Reach home at bout 1am. We waited for a long time for a cab. There were a lot of passengers and too few taxis. But finally it was our turn. The roads were quiet without much cars. Got home and found ET, FM and my hsemate waiting for me there. They made a cake. Ok, e 2 girls. It was sweet of them to do that. But guess i was too tired physically and mentally to be more overjoyed. I should had done so, but just moodless.
They stayed overnight and made lunch for me today. Tempura and miso chicken. It was good not having to do anything yet food will come. Even my hsemate cooked udon for me. For someone who dun do much cooking, it was really a sweet act.
Really appreciated the things they had done but just couldnt make my face become the way i want it to be. Can't even act happy. Being weight down by something.
But no idea why i'm so feelingless, moodless yet restless. Sinking into depression i think. No idea why. No, its not the time of the month. Just feeling very drained. Emotionally. I miss the sun, sea and breeze. Change my view please.
Back to yest morning, i was suppose to wake up for the sunrise. I did. But i was too late. I did not check properly, just assumed that the sun will rise at 6.12am as usual. But when i reach the beach at 6am, the sun had already risen from the horizon. Imagine my dissapointment. I felt betrayed but there was nothing i could do cept to stand there and stare in disbelive. Guess what, when i was about to leave, i saw a fin emerging from the water, near the shore. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so i stared hard at the surrounding area. Den it appeared again. The black fin came out and went in again, in a trend of a semi circle. Then it came out again. Three times in all. I was delighted. Inside i was saying, 'Thanks you! You had just made my day. Happy Birthday Yanting!'
I spoke to the management of YHA Coolangatta and he said that it's common to spot dolphins only when the sun rises. It was my birthday present. One of the best that i had ever received.
Went for a walk around Tweed Heads and found out that i'd crossed the borders unknowingly. Once again, i'm in New South Wales.
After a seafood lunch of bugs, raw oysters and wedges, i decided to walk back to my accomodation. I climb up to a lookout and a friendly tourist took a pict for me. I know my hair looks messy and such but i really like the view. It was pretty.
I walked for an hour till i was so hot and tired that i found a bench in shade and took a nap. I fall asleep. Guess this is a first time for me but it felt so comfortable. My dad woke me up with his sms. 'Hi. Happy Birthday! :-)' It was so formal yet so comical because of the face. haha.. I replied, 'Thanks. Have a great day too!' Haha.. Guess its does not run in the family to send well wishes to each other.
After one hr of peaceful deep sleep, i woke up and started walking again. Saw an ice cream van and bought a cone. Just wat i need on this hot hot day. I continue with my walk. Finally reach my destination after another half hour. Went to the beach and sat there for a while until i can't stand it anymore and walk to the water. It felt greet. The cold water against my aching feet. Heaven. Spend one hour standing in the water and finally decided to go back to YHA to change to my bathing suit to take a dip. Walk back and came out after a while but the sun was setting hence it turned slightly cold. I sat there waiting for the sun to set, wishing that it will be as pretty as yesterday.
But it wasnt. Nevertheless, it wasn't that bad. Took some shots and headed back to the hostal, took our luggages and went to G.C airport which was just 500m behind. Now, here i am, back in Melb, missing the beaches.
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