last nite, i was at Great Ocean Road. It was a bright and sunny summer afternoon. (i'd nv been to GOR in summer! Went twice in Winter thou.)
It is a slightly modified GOR. With the twelve Apostle, but with other weird infrastructures such as a temple and a train track and other stuff.
I was looking for my friends CL and ma-de whom i somehow lost after i wonder off on my own.
Along the way, in a temple, i saw this small little black kitten that looks like CJ7 and it was crying like how a cartoon cat will cry and telling me on why it was sobbing. (Yes it can talke and i understand what its saying) After sometime, it stop and disappear.
I walked on and saw a exbf and his gf, he saw me and asked if i was alright and to let him know if theres anything he can help as the rest had place the burden of my wellbeing on him. I looked at him and didnt say anything and walked away.
I sat down, with two of the Apostle right in front of me when suddenly one suddenly broke and fall and the impact cause it to break into half again. It was a clean break with no dust or peddles flying around. Just like that. People around me didnt even relised what had happened and all i could say was 'OMG!'
Then the sun began to set. The sunray started turning more orangey and then reddish. It was gorgerous. Sunsets at GOR are always a pretty sight.
Soon, it became dark and i went into a buiding, supposely their foodcourt, and somehow i know where CL and moo moo were. I walked, make some turns and there they are sitting there waiting for me, saying the words i knew they would be saying, 'Where had you been?'
And my journey ended.
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