Its a cold cold day and for no reason i started sneezing. The kind that is not a result of dust but a sympton of cold. Feels like i'm falling sick.
Sold some of the small items in my place just now. Feels so good even thought they are all underpriced. But well, something better than nothing. Hope my luggage won't be overweight tmr. I'm bringing so much things back. Gosh.. To think tt my parents are suppose to come over to carry my stuff back for me as in so i can bring more luggage back BUT my mum bought a lot of chocolates in NZ (u noe hw the sings like to buy choco coated kiwi fruit from the Cadbury Factory in Dunedin.. NO? Well, for those who went to HAwaii w me n had seen my crazy spree at the chocolate cum Macadamia nuts factory you can jolly well picture this. But with my mum's face) No wonder the saying 'like mother like daughter'. She bought like 7 boxes of chocolates and dun noe wat else. Even a choco lover like me felt distressed. [This is whom i learn unoewat from.] Anyway, back to my complains, she have like at least 5kg of chocos n $60 worth of nuts to bring hm. So u can understand my anger. I kept nagging that they r suppose to come here to increase the baggage i can bring back not to increast the baggage i HAVE to bring back. Damn.. One car is so not enought. I doubt 2 too.
Photo taken at Cadbury Factory in Dunedin. They are like 2 kids in wonderland. Not me. I was mulu-ated by them. Sigh..
Anyway, they just got back. Its so cold outside. Whin to my dad that i'm falling sick n wanna drink e lemon panadol thingy. N he made it for me. If i were to whine to my mum, i will have to whine till i fully recover and she will still not make it for me. But, if i were to tell my mum that i wanna drink wine, she will gladly pour for me (then she can sip some without being nag by my dad) but not my dad. So, to survive in this family, one will have to know where to place her feet and ask for who to complete certain tasks. Welcome to the Wong's Family where the youngest is the spoilt brat aka ME.
Went for a walk around Melb just now to bid farewell to my fav places. Namely St Kilda (for its sunday mkt), Lygon street (for its Freedo which is not open today. Damn. I wanna eat green tea flavour) and the city which is so so packed today even when it's a sunday. My last time buying tram ticket and taking tram. My last time walking down Swanston Street and admiring Ferderation Square for its jigsaw triangles. My last time eating Krispy Kreme donuts and drinking ice chocolate in Melb. Sigh.. There are so many things that i'm gonna miss.
Met up w a friend just now to pass her some money. I felt sad bidding farewell to her as she's flying back to Thailand (shld be in e air now) Felt like we will never meet again. I mean, this is life but still, can't help wondering if i were to study in my hm country, i wont have to undergo this kind of 'nan fen nan se'. Most of the friends tt i made in Melb are not from Sing. Most r from Malaysia, few from China, Thai, Korea and Indo. Now that i'm to go back to Sing, i will not meet any of them from diff countries. Even if we were to meet up it will only be for e next yr or 2. I noe that as time past, we will lose contact and someday when we see each other on the street we will just walk past each other. What a waste.
But everytime i were to sink into depression, i will remind myself of the friends who will be waiting for me in SIng. Supper time, sleeping n rotting in tyl's place, cheap movies n swimming pool. Stingrays, egg dao huey, wantan mee, peneng laksa(imitation) and lastly, my piano. One of the thing i miss most. But i told myself that i will get a new one with no broken notes and softer keys. I wanna carry on w my piano lessons. Also, i wanna get a dog n new furnitures for my room. But all this got to wait till i find a job and have enough money.
So my resolutions for when i got back in Sing,
1) Go swimming and take up Yoga or Pilates and LOSE WEIGHT. Not much just 7kg.
2) Get a job and make money.
3) Paint my room and buy new furnitures.
4) Get a dog.
5) Get a brand new piano.
6) Get a car?Nah.. Maybe 5 yrs later. But then, i rather get a hse.
Hope my job can post me elsewhere like say NZ, Canada or even Maldives. Then i shldn't get a dog nor a piano right? But well, dun think i will be able to find such a job. Maybe i will just become a teacher. Haha... Who knows??
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