Thursday, December 16, 2010

wat all potential world travellers need

N nt forgetting THE pair of Timberland shoes
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


Eagle Ivan said...

3000 jigsaw puzzle?! =O
Let me know how long u took when u finished it ok? =)
Den would it be SUPER big? Where u intend to hang?
And did u post the wrong photo? I dun see the Timberland shoes? =P

Ting said...

Sure. I started on monday n so far quite slow progress. The black board on e floor is for my jigsaw but nt tt big lar.

Dun know hang where yet. Maybe will put in my travel corner. Haha..

Eagle Ivan said...

It comes with the black board? That's BIG! OMG!

Ting said...

No lar.. I bought 4 cardboard n paste them together. Yanxin's completing hers soon. U can check out hers.

Eagle Ivan said...

Both of u went to buy tgt?
Yah, I saw her FB. =D

evie said...

wa! she finishing 3000pieces so soon!?!?haha and that's how u stop darcy from trying to help you do the jigsaw puzzle huh

Ting said...

Ivan, she bought hers a couple of wks earlier. To date, id just finish the frame n the 4 corners. I've a lot lot more to go..

Evie, so smart! But noe I've a makeshift table n darcy will sometimes sleep under the high table.. so sweet!