I cooked dinner last nite, for my hsemate too. Yes. He's still alive. Aft which i cleaned my room e living room and the kitchen. What had happened u might ask?
I'd just handed in an assignment earlier tt day. An ass that really make me hates it so much because it spoilt my fun. I had an event on saturday but i cldnt stay overnite as i need to be home to rush my ass. Damn... That feeling was horrible! You know you wanna play but u cant. That sucks. BIG time.
Now, i'm living my life ass-ing away. I have 4 more asses to do n 2 mid sem to prepare within the next 18 days. Please, enough is enough. Dun drop any more asses on me! At least not for the next four week.
Suffer now, play later!
N yes, cleaning n cooking is my way of destressing.. How much better can my life gets?
Oh, did i mention tt i found a potential eye candy in my lect class n tut?? Haha.. Yeah.. I need more of this!!
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