Tuesday, June 01, 2010


After working for close to 3 yrs, and still not having any substaintial savings. I know this cannot go on anymore.

I used to booast that i have nothing except money.

Now, i learnt to be humble and just shut up, because,

now, i have neither money nor anything.

So, for e past 3 mths, i'd been forcing myself to save. Its little but little goes a long way and something is better than nothing thou something comes from nothing and nothing is actually not really nothing but actually something.(haa.. i'm confusing you, aren't i? tt was e plan actually.)

So, now i say, i have nothing.

No money, no love because i have no money to buy me love thou love is priceless and should not be bought.

Anyway, back to my topic of e day. I'd been FORCING myself to save by transferg e monies to another account w no atm card. Just hope that i can last till the end of yr this way.

Because, if i want to accomplish my plan, i need money.

My plan, is to roam freely.
My aim, $10k for myself, $10k for my parents.
My target date, before i turn 30.

Lets all make my wish comes true!!

1 comment:

evie said...

can 10k for me too not?