I went down to my mail box as i was anticipating a letter from someone sweet. But it had yet to arrive.
Left my building and realized that it had started drizzling. Well, luckily i'm 'hooded'. I pull up my hood and walk into the pharmacy to get some plasters for my poor middle finger.

After purchasing a box of twenty, i walked to the traffic lights and wait for Mr Greeny to appear. Suddenly, things felt weird. The raindrop felt big and i'm getting wet.
Whats that sound?
Someone throwing peddle? Is the rain gettin' bigger?
I was all wrong.
It's hailing!! Lots of small white icy pellets falling on the ground. Ok, maybe i shld say hitting the ground instead. But it was so so so cool. Today's was the first time i experience such a heavy hail-fall. The balls of ice are about half a centimeter in diameter. They are visible. But they melt real quick. This explains why i got wet quicker. It was so so cool.
Luckily i wore several layers of clothing hence they were able to cushion the impact for me but i still felt something hitting on me. It felt like someone was throwing sand at me. It was so so cool. Out of nowhere, it started hailing. About five minutes later, it stop and the sun came out.
I'm so gonna miss Melbourne weather. I really will!
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