What about you?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Had been doing a bit of homework since the idea started evolving more and more. Reading up from here and there and trying to find ways of achieving it. Hope that one day it will materialize and become a possible goal. Shall not disclose it as of now as I have a big tendency to treat whatever I'd said as done, 说过等于做了 as with the young Miss Tan. So, let's just wait and see ba..
How I love the planning part. It's the execution part tt I hate most.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Shld I shld I shld i?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saturday, December 04, 2010
by the man in seat 61
be called a j o u r n e y ...
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
N they still dun noe who they are while reading this until they know what the news are bout. Muhaha.. 5 more mths to go!
Friday, November 26, 2010
my last $5.. n this was wat I spent on.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Do u get this often?
Den come all the woodlands jokes like 'Is it even in singapore?' Or 'do you need to chop your passport to go home?' Or even 'I DUN EVEN KNOW ANYONE STAYS THERE!'
Seriously, the first time I heard things like these, I was shocked speechless. The second time, I started thinking if I shld psycho my dad to shift hse. The third and forth and so on times I hear these, I start to wonder hw come there can be so many ppl who are so ignorant.
Sometimes, I felt like I'm being discriminate for staying so near jb. It felt like staying in wdl means you have one lesser hand than others or too many eyes on your forehead. It.just means that I'm not normal.
If only these ppl are willing to stop making those silly location-ist jokes and listen to me speak about my home, the place I grew up in, the friends I made, my childhood, the laughter, the tears, the loves and brokenhearts, the random shopping trips across the causeway, seafood dinner during wkends, my jb friend and so much more. If only they listen.
But they dun. To them, I'm the mountain tortoise. I'm the girl who needs to travel an hour to work and another hour from work. I'm the one who goes home alone because nobody stays in the north.
And all I can say to comfort myself is, they don't know and they won't know what a little heaven wdl is to me.
If asked, 'Have you thought of shifting house?' I wld reply ' Of course! I'd been waiting for my dad's approval to shift 18 blocks down so that we can have unrestricted view then. I'd even brought darcy there to check out the view from the twelve floor. And we both love it lots.'
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Will it be weird if I suddenly msn him to chat? What will he think? That I'm weird?
Do I care too much, hence I'm 心虚 or do I not care enough to just say 'Hi, how have you been?'
What is it? Why do I not know? Which is holding me back?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
just for thoughts..
he's tall, wearing a cap, with twinkling eyes, big smile, white shirt, broad shoulders, carrying a apple picking basket standing in an orchard..
Think we need to start travelling as reckon the 2 of us cant find what we want in SG...
Sunday, November 07, 2010
beautiful Sunday morning...
Went to buy a cup of ice teh tarik and make my way around the neighbourhood. It was actually quite a pleasant experience.
Now, let's see how the Thai food I'm gg to cook tonight will taste.
Friday, November 05, 2010
what toilet training?
After he had all his vaccinations done we started bringing down for walks. A few times a week. Initially, he didn't dare pee and poo outside and will still do his business on the pen when he return home but not long after, he started to not do his business at home and will only settle them outside. Hence, he is now walked twice a day and the pen is kept at dunno where.
Lately, darcy is having some LS problem and can't control his bowels that well. As a result, he takes to barking at us to show that he needs to go.
This morning, there was noone home when he needs to release. Guess what he did? He went to poo in the toilet. Of all places, the toilet. Logically, he should poo in the balcony where his pen used to be but he choose to do it in the toilet!
Seriously, sometimes I'm freak out by how humane/smart he is.
Friday, October 29, 2010
5th day in CM - raining morning
Our last day here, will be taking a night bus to bkk tonight. 10hrs journey. Need to look for an inflatable pillow as my last one has started flacking.
Maybe, should just go to a shopping mall today and nua the day away..
That was exactly what we did. We took a song tiew to Central Airport Plaza which cost us 30bht each. Waited outside till 11am for security to open the doors, went to their food market for lunch. I ordered some guo tiao soup look-alike to discover that its actually chicken blood soup. Yucks!! But it actually is super yummy. I mean the soup and guo tiao. I couldnt bring myself to eat the chicken blood so i gave it to the nice lady beside me. The bowl of noodles only cost me 25bht. Sigh. How i miss prices like these.
With a full stomach, we went shopping. We bought a couple of bottles of nail polish, several bras, hand cream and what not. At 5pm, we left the mall and head towards nowhere but Fah Lanna!!!! This time, its only 1hr of foot massage as we are short of time. My warm, fleshy, gentle hands was busy again (*sob*) so i was given a lady. I think i still prefer a man. When we were about to leave, the manager knowing that it was our last few hours, came out and gave us some packages of their specialty ginger tea! It is such a simple and sweet gesture. Seriously, they do not have to do it but they did.
We rush back to The Green Tulip, stuffed all our purchases into whatever space we can find, took a quick shower and off to the bus terminal for our 8.30pm overnight bus. I felt the seats are kinda small as i'm used to those 18 seaters instead of 24 seaters bus but netherless, it was still a very smooth and quick ride. The part i enjoyed most is during our toilet break at 2 in the morning where they served plain porridge with salted egg, salted ikan bilies and preserved veggis. A very simple meal yet filled us up completely. YUM YUM!
We arrived at BKK bus terminal at 5am, got into a cab (100bht) and reached Take A Nap (http://www.takeanaphotel.com/) at around 6am. Checked in and i slept till 8am in the lobby. We walked out and towards the back lane of the hotel and this was what we saw.
Interesting. Maybe someday, with more courage and a bigger crowd of friends, i might enter one of them.
We found starbucks and i know i need a large latte to survive this day. I had that and breakfast.

Sit and chat and people watch till about 9am, went back, checked into our room, freshen up and went to chachuchap market. Spent about 250sgd. We were there till 5pm, had another cup of latte then taxi to my Peking Duck for dinner.
We shared one whole duck between the 2 of us. I felt so sick that i wanted to vomit out what i'd eaten. Reckon i wont be having any duck cravings for a long time. Went to Naraya which is just next door then to Citibank for withdrawal. 5000bht each.
Cab back to our accommodation, put down our bags then went to Suan Lam Night Bazaars. Sadly, many of the shops has become empty gaps in between other shops. Only the souvenirs shops are left, those arty shops are all gone. It took us just 1hr to get tired of it and went for food massage (I missed Fah Lanna!) We trained back, which is just a stop away, packed our stuff and i KOed.
Last day in Thai
Woke up at 9plus in the morning, changed and left for Platinum mall. We stopped at Isetan to buy my Rose Tea essential oil and ended up with another 3 bottles or EO. This whole trip, i bought close to 10bottles of EO and 9 bottles of nail polishes. Thats where all my money went.
We ended up having brunch at the jap market on the 5th floor of Isetan. Den went to search my polaroid film but found them to be more expensive than in Singapore so went to Platinum Mall for shopping. By 4pm, i'd spend all my money and dragging my tired feet,all i could do was to follow Erica around while she spend her last 500bht.
As there was still time, we walked back to our accomodation which took us around 30mins along Henry Dunant Road. Packed and at 7.20pm, board our cab and reach the airport at 8pm. Checked in, went to buy a cup of cha nom and a cup of green milk tea at the food market then went in. We THOUGHT there was still time to shop around and spend too much time at the essential oil area. My god! Second time i need to run to the boarding gates in BKK airport. Why does it have to happen? I seriously hope this is the last time!
Touch down SG at 12.30am (possibly due to us, the plane arrived later than schedule.. hehhe..) mum and dad came to fetch me and i reached home at 2am.
Upon arriving, the pilot thru the PA system said something like this '... and to the Singaporeans, Welcome Home!..' All i could think of was 'rubbing salt onto my wounds!'
3rd day in Chiang Mai - Doi Suthep
In the temple, I see ppl even angmos asking for a lucky lot. so I tried too and this was what I got.
As we walked out of the temple, we bought some meatballs, bbq corn, cooked coconut as well as cha nom to munch on. We found a flight of clean steps, sat there and people watch while we enjoy our tea break. It was a nice experience.
We head back to our hostel, recharged and walked our way to Fah Lanna. We sure were addicted. Today, we had a 2hrs massage instead of 1hr and by fate, i got my warm, fleshy, gentle hands again.
After which, dinner and shopping at the night market. Again. I wondered how can i squeeze all the purchases inside. Hence i started searching for a decent 55l backpack but non caught my eyes.
We stopped at Starbucks for a break and while resting, this man who was sitting in front of us, outside the shop, turn back and pointed towards the sign beside him 'Tarot Cards'. I signaled back 'How much?' and he mouthed '300bht',
Erica and i decided to give him a try and i went first.
He asked for my name then translate it to Thai and asked for my dob and calculated my age. Then he mumbled something in Thai. Asked me to place my hand on the cards and peace my mind for 2 seconds. After which, he spread the cards out and asked me to pick 10. I did and he lay them in sequence, looked at me and started analyzing.
He said i have kindness in my eyes, and i will have money according to my brows. He said i speaks the truth and honored my words. My lucky number is 3,8,9. I should only get married after 33yrs old. I need time to know if my boyfriend well enough to get married. My husband must respect me. 31yrs old will be a bad yr for me. Im born to be an employee but in my mid thirties, i can have my own business. But it should be a small/middle business, cannot be a large business. I must do something i like and i can only do this business with my family or good friends. He asked me to be careful of my signatures. He asked me not to tell my future husband how much money i have and to have my own savings. Never let my husband knows how much money i have. I should only have 1 or 2 children. Not more than that as it will be bad for my health. There's a 70% chance my guy will be someone with identical background/culture to me and 30% chance that hes a foreigner. He said that i can be a number 2 in work and when number 1 left, i will take over the position. He also emphasize that i'm easily cheated by man.
That was mine. Then Erica had hers.
We reach back at around 11pm, showered, i watched my hk drama on my htc and then went to bed.
4th day in CM
ET source for a Thai cooking class and as recommended by tripadvisors, decided on A Lot Of Thai (http://www.alotofthai.com/). The class started with a pick up in an antique baby blue Volkswagen which is ohsocool!!!
We were brought to our class which is the backyard of our teacher's house. It sure looks cosy. Yui is our cooking teacher and she started with my fav dish, Pad Thai followed by Stir fried chicken with cashew nut and green curry. Then she drove us to the nearby market and introduce some of the veggis to us.
We went back to her house at around 3pm and finished with tom yum gung, fried spring roll and mango sticky rice.
During the course of the lesson, we not only learnt how to cook the dishes, she also taught us some foundation to cooking. Like how to determine if the chilies is hot or HOT. 2 Chilies Padis can be hot and VERY HOT despite looking the same. She also taught us how to drain the oil off spring roll, how to deep fry the spring roll so it will be evenly cooked. In short, i learnt a lot from her.
Yui, not only taught us Thai cooking. I also learnt a lot off her. I could feel the love she has for her family, her gratitude towards the farmers, her respect for all the food she used as well as her appreciation towards the society.
I see her as a human (it might sound strange but many times, i'd met someone who behaves worst then an animal) with an extremely generous and loving soul, someone who has found what she wants in life and treasures what she has. She does not take things for granted and value what she has got. She managed to melt me and strangely, when she was talking about how she feel that small vendors should be supported, i felt my eyes getting moist. The kindness in her, its hard to ignore.
Hence, if anyone is to visit CM, go for her lesson. Speak to her. Listen to her. You might bring back home more than Tom yum gung recipe.
The lesson ended at 6pm and Yui, with her husband and daughter, drove all of us back to our hostel. We rest for a while and heads for where else but Fah Lanna. This time, we had a 2hrs massage and a 1hr facial(the tarot card reader was right, its easy for man to get money off me).
My warm, fleshy, gentle hands was busy with another customer so guess who i got this time. The manager!! Actually i didnt realised it was the manager and i was thinking these hands are not that warm and strong but his massages and positions are a level up. Serious, he's THE MASTER(said with hands in praying posture and head bow respectfully). The facial, there was the cleasing, scrub, mask and moisturing cream. He was so gentle! My goodness. I was wondering if there will be any effect as it seems like he's only cleaning the surface instead of scrubing away the dirt in the pores. But the next morning when i wash my face, it was so so so soft! Seriously. Fah Lanna is worth every baht!!!
But it sure feels strange to tip the manager 80bht. Sigh. To tip or not to tip? What will you do?
Went back to rest after the massage as it was already after 11pm. No plans yet for the next day!
Monday, October 25, 2010
@GreenHut Cafe in Chiang Rai
Green hut cafe is perhaps a cafe where most of my friends will wish to own. It's a cafe full of toys on display, simple yet cozy cafe that serves good coffee as well as Thai iced tea. Nice place to chill n thanks to the free wifi too!
Catching a 1.45pm bus to Chiang Mai later. Think it will takes 3hrs. Cost us 169bht per pax for a first class seat.
Btw, I survived the night up the mountain with no air con. It wasn't as cold as expected but it was real peaceful. Quiet and peaceful.
We decided to be thrifty and went to the old bus interchange to catch their public bus to the white temple. It was quite easy if you know the Thai name for it and only cost 20bht one way. And the driver will still call out to us when we are there. The journey only took about 30mins.
It was slightly after 9am when we arrived and 10mins later, busful of tourists started pouring in. The place was swamped with ppl, mostly Thais as it was their public holiday. After 2hrs of snapping photos, we found a nearby cafe ato cool down den took the bus back to the city, collect our bags frm The North Hotel and make our way to the new interchange in a song-tiew which cost 20bht.
On the way to Chiang Mai, we stop by the highest hot spring in thailand. I kinda remember this place as id been to CM before, when I was around 10. It felt like this place just that it has become more developed and more commercialise. But one thing still remains unchanged, HOT SPRING EGGS! I love eggs and I like to eat eggs cooked in different ways. So we bought a basket of quail eggs and a basket of brown eggs and soak them in the hot spring for 5 mins. It only cost 20bht per basket that is like 5bht per egg.
We finally reached CM at around 5-6pm, took a tuk-tuk to The Green Tulip (2040bht for 4 nights for 2 of us). Checked in then make our way to the night bazaar via a song-tiew that cost 20bht each. We had a simple dinner of tom tum kung, guay tiew soup and pad Thai which was so so only. The food in CM doesn't taste as yummy as in bkk it seems or maybe I'd lost my appetite lately.
Walk around after dinner, did some shopping not forgetting lots of bargaining which wasn't tt bad as its still the non peak period yet until next week. Then I believe it will be much harder to ask for 'better price'.
Had a Thai massage somewhere as we couldn't remember the location of Fah Lana which was the highly rated massage place in not only CM but in the whole of Thai. Den make our way back after buying some CJ sausages from 7-11.
The second day in CM, we decided to go for the ATV tour which is a 3hrs journey around villages and to a mountain view lookout. It's my first ATV experience and a not too bad one despite being stuck in the mud 4 times and have to wait for help from the guide and his helper. But the highlight of the day is seeing someone lost control of her bike due to speeding and head straight for the bushes. Till now, its still a lovely sight to look back on. This trip cost around 1400bht each. Pricey? Yes. But well, nothing is free.
That night, we went to the night bazaar again but stopped somewhere else along the road for some dinner first. We finally found Fah Lanna (http://fahlanna.com/). The massage, is addictive. After a couple of female massues, I was appointed to a male tis time round and he is damn good. I think, I need a man!
Maybe its due to the fact that he's a lady boy hence he's more gentle and sensitive. And his hands, its so warm it felt like placing a heat pack on my aching muscles. His hands are also fleshy, strong yet gentle. Just what I need! I'd honestly never felt such warm hands before, I think he must have heated them up before starting. The massage cost 200bht for an hour. And its worth every cents. I wonder if he will come to SG one day...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Goodbye SG!

Well, my last trip of the yr. Thou i hope tt this will not be true.
I'll see u in a wk time. Unless i can locate WIFI.
I wonder what will they be serving later.. I know i will be watching Grown Up!
A quick add-on:
The flight was a good one w scrambled eggs. The movie Grown-Up is funny thou i didnt get to finish the whole show. We reached Bkk at 9plus Thai time. Check out, check in for our Air Asia flight to Chiang Rai then went to their food mkt for Thai ice milk tea, mango sticky rice as well as a green milk tea which is surprisingly good. Sit, nua waited for our 11plus flight and finally reach CR at 1pm.
We went to the information center and asked for a map of CR, went to a cafe, ordered a cuppa ice blended coffee, studied the map, called our accommodation guy who came and pick us up and brought us to Akha river house to wait for our transfer up Akha Hill house. There we nua w a beer and french toast then took a short walk around tt area. It was drizzling from time to time hence i was feeling slightly under the weather but all is good after a night sleep. Back to our journey, we took a 4 wheel drive into the mountain and some of those slopes can competes with those we had in kenting. Excellent! Haha.. CHeap thrill. We reach Akha hill at around 6pm and it started pouring.
We checked in, had dinner, went back to shower and went to bed at 9plus. Real healthy living. Woke up at 6am for sunrise but sadly, my travelling luck is not back yet. But well, the yun hai makes up for it. We changed, packed, went for breakfast, checked out and took the 1hr ride back to the city where our guide of the day was waiting for us.
She brought us to the golden triangle, opium museum, monkey caves, Mai Zai which is the border to Burma, we paid 500bht (or USD10) to get our Mymmar stamp and back to Thai again. We ended the tour with a trip to the hilltribes village were we need to pay an entrance fees to into meet the Karens (long neck)and some others which i cant remembr. Like what i'd read from somewhere efoe and here i will quote 'it feels like waking in a human zoo'
The tour starts at 10am and ended at 6pm at a cost of 2000bht each. The whole journey was in a song-tiew, those mini vans with parallel seats which are surprisingly easy to fall asleep in.
Our driver drop us at The North Hotel which cost 900bht per night. A nice and clean guesthouse. We checked in and went to the night market for dinner. It is just a 5mins walk away. Had som tum, bbq salted fish and a fried mamak. With beer as the finishing touch.
The night bazaar is similar to those i frequent in Bkk but their products are.. i guess slightly lagging behind Bkk fashion. But still, nice to end the day with.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
ma-de wannabe...
I know diff tofu has different uses (other than being make into steam lime tofu n perhaps oreo orange tofu or what have you) such as steaming, fried and soup. But i do not understand why they have silken tofu, super smooth silken tofu and silken tofu with omega3. SO being the xian qi liang mu that i am, i look at their content and start comparing the carbo, proteins, fats (OMG, TOFU HAS FATS TOO!!) and omega3.
In the end, i concluded this:
Chinese Tofu: Less protein
Super Smooth silken Tofu: Most fats
Silken Tofu and silken tofu with omega3 only difference is the latter comes with omega3 which is suppose to be good for the body. How so? Its said to decrease blood pressure, simulate blood circulation as well as reduce risk of heart attack. But only for products with EPA or DHA, products that contains alinolenic acid are not that effective. (source from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega-3_fatty_acid)
And the omega3 in the silken tofu with omega3 comes from alinolenic acid. (argg...) Meaning its just not as effective, but still, something better than nothing!
Oh dear.. i just read that too much tofu will cause dementia. But it will help protect the brain for younger and middle age people. I shld warn my FRIENDS to cease their tofu consumption then. TOFU are for young ppl (aka me) only!
Note to self: DO NOT eat spicy cuttlefish and drink mei jiu together unless during times of constipation.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
2 more working days to go..
I need a breathing space. I'm holding my breath as I type. My face is turning blue.
I need to get out. Real quick!
Let's go nua our lives away!
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Tawandang @ Dempsey
Actually, wats worth mentioning is their live band. The songs they played that night Nv fails to impress me. From Thai to canto songs, county songs to alba to Nat king Cole to Ronald keating to lady Gaga from seventies Chinese to current pop songs. U really do not know what you will be gg.
Although this place is filled with ppl in the forties age range, its still a great place to chill n relax while you feel like you are the youngest. Oh yeah, life is good.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
twenties girl
21, 22, 23 fall under early twenties.
24, 25, 26 fall under mid twenties.
27, 28, 29 fall under late twenties.
30 is thirty.
Hence i can conclude tt im in my mid twenties STILL.
Unlike the old ladies around me who are in their LATE twenties. Oh.. i feel so damn young!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
coffee bean @ ion on a sunday aftnoon
So, aft finishing my cleo maz, i still have time to spare so i decided to update this blog. FINALLY!
Follow up frm last entry, i was on medical leave frm monday till thurs. It was the first time i took so long to recover frm fever. Scarry shit! But at least im still sane. My aircon broke down on wed thou. Think it was killed by my virus. RIP. It was a good 15yrs. My dad went to buy a brand new aircon, exact same brand for me. No comments. It was a difficult 2 nites w no aircon. I woke up in sweat every few hrs despite having 2 standing fans pointing directly at me. I'm nw prayg for GOOD weather for tt 1 nite in a air con-less room when we are in chiang rai else et is nt gg to get any sleep... im so sure.
Earlier today, a friend ask me which row to choose for a cathay flight. And will back row be good. I wonder if he's rubbing salt into my wound as i mostly fly budget n has no experience w cathay air. To me it doesnt matter where u sit unless its the first row or by e emergency exit. Also what matters most is whos sitting around you rather than where u sit. I dun like long legged angmos, bawling babies and kicking toodlers. The rest are mostly fine.
Well, gg for yoga n haircut.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
thinking thinking...
From past experiences, i know its nt a wise choice to go into bets w others. So this time its a bet against myself. So in black and white, im gg to try to lose 3kg by oct. Will i be able to do so?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Back frm Bali..
Bali was great. Same same but different. Sometimes like Thailand and sometimes not. Haa.. White water rafting was awesome!! The snokelling, not so due to choppy water but the Turtle Island we went to make up for it. OHh... Not forgetting the overly short Para sailing. ilike!!
Our accomo was cheap at good, at USD15 per nite per pax for our first 2 nites in Ubud and USD30 per night per pax in Kuta for our last nite. Our own Balinese villa. haha.. Not forgetting our 22yrs old super lame but funny tour guide who showed us the Kuta Cowboys. Had not been having much guided tours hence really appreciate the explanations that he provided thou we can only believe 50% of what he said. But it was a good good nua trip.
Great company too as ET and i just nua there and let the other 2 guys make all the decisions and settle all money issues. We just contribute our money and nua.... wonderful!! Had not been having a decision-less trip for a long long time.
But the downside is, because i didnt do much hmwk for this trip hence i have no idea where i was at other than the 2 cities i stayed in. I dun even know if im in the North, South, East or West of Bali when i get off the car and honestly i dun care. Hahaha... This is how nua i was.
Due the the low US rate, the Balinese prefer getting 'Balinese money' to USD. Hence of the USD$300 i change, im still left with USD160 whereas we changed an extra SGD100 to IDR on top of the SGD100 we changed in SG. Cld say the SGD-IDR rate in certain parts of Bali is better than what we got in SG. So can exchange there next time.
For this trip, i spent SGD55 for air tick, SGD200 to IDR, USD 60 for accom, USD110 for activities and tour. So perhaps a total of SGD500 for a 3D3N trip.
Before i forgot,
Night 1 - Took a 7+pm valueair flight to Bali (got the emergency exit row to e 2 of us!! Even more legspace than SIA lor.. Haa) Reach Bali at 10+pm, clearance at the custom was quick. Found our driver at the arrival hall, went for supper at a roadside stall and McDonalds (they call it MacD in Bali) ice cream for dessert and set off for our 1hr ride to Ubud. Got a shock when we reach Damai T-House because it was so dark and instead of beds for 4, there was only bed for 2 hence the other 2 guys have to make do with sofa padding for the first night. We had COLD shower as we do not know how to operate the heater at 1am, den aft finishing watching Bridget Jones Diary 2 on e DVD provided we went to bed.
Day 1 - Woke up at 7+8am and was treated to a view of green paddy fields. Went downstairs and soaked in the peace and silence as the others were still sleeping. They started waking up one by one and our cooking lady arrived at 8.30am to cook our breakfast in our kitchen. Our dear guide Joz arrive on time at 9am and waited for us to finish and get ready. We started our long journey to a volcano lookout with many stops along the way at temples, paddy fields view and temples. We had buffet lunch at the lookout (kena tok but no choice as that place is too tourisy) den make our way to Tanah Lot for Sunset and a seafood dinner (tok again). We reached damai at about 10pm, took turns showering while the rest watched The Education on DVD (provided by the accomo)and went to bed at think it was 11-12plus.
Day 2 - Woke up at 8am and waited for the cooking ladies to come and they arrived at 8.45am.!! We were suppose to depart for our rafting trip(USD30) at 9am. Once again, Joz was on time and have to wait for us while we TAKEOURTIME. Seriously we have no sense of urgency and really nua our way around. We finally got into the car aft 9am, drove to our rafting river and had a great time there. But the climb up at the end nearly killed me and i was whining, complaning and swearing. Cause i hate climbing stairs or going upslope. Lunch was provided(lousy) and we drove back to Damai to wash up and check out at bout 2pm. He den drove us to Kuta area for a massage(USD30 per hr) which wasnt as good as Thai massage den to dinner at a Balinese eatery for dinner. Finally, authetic Balinese food which only cost about SGD12+ for 5 of us. After which he drove us to the other accom @ Dewa Bharata. Aft checking in it was only 7plus so we went for a walk along the happening upmarket street. Bought satay, chips and beer and went back to our living room to nua the night away.
Day 3 - Woke up at 8am, went for breakfast and meet Joz at 9.15am with all our luggage. Checked out and went to Nusa Dua (Isand 2) for para sailing+glass bottom boat+snorkeling +Turtle Island(USD30). Shower at the beach, had their roasted pig for lunch, think it is their sambal chili that made the dish good else its a bit too oily for us. Drive around for some sightseeing and finally to Kuta Beach for some Cowboy sighting.
Seriously, they are everywhere. Joz told us that those cowboys are actually from Jawa and are malays instead of Balinese thou they try to pretend that they are Balinese. If the ladies are young Japs, Russians and cant remember the 3rd country normally the ladies will be their girlfriends. We saw a couple of jap girls who are actually quite pretty hence we do not understand why. Maybe they want a change in taste or more variety ba. Den those older ang mo women are normally paying customers.
The cowboys have a typical look, they are all very very tanned, with toned arms and distinctive colored hair, not shuai and mostly short. Easy to spot. Joz said they used hypnosis to attract the girls. Just one look and you are gone. And because i wasnt wearing shades, i didnt dare stare too openly. Scare ar.. But ET gets to openly look without feeling stressed.
Aft which we did a little shopping for Bintang singlets, beachwear den went for Seafood dinner at i dun noe where but i like it a lot. We were sitting on the beach with sand underneath our feet and the low lying cresent and stars above us. With live band playing around. A beautiful dinner. And the food was good too. We had a grilled red snapper, grilled tiger prawns, grilled sotong, grilled mussels, beer and rice. It wasnt cheap (SGD150 for 5pax) but the atmosphere was worth it. Joz drove us to the airport at 8.30pm, bid our farewells and hes in our fb. We arrive back in SG at 5 to 1 in the morning.
Good to be back, ready to be back. I just wonder hw long i will be able to last tis time.
2 mths more to go for the next short trip!I hope it will be as awesome as well!
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Jinx traveler..
For example, i like sunrises and sunsets, skies full of stars, beautiful weather etc.. But i'd nt been having as much as i wld want to have. Maybe i was getting greedy and wanting too much. So i must learn to have less expectation.
Pls let me have good weather for the next one wk. Im gg to Bali. May we have snorkeling and white water rafting.
I'll paint my nails red.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Until a nice old ang mo let me go first as hes waiting for his wife n kid
Friday, July 23, 2010
coffee beans @ genting
Seriously, i have no idea where my parents disppear to. They went for breakfast n didnt come back. Reckon its still to early to make a police report.
Oh.. i have a follower. Felt like a cult leader now.. heehee. Just wondering, if she follows me and i follows her, wont we be walking in circles? Haa.. lame lei..
Well, my trip is nearly coming to an end. Will be back tmr via coach. I misses darcy! Talking bout darcy, ever little thing reminds my parent of darcy. For examples, when they see a toodler making a fuss and wanting his parents to carry him, they say he's so like darcy. Or when it started to rain, they will say 'darcy 快跑,下雨了。' or when crossing the road, they will say 'darcy车来了,快跑。' or when they see cockroaches, they say 'darcy有gaga, 捉它。' Faintz! Dun think this is healthy for them..
Anyway, back to my trip. We flew to penang on sat till mon, den travel for 3hrs(approx) via coach to ipoh, stay a night there and took a coach to cameron highlands, about 2 hours. Stayed there for 2 nights then took a coach to KL central, bout 4 hours, changed coach to genting which took less than 1.5hrs. Will be staying here for 2 nights, tonight being the last night and will be coaching back to sing tmr noon.
All in all, dare say the air ticks to penang is my most expansive flight ticket for this yr. Even the one way tick cost more than my bali return or lkw return. Haa.. damn cheapo. The coaches tick other than the one frm gh to sing are all around rm10 to rm35, depending on the dist travelled and the bus quality. And the hotels are all about sgd100 per nite for 3pax, w e one at c.h being more ex at sgd120 per nite for 3. All booked online. I cant imagine taking the walk-in rates. Its ridiculous!
Right, my fingers are starting to get numb w e tapping. Shall continue when i have a keyboard.
Back to my book n latte.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Trapped in T1
We sat around for a while and finally grew smarter and make our way to check our flight at the departure screen. Our plane was not on the list!! Well done again!!
We saw our flight scheduled for 5.30pm and yet theres no indication of plane delayed or what so ever. Well done yet again!!
At around 1.30pm(our plane was suppose to zoommz into the air at 1.35pm), i received a sms (along so with the other passengers hanging around) to inform us that our plane has been postphone to 5.30pm. The sms is short and sweet. No explanation, nothing. Just that. Perfectly well done!
Too bad this is a budget airline and in one of their disclaimer, they did mention that their flights could be changed anytime they want.
Too bad its just a 4HRs delay hence no insurance claims could be made(nt tt we'd bought any).
Too bad we will reach there in time for dinner (provided there wont be any more delays!!) i/o late lunch.
Life is really WUNDERFUL when you fly JETSTAR!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Darcy turns 2..
Darcy has grown into a beautiful boy and a smart one as well. Its so hard not to smile at him when he grins at you.
Till date, i'm so glad that i've him. Cant imagine what i will have become without him to bring me back to earth. He's the one who reminds me to be humane and to forget about the evils in life.
Thank you for choosing me!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
somewhere out there..
Lets just shut e F-Up and take life as it comes.
Stop whining and start building your dreams.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
just jazz
It takes lots of concentration to "understand" what they are playing.. but at the end of e whole thing, i still was not able to "feel" their music. But at least i can say tt i quite like the jazzy voice of the vocalist except when he speaks as he tried to slur all his words together. Dun understand lar.
Tt nite, i asked myself, 'what is jazz?'
Et told me its a band of 4 instruments complementing each other.
I feel that at times its a competition of 4 ppl trying to outdo/outplay each other or trying for the 'loudest' award in their team.
Otherwise, it felt like 4 instruments flirting w each other and seeing who can have the last say tt nite.
What say you?
P.s: anyone heard of anywhere singing L-O-V-E live in a jazzy way..
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
its been a while...
It's a Cool cool nite.. those cool cool nites tt i love so much.. where the cool cool wind blew me home yet the cool cool weather tried to temp me to leaving my windows open...
How i miss thee.. e cool cool weather. Pls come n stay..
I wonder hw is it at down under.. is it frrreezing cold already?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
super tired..
Went for a 3hrs long walk w cl n darcy just now to wdls waterfront. Nothing fantastic to wow bout (e place i mean)
But my legs are aching now. Needless to say, it was a good workout!
Now, i'm hungry...
P.s. w/o my htc desire, i wont know of such bargains!
P.p.s. i was able to check for airfares using my htc once i woke up shows tt either my touchscreen typing skills has improved or i'm a damn cheapskate.
P.p.s. i really think tt some top jetstar mgmt is reading my blog or is a friend in my fb or e fengshui stuff is working..
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
up n about...
Anyway, there was a jetstar promo for direct flights to melb going at less than 300sgd return, all taxes incl, flying jan to march. The sales period was frm 3 to 5pm only. Sadly i failed to purchase e ticks cause by e time we confirm e dates, the cheap ticks had been sold out. Depressed.
Now i'd have to wait for other bargains!!
Monday, June 07, 2010
Now tt my lappy has pass on, i'm thinkg of buyg a new set, just tt i've nt decided on wat yet..
Back to work tmr. Sadly, life still goes on. But be thankful tt, when all elses fail you, u still have life. N tts e most impt thing u can have.
May your tmr be a much better day den today!
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
I used to booast that i have nothing except money.
Now, i learnt to be humble and just shut up, because,
now, i have neither money nor anything.
So, for e past 3 mths, i'd been forcing myself to save. Its little but little goes a long way and something is better than nothing thou something comes from nothing and nothing is actually not really nothing but actually something.(haa.. i'm confusing you, aren't i? tt was e plan actually.)
So, now i say, i have nothing.
No money, no love because i have no money to buy me love thou love is priceless and should not be bought.
Anyway, back to my topic of e day. I'd been FORCING myself to save by transferg e monies to another account w no atm card. Just hope that i can last till the end of yr this way.
Because, if i want to accomplish my plan, i need money.
My plan, is to roam freely.
My aim, $10k for myself, $10k for my parents.
My target date, before i turn 30.
Lets all make my wish comes true!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
wat do i really want?
Do i really want it? Do i want it this way or that? I do not know.
And since i do not know, i think the best is not for me to have it now. Till i know what i want, then will i be perfectly contented with having it.
Or shld i have it first to discover which is the way i want to own it in and slowly modified the thing to suit what i really want?
Which should be the way??
I really do not know.
How about you?
How do you feel about L-O-V-E?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
If 3 words can represent fully your emotions, dun waste time and effort trying to conjunt up beautiful flowy paragraphs that contains whatever nature or man-made objects that you can come out with.
Simply said,
'Go Fu[K yourself!'
Is more than enough.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
oh.. how i miss thee...
It had been sooooooooooooooo long since i used my credit card to pay for clothes and how i miss those days. Glad to have them back now!
(because for e past 6mths, wout even using my card, the cc bill will be already over $500 due to the packages i signed. Those days are finally over!!! muhahhaa...)
Monday, May 03, 2010
Anyway, Jetstar Bring A Friend promo is back frm today(members) to 6th May (or until sold out)!
Last i checked, BKK, travelling in Sept(fly on tues, wed) cost about sgd70 each!! YES! Including Return and taxes but on handcarry bags only. But its still dirt cheap! This is like the cheapest you can get for BKK.
Macau is sgd110 per pax!!!
Taipei obtainable at sgd200 each!!!!
Quick go!!! So exciting!!!!
Note: Travel from 21sept to mid nov or otherwise specified. I tried dates for 21st sept and there are seats!!!
Its so exciting but damn, i cant think of anywhere i wanna go and that period is not good for travelling unless i'm nt going Korea.. Shit!!! Wat a waste!
Sunday, May 02, 2010
tell me why..
I cant help but think 'what had i done to give her the impression that i NEED someone so desperately?'
Is it because of the Bintan trip next wk and the Bali trip in Aug that is resulting in these unnecessary worries?
I really am clueless. muhahhaaa....
Sunday, April 25, 2010
i dreamt..
It is a slightly modified GOR. With the twelve Apostle, but with other weird infrastructures such as a temple and a train track and other stuff.
I was looking for my friends CL and ma-de whom i somehow lost after i wonder off on my own.
Along the way, in a temple, i saw this small little black kitten that looks like CJ7 and it was crying like how a cartoon cat will cry and telling me on why it was sobbing. (Yes it can talke and i understand what its saying) After sometime, it stop and disappear.
I walked on and saw a exbf and his gf, he saw me and asked if i was alright and to let him know if theres anything he can help as the rest had place the burden of my wellbeing on him. I looked at him and didnt say anything and walked away.
I sat down, with two of the Apostle right in front of me when suddenly one suddenly broke and fall and the impact cause it to break into half again. It was a clean break with no dust or peddles flying around. Just like that. People around me didnt even relised what had happened and all i could say was 'OMG!'
Then the sun began to set. The sunray started turning more orangey and then reddish. It was gorgerous. Sunsets at GOR are always a pretty sight.
Soon, it became dark and i went into a buiding, supposely their foodcourt, and somehow i know where CL and moo moo were. I walked, make some turns and there they are sitting there waiting for me, saying the words i knew they would be saying, 'Where had you been?'
And my journey ended.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
be careful of wat u wish for..
n today i found out tt jetstar WILL be flying frm SG to Osaka starting in July. shit.. i bet some jetstar top management personal is reading my blog!!!!
hey, why dun you make me a major shareholder as well!!
i guess.. thats asking for a bit too much.. but a girl can always hope, cant i? ;P
The trip to Melacca last month was a very eventful getaway. I got to stay in a wonderful hotel with a superb bed at an expense of less than 50sgd a nite which is completely worth it and bought a supergooddeal+amazingbargain queen size Azumi 510threadcount bedsheet+quilt set at only sgd100!!!! It was selling at 70% off, meaning its original price is almost 300sgd++!! That is a super dupper good purchase!!!
Today, finally, i changed my bedsheets, use my newly bought IKEA quilt(dun ask me why am i using quilt in sg. because i myself do not know how to ans. because i need both the fan and the aircon to fall asleep. else it will be either too humid or hot if either 1 is missing. i know.. talk about saving the earth.. i sucks!)and also bought in melacca 16holes polyester fibre booster.
Tonight, i hope that i can catch up on my sleep as well as have a peaceful and dreamless night.
If only, i have the sink-in-mattress-quilt as well. Wonder WHO will get it for me?? WHO will be so nice?? Think only the WHO will know what i'm talking about!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Melb, will i be seeing u soon?
SIA: ONE to travel, between April to May, total cost $888. Which is considerable cheap for SIA. But not the cheapest so far. Also, even if i travel in may, where will i sleep??? Dun think my fav-ex-hsemate will welcome me very much!! Also, i wanna go snowcapped mountains!! May where got snow???? Argg!!! I need even better promotions!!!
Emirates is still going at 1.4k+ for the period i'm looking at lor... Super sianz!
MIA is going at 1k but need to transit in KL, which is like duh.... (For those who dun noe where melb is, its down under, futher down South from Indonesia, whereas KL is north of Sing. So it will be like flying up, stop, flying back down, past Sing and down much more to finally Melb)
Thai Air is about 1.1k and transit is in BKK which i totally dun mind as long as there is sufficent time for me to pop by Plantinum Mall. hahaha.. talk bout double standard..
During the wkend trip in Melacca, CL brought a book along 'Move your stuff, change your life' (or something like tt). Its actually about fengshui and its realistically simple to follow. So after picking up some tips from the book for the areas i deem more in need of improvement, i came back home and make some minor adjustment to my room.
SO, i put money in my fortune and wealth corner but i'm still feeling poor and stingy.
Also, i paste some of picts of melb in my travel corner but how come the promotions are not here yet???!! Maybe i need more picts!
Argg!! Save me before i go crazy!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
went off to orchard while waitg for someone to peel her potatoes, bought a much needed cup of macha white chocolate frapp(which cost $9) and went to my fav shop, Cold Storage.
The Cold storage at taka remind my of WOW AU, my Brunswick safeway. Just tt, its bigger, less crowded and a stone throw from home.
Anyway, i was at the veggie section, browsing thru the variety of salad mix they have, the fresh tomatoes and mushrooms, freshly squeezed(they state) juices and imagined myself back in melb. And suddenly, in my dark, gloomy, depressed state of mind, i recall some words a brilliant guy once said to me.
'Genius are often misunderstood.'
So, Yanting, Just hang in there, it can't get any worst than this.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
1. restless
2. happy and in love
3. sad, depress and sick of life
today, i bake because of the 3rd reason. I'm sick of work honestly. I guess its time to make some changes.
Its time when you feel that your fellow colleagues do not understand you and do not help you enough.
Its time when every single minute when you are working, you asked yourself what is it that you want in life.
Its time when suddenly you were told that you are being rude, fierce, bad tempered, unfriendly and all sort of unpleasent things when you didnt even realise them.
Its time when you realise that you do not care how the others think about you as long as you get your work done everyday.
Since its time now, all i need to do is to find my resume and start updating it.
Its Time to move on!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
here, there, nowhere.
e last wkend of Feburary, i was in Bangkok
e last wkend of March, i was in Melacca
e last wkend of April, where wld i be??
Monday, April 05, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010
things i learnt today..
and there are no penguins in the north pole.
Yangon is actually in Myanmar nt China (dun ask me where why i think that Yangon is in China).
And i learnt all these while discussing travelling topics.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
mobile n i..
i'd tried not bringing my phone out...
i'd tried bringing a phone tt auto shut down every now n den
but i'd nv tried bringg a fully charged phone yet being not able to make a call because the line got suspended due to 3mths worth of overdue charges..
nt until today.
i guess i'll nv be able to understand hw come some ppl rather forget to bring their wallets den their phone.
i guess i'll always be the minorities who feel tt its alright not having a phone.
But i think my dad dun feel the same way. He said, 'I'd nv been so embarrassed in my life! I'd nv forgotten a electric bill, water bill, phone bill watever bill. Yet today, i cant even make a call out because you didnt pay your bill!' All i could do was to laugh it off.
Guess my salary is not sufficient to pay for my phone bill.
Guess i was just trying my luck or testing M1 limit. Now i know, the limit is 3 mths, numerous red letters and several sms reminder.
Guess it wasnt my lucky day today. Because out of all days, today where my line got suspended, i was asked to send a sms by a stranger and all i could say was
'you want me to send now?'
stranger nodded
'i cant. my phone is not working'
stranger eyed my phone and gave me a puzzled look.
'i cant because i nv pay my bill so they cut off my line'
stranger decided to ignore me.
And i felt like a complete idiot.
DEN the friend who KNEW called immediately aft work.
Me: 'u miss me ar?'
she: 'no. i just call to laugh at you'
me: -_-!!!
NICE. Thats what friends are all about.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
i'm gettin bored in here.. where can i go next???
Proudly, so far, my air ticks for tis yr are all below SGD100. That is for Langkawi, BKK and Bali.
Sadly, now, cheap air ticks in my definition is Below SGD100, for RETURN.
I've a feeling that i wont be flying as frequent as i wld like to. Meaning that i will most likely be coaching or ferrying to nearby getaways like Malaysia, Bintan or Batam, which is fine with me.
Just that i'm hoping that Jetstar and Tiger can come up with more routes because.. where budget goes, i go.
I just found out tt Jetstar flies to Japan frm Aust. Will they fly from Sing to Japan someday since we are the midpoint btw those 2? Sigh..
Darcy came back today aft a wk away at ET+hsemates. It's the first time he's nt at home when i am. The hse seems quieter, cleaner and more lifeless. I shld say tt i was fortunate to fall sick since he got away as the flu medicine and cough syrup numb my senses and brought me to a floating dimension. I spent my first 2 days without him sleeping.
It feels weird not having to fight for my blanket as well as my bed space. I can sleep in whatever positions i like and roll all over the place without worrying of squashing him. I can wake up at whatever time i like because he wasnt there to bark at me at 8am to open the door for him to go in and out. I can spend my whole day watching drama online without wondering if he's bored and in need of some entertainment. Suddenly i feel that i have more time to spend and soon i was thinking of getting another tuition assignment or two. Think bout the extra income i can get.. ($_$)
Despite having more time, bedspace, drama watched, i'm still glad that he's finally back. All i can say is, it has been a long long week.
When i left darcy there last sun, i was hoping tt they wld call me up the following day to pick him up and bring him home as he had been a terror. But sadly, the feedback i gotten were..
'Hes a very well trained dog..' frm ET's hsemate
'Hes an angel''Its an eye opener, i cant belive he can be so docile' frm ET
'Hes so teh..' frm another hsemate.
Thru out his 1 wk stay there, he didnt bite them like he did me, he didnt bark except when he gt lock in the toilet(just for fun they said) so he barked once to get their attention, he sit when told to and simply said, he acted the role of an angel pretty damn well.
They, ET and the hsemates are now looking for a sheltie to call their own.
I just hope theirs wont be suffering from spilt personalities like mine. =D
Sunday, March 07, 2010
i'll try real hard..
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Back n feelg lost..
The past few days had been maddness. Oh, how i love THE MADDNESS. The shop and shop and shop and shop till you drop and you still dream of shopping kinda maddness. I remembered the last night at Suan Lum Nite Bazaar, after a relaxing foot massage and a super heavy dinner of Peking duck+pig trotters+braised pork with man tou+duck soup and duck toa gae, after shopping for an hour or two where i'd just covered a quarter of the nite bazaar, i could barely keep my eyes open. Yet i push myself to go on only to succumb to the temptation of the beer garden. Sadly, when we reach the Chang counters, pasted on the taps were printouts that read ' We do not sale alcohol'. Trust me, i almost fainted on the spot. Our faces were like this => (-_-!!!)
Anyway, here we goes again...
Night 1 - Thursday - 6pm
We (e 4 budgeters or budget airliners) met at Changi Airport Terminal 1 to check in, each with a hand carry ONLY. Nothing more nothing less. Just a handcarry each to bring on board. We checked in, wait for our flight and flew into the skies at 7plus, reaching BKK at 8plus Thai time(1hr behind Sing). We were WARMLY welcome like VIPs at the airport by the 2 who reached earlier as they caught the flight that served food and drinks. Anyway, to cut the story short, we took a maxi cab to our boutique hotel, checked in, went to our rooms, changed to more comfortable clothing for the rest and off to the street to search for food.
We settled our roadside cravings with banana pratas, sotong, grilled chicken (which make me recall of a funny tale. We were walking and we saw this man pushing a cart of bbq chicken coming our way and past us. Being us, we immediately u-turn and follow behind him till he stop. He was unaware of our presence until another store owner signal to him of the 2 hungry ghosts who cant stop eyeing his chicken.)
After which we walked on and as it gets later, it became harder to find dinner (note: it was almost 11pm). We finally decided on the chicken rice which is yummy enough to fill our stomach and wait for breakfast. We went back after dinner as most places are closed. Bathed and sleep.
Day 1 Night 2 - Friday
We woke up and had streetside breakfast delivered to our room. Where can you find this kinda service?? Only when you travelled with bentan when his sis is around. Then you may leap in the benefits.. muhahah..
At 10ish, we proceed to BKK aka Platinum mall. We shopped till 4plus and went for lunch at A&W den back to shop somemore till 6plus where the reason we stopped is because our cash is low!! I brought 5k baht which is about sgd200++ out tt day and i almost finish them all. Luckily i didnt bring out everything else i dun think my extra 150sgd will be able to last me for the next 3 days.
We went back to the hotel, rest our feet for a while and went out again to Central Mall (i think this wat its called) for Naraya. Its crazy inside. It seems like theres some massive sale around but THERES NOT. Everyone is busy grabbing stuff like free one. I think this shop had become a tour highlight for the China tourist. Goodness. I upon walking into this shop, saw the maddness walked one round and decided to stay put at the entrance and wait for a seat. I got one, sat and waited for the khakis to do their shopping, pay and go for dinner. We intended to go for Peking duck but we reach there at about 10pm and they are closed for the day so we went to another Thai restaurant which we went the previous time. We were the last customers and some of the stuff we ordered are already sold out. So we have to replace another order which is also sold out. ANd to replace with another item which luckily they have. Anyway, after a fulfilling dinner of pad thai, tom yum kum, pandan chicken and steam otah, we cab back to our hotel, bath and went to bed.
Day 2 Night 3 - Saturday
We went to Chatuchak market early after another round of 'room service' and spend the whole day there till around 4pm. It was a hot hot hot hot day. I reckon it will be a smarter choice to go bkk during dec as its way cooler. Anyway, i didnt buy a lot that day while the others did. The buddy n i bought mostly accessories and a quaking chicken for darcy. We cab back, took a shower, went for fish spa (i promise myself tt i will not try it again!) at the hotel lobby, den went to meet yl's thai friend for dinner at a sister branch of S&P restaurant. Think its near Siam Square or something. The area is rather cool and high end i would think and is worth a visit (e next time i go). (Note: Hard Rock cafe is there.) Aft dinner, we went to a temple and went back to hotel to shower and sleep.
Day 3 Night 4 - Sunday
Today, we became tourists instead of shoppers. We went to take a river cruise!! How fun!! But apparently not. No particular reasons for why not, just tt i felt kinda cheated to have to pay 500baht (appro $20+) to go up and down the river.
We stop at the grand Palace and decided to forgo the visit and went to Chinatown for Birdnest (500baht). But this, is WORTH it. Haha...
We walked around, den went back for a shower den went for foot massage which was nice enough. Not as painful as i thought it will be. Went back to our hotel, catch a shutter bus to the train station and went for my Peking Duck. Again, we had a room to ourselves which is a fortunate event as i dun noe how i will feel to have my fellow diners talking about P-holes and S-holes infront of other diners. After which we to to Suan Lum Nite Bazaar and back to our hotel to sleep the nite away.
Day 4 Night 5 - Monday
We (e 4 who had not have enough shopping) woke up early and went back to Platimum Mall for some last minute shopping. Till about 1pm where we went back to check out of our rooms. We kept the luggage with the adorable bellboys which capture the buddy's heart so much tt the buddy didnt want to come back and started blaming us on why didnt we remind her to take a photo with them. Thats how adorable they are. Anyway, we went for a Thai Massage while the other ladies went for a pedicure/manicure. The massage was not as scarry as i thought but in the future, i think its best to request for a female massaue.
After tt, we had Swensons, went back to pick up our luggage and took a cab to the airport (700baht). Waited for our flight and reach singapore at 2am. I was dead tired when i board the plane and for once, i slept once i got on the plane, woke up a few times now and then and went back to sleep till we almost landed. Not once did i talk to shu yan or maybe i didnt remember speaking to her. But i was so damn tired by then.
Reached home, a super warm welcome by Darcy the Jumping Jack, showed Darcy the quaking chicken which he didnt like very much, took a shower, dry my hair and sleep all the way till the next noon.
It was a nice trip and which i'd been telling my colleagues, i'd bought enough wkend clothings to last me for the next 2 yrs. By then, i will be back again. To buy my next 2 yr worth of wkend clothings. =D
Anyway, no picts because theres nothing tt i took except 2 picts which is pretty entertaining and i shall post it another day.
To: You shld know who u are
I saw this Pink (sadly nt red) T-shirt with a 4 leaf clover on it and words that read 'I rather be lucky than good' (its so u right?!!)which i bought with the intention of mailing to you. Only to lose it. Dun ask me how. Somehow it was misplaced and i cldnt find it for the next 2 night. I'm so disappointed but i still want to let you know that you ALMOST have a t-shirt like tt! heee....
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Missg my Sydney Road aptm n WOW AU
Since i wake up early and have the whole place to myself(& darcy e shadow) w no nice early morning shows, the only thing i feel like doing is to cook a big hearty breakfast. That is eggs, sausages, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes kind. But its hard to do so in sing. Because the kitchen is not MINE!!
Our kitchen has everything i'm sure, just that 20% of the things i need, i do not know where they are placed. Another 40% of the food tt i need are spoilt or expired and very possibly with mould growing.This can be verify by Mr Peng who had, over the years, grew to be smarter and will check the expiry date of everything he used and then take a sniff to double confirm that they are alrite. THIS, is my hse in Sing.
Whereas, on the otherhand, in Melb, in my little Sydney Road 2bedroom apartment with Safeway just behind, literally JUST behind where i can just 'lup' a jacket over and go for grocerries instead of changing to appropriate clothes and walking to the nearby over crowded market and snatching with others for the freshest food available.
Yah, back there i waltz into Safeway and shop in a peaceful enviroment with no sweat achieved.
If i feel like having pancakes, i buy buttermilk and some strawberries,
if i feel like making eggs florentine, i buy some baby spinach and muffins,
if i feel like baking i can buy all the flour and sugar and butter i need,
and if i feel like making toast, i just buy bread and whatever fillings i feel like.
Here, the nearest supermarket that will offer buttermilk, fresh baby spinach and the other more 'rare' stuff will be up the little hilly at Woodgrove's NTUC and its not everytime they will have it and not forgetting the queues and the sweat achieved.
Lastly, not forgetting the cleaning up part, in my little Sydney Road Aptm's kitchen which is small but well equiped, its also neat and tidy where things are properly stored away after used and everything has a place of its own. Not forgetting that the place is bright and airy. Here, the kitchen is so messed up that i just leave it there and let my mum do the putting away part because trust me, i'm not lazy, its just tt when the things are finally dry they are just not where i'd left them at. And honestly, i just dont know where to start.
Argg.. On days like this, i really miss my Sydney Road Apartment and WOW AU.
BUT, BUT, BUT, what i have here and not there are khakis to have pratas, macs big breakfast, kaya toast etc etc.
There i only have ET(when she's nt busying phoning home) who will indulge w me once in w while for some eggs florentine and ice coffee in somebody's garden, ultra thick hot chocolates and pastries by the street and not forgetting the bratwurst w sauerkraut as well as the sugary spainish donuts in vict mkt.
Sigh.. Those were the days!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A quote tt i can fully relates to..
- Celia Brayfield
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The fifth hundred entry - Langkawi
Loved it!!!
The trip was good. A luxury trip i wld say. We spent a total of 440sgd+200usd+1000rm+600baht.
Our airticks which were booked last oct cost sgd70 each. Flight took 1.5hrs including boarding time. The actual flight time only took 1hr or so. Upon reaching lgw, we took a cab(rm20) to our resort which is about 20-30mins away.
Our deluxe room @ Holiday villa cost 350rm per nite, no breakfast included. Poolview. Ground floor. The service was alright and the plus side is its filled w angmos. Thru out the stay there i didnt see a lot of singaporeans or chinese which is so good. I cld easily imagine myself to be on an Caribbean island.
Day 2
We rented a car for 100rm and drove around lkw. My 4th country tt i drove in.
took the cable car(rm30 each),
We took a day trip to the nearby Koh Lepe (The Maldives of Thailand) which is an hr away frm lkw via speedboat. The return journey cost rm280 each. This only covers the speedboat ride, on the island its own time own target own expenses.
I saw a lot of clown fish, parrot fish, big colourful clams, a lion fish, many sea cucumbers and other fishes. Not much live corals here due to the boat activities, but there are shops there that offers 2 type of snorkeling trips to the nearby reefs at 550 and 650baht that last for a day, departing at 9.30am, coming back at 4.30pm. Hence if you want to do both trips, its recommended that you spend 4d3n here.
Day 4
We slept till we had enough and went for breakfast(30rm) at the Catus restaurant just outside our resort. They served American bkf, British bkf, Malaysia bkf, International bkf, pancakes and such. It has a very sit back and relax feeling for me, no air-con, wooden tables, mismatch chairs, large bright dinning plates and most importantly, freshly squeezed orange juice!! yumm..
Aft bkf, i decided to give it a go at sun tanning. Thru out the whole trip we were trying to avoid e sun as much as possible but tt day i decided to 'TRY' sun tanning to understand why the ang mos enjoy it so much. At the poolside of course.
I changed to my one piece swimming costume, slap on as much sunblock my body can take, took my book, a bottle of water and the large pool side towel and 'chop' a partial shaded lounge for myself. I went for a dip den went back to read my book. Feeling my body turning warm then dry then hot is actually quite an enjoyable feeling. When i felt myself beginning to sweat, i went for another dip to cool off. Due to time constraint, i head back to our room, shower, pack and then check out at 1pm.
We slowly walked out of the resort to find a place for late lunch and after a 30mins walk we ended up at this simple and nice place(which i cant remember its name).
I had a mexican pancake which i like very much, she had a curry chicken which is nt too bad either.
And before i knew it, i'm back in SG. One more mth to go before my next getaway. How will that be then?
Tip: To avoid unnecessary conversation with strangers, just smile and pretend you do not know english and they will just assume that you are from China..