Now, in front of me, there is a mountain or shall I say a hill, with the peak occasionally submerged in the passing cotton white clouds.
I’d just came back from lunch and was about to start on my assignment. Oh.. I’m in Cape Tribulation which is a few hours drive from Cairns which is in Queensland. So far the weather is good, not too hot and not humid at all. But this place reminded me too much of Malaysia and Phuket. I’m not kidding. Just that here, there is no fishy seaside smell, irritating flies flying around and most importantly, NO SWEAT! But still, give me Thailand anytime man. Its so so so much cheaper. The shores here are not as pretty as seen in the postcards. I guess we really need to take a jetplane and fly over it to be able to admire the beauty of the place.
Was suppose to go for a sea kayaking trip this morning but it was cancelled, last minute. So we had to wait till 4pm for the next one. Well, hope that it will be fun. Wonder if there is time for snorkeling.
On the way here yesterday, we stop at a river, hope on a flat bottom boat and was carried to few parts of the lake. Purpose was to look at crocs. Hmm.. I guess I wasn’t too interested in it as I’d seen enough in Thailand and Sing. But the Germans in the boat was pretty fascinated by them though. Even though the crocs were just sun basking.
Went to walk around after we had check in at our backpackers resort, Ferntree Lodge. Like I said, the beaches weren’t as nice as Tassie or even Vict. So, was a bit disappointed. But well, hope Great Barrier Reef will be better. More up to my expectation.
That’s all for now. Will update again when I’m free.
Day 4 of my 14 days journey. (19/09/06)
Just to update, my kayaking trip was cancel again. They say the waves was too strong so not suited for sea kayaking. In the end I spend that whole day staying in my room doing my ass. This sucks big time but its my own fault. I know. But it really sucks BIG TIME when your roomie is sleeping and you can hear the deep breathing and an occasional snore yet you still have to TRY to be determined and carry on with your work. Note that I type try in caps, so you can see how much I tried. Which is, not very much I hate to admit. But well, I’m the one suffering over the next few days. So far, I have another 1000 words essay to complete. Topic is on Efficient Market Hypothesis, the existence of exceptional investors and the implication on the EMH. Sigh. How much better can the holiday be.
Came back from Cape Tribulation this afternoon. To be honest, its not really worth going. The things there are expensive as in the IGA(supermarket) they hike up the prices of the commodities by about 20%. I compared using chips and chocolates. The restaurant and café there cost at least $20 to have a meal there. Sigh. It burnt a hole in my pocket. I want cheaper food! The scenery is not to die for, the only good part is that, I manage to do part of my assignment. So it is good if you want to finish some work simply because there aren’t much distractions.
On the way back, we stopped by some tourist attractions, being Port Douglas and a small town call Mossman to admire the huge boulders and cool river. Port Douglas is also a small town which was made famous by its excellent location for fishing for the rich and famous many years back. Our tour guide said that Bill Clinton went there twice! Now, it had become one of the more famous town near Cairns where a lot of honeymooners, Asians etc like to go. But guess not for me, because it is so commercialized. And also, the Four Mile Beach is not pretty at all. I have high expectation when it comes to sea. Vict’s Ninety Mile Beach at Lake Entrance is so much better! Also the bus ride back was horrible. For someone who had been brought up taking long bus journey, this almost made me throw up. Yeah, it was that bad. So, this trip to Cape Tribulation is definitely not worth it.
So, whats so special about Cape Trib one might ask. Well, it’s the only place on earth where we can get two national parks in one place. That is the rainforest and the reef. Their most famous catchphase is ‘When the land meets the reef’. But well, there wasn’t much reef that I could see as the kayaking trip never happened and the recent crocs sighting at the creek which leads to the sea does not encourage swimming. Alas, not a good place for me. As I’m not one for Rainforest. The only advantage was that, NO SWEAT. They are pretty proud of their Tropical Rainforest and their Mangrove Swamps which for me are places that I can easily visit in Singapore. Such as Bukit Timah Hill, Seletar Reservoir and Palau Ubin and even Sungei Buloh. So, why didn’t Sing make them into a tourist attraction since Germans, Aust and the French are so interested in them. Make Sing into a country where backpackers will want to stay for a few days to explore instead of a place for transits.
Anyway, I’m going to the Great Barrier Reef tomorrow. Yeah!! The highlight of the holiday. 2 dives too! Woohoo… Hope I wont be left behind in the ocean or forget my stuff, after all it had been 1 year 3 months since I last dive. Wonder what will I see tomorrow. Bought an underwater disposal camera for $20. Hope it will works well enough!
Day 5 of my 14 days journey (20/09/2006)
Just came back from Great Barrier Reef. I had two dives. The first was not that good. Tioman is even better.. Haha.. The second was much better as for a short period the sun came out and since it was in a lagoon, it wasn’t that deep hence was brighter too. My guide forgotten my camera on the first dive which was actually a blessing in disguise. Because if I brought it down I will definitely used up all 27 shoots. It took me less than 10 minutes in my second dive to shoot all. Oh.. I saw a turtle. It looks so old yet so graceful. It has those kinda grandpa look. Haha.. Will have to see how the pict turns out.
I got a bit seasick during the journey there hence the dives wasn’t the best it could be. But I felt much better after diving. This diving trip rekindle my love for the sea and renewed my passion for diving. SCUBA rocks!!
So now, one world’s wonders down, another 7 more to go. What is next?
On this trip, got to talk to 2 korean guys. They are nice people. One is actually staying in Melbourne. As they were sitting next to us, we chatted. About Australia, where we had been to and where we want to go. But the weird thing is, we never exchange names. SO, this is backpackers’ way of life? Isit? It is fun getting to listen to others talk about traveling, what they have done, been to and will be doing. While eavesdropping the other day, I found out that this couple is actually spending one whole year to travel around the world. They are from Brazil, stop over in Malaysia and Sing, then heading off to Korea, then to America and then back home. I was like, ‘Wow… This is so impressive. Something I will never be able to do. Firstly because of money, secondly because of time and thirdly because of companionship. Yeah. So, good for them. May them enjoy their trip as much as possible!
Oh, one interesting thing. I was waiting to do laundry at the backpackers resort and there was this American guy with a crew cut. He was infront of us. So when the washing machine was done. I told him and suggest that he can take out the clothes that are in it and place it in the dryer. He opened the cover of the W.M and said, ‘I dun think I should because there are bras in it.’ I was surprised that he will say that since they are suppose to be more open than.. well… me. But he said that and said that its not good for him to do that. So I offered to help him and he was so glad. As in really grateful kinda glad. When I was about to take out the clothes, he said, ‘I think I better leave the room.’ And he did. He walked in when I was taking out the last piece of item in the machine. It was a bra. ‘ermm.. haha.. yah.’ I commented and left it on top of the W.M because its actually pretty big. He thanks me again and carry on with his laundry. That’s cute. Yah, him. SWEET.
Gonna start on my assignment now. 1000 words!! Argggg!! Kill my lecturer pls. Someone!!
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