Thursday, November 30, 2006

The past few days..

Time flies. Once again i shall say that. Time really waits for no man. Suddenly realised that it had been a week since i'd finished my exams. So, three more weeks to singapore.

Had been suffering from insufficient and uncomfortable sleep since my parents came. I think there is going to be a bruise forming on my left hip soon. I could feel it as i was pulling up my jeans.

Flying to NZ tomorrow mornign for 12 days. A trip that i'd not really talk bout not because i wasn't excited but because i'm 'sian' of travelling already. Been travelling too much this year i guess but still, hope it will be fun as i will finally be travelling out of the country.

Will be bringing my lappy with me as i need to upload my picts and also to watch some drama if possible. Bringing a book with me too. Wonder how many books i will finish this time. I did 2 books during my last trip.

Shall stop here today. Needa do some stuff.

Anyway, i cut my hair and since there's no pict u shall noe hw it is. BAD.


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