Monday, November 27, 2006

My life as it is..

My parents arrived on sat night and i had been bedless since then. Noone will be able to understand my feelings for my bed. Its my comfort for two years, my hiding place, my relaxing place, my stoning place, my studying, reading place and the list go on. Its the place for my everything. I'm going to miss it so so much.

Exams are finally over yet i'm not overjoyed or watsoever. In fact, i feel tired all times and want nothing but to hide under the covers all day long while watching my drams. Temper hasn't been good recently due to iknowwhat. By right shld be able to bear with that kinda treatment but i just didn't want to take it anymore and started leashing my anger and venting all my frustration at someone.

Guess this is the period where i should lock myself up and be with noone other than alone to prevent hurting my reputation anymore. Just a small minor action can make my black face emerge. I do not know if this is for the good or bad. Maybe this indicates that i'd treated that someone as a friend hence able to show the different coulours of my complexion otherwise it shows that i'm seriously pissed off with that someone.

Just hate being taken for granted. Here i'm being nice and helping you and making time for things to work and there you are taking me for granted and not listening to the things i said. I organised my time around with the intention of doing what i shld be responsible for but there you are making me redo one thing for the past two months just because of some stupid reasons and not doing the things that you said you will do. I kept wanting to give up and just pass on all the shit to the next person in charge but this will be unfair to the next. But i'm really pissed off with the procastination and the lack in interest in everyone else. Maybe i shld do just that and throw all kinda shit to the next person and say, 'Look, dun blame me too much for doing this to you but i'd put up with it for a year and enough is enough. I quit.' Fuck. Why can't i just say that. Really feel like throwing all the stuff and leave. Will i? Dun make me. If by the end of this week and nothing had been done, i think i wll.

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