I've uploaded some picts to my multiply. They were taken during my sept trip to Queensland.
'Finally' I think i will hear someone say. I think she will need some entertainment to keep her from dozing off after lunch. So, here they are.
Underwater in Great Barrier Reef
Cairns, Cape Trib, Whitsunday(Sailing), Gold Coast, Coolangatte.
Might take some time to load since there's 51 picts in the later album.
I'm still relaxing. Shld be studying today but still slacking. Shit. Tmr better be more efficient. Need to wake up early tmr to 'chop' seats in e lib otherwise another day gone.
Since i slept late yest due to love hina. Re-watching them as i have nothing better to do. I woke up late this morning at 11 plus. I felt guilty for a while. Just a short while. Then i told myself, i deserve this sleep in. (Balance bought forward) Finally, was able to wake up becuse i wanna wake up n not because i need to drag myself out of bed. Yeah. Cant wait for next wed. I will be even more relax than today i believe. Because then, i will have another 7 days till the next paper. So, thats all for nw. Chill!!
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