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